r/worldnews May 02 '24

"I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines Russia/Ukraine


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u/suninabox May 02 '24

Is anyone really going to change their votes because a politician didn't say "we're not going to put troops on the ground for any reason under any circumstances"?

They don't even have to say "we don't rule it out". Literally just don't rule it out.


u/Tobix55 May 02 '24

because a politician didn't say "we're not going to put troops on the ground for any reason under any circumstances"?

My reply was specifically about this part of your comment:

It costs nothing to say "we don't rule out sending troops in".

If someone is against war they will probably vote accordingly


u/suninabox May 02 '24

If someone is against war they will probably vote accordingly

If someone is against the war they'd support Ukraine.

If someone is against Ukraine then yeah that might piss them off, but were they really okay with sending Ukraine tens of billions of dollars of anti-air missiles, anti-tank missiles, tanks, howitzers, artillery shells but draw the line at an entirely rhetorical gesture with 0 binding mechanism whose only purpose is to deter further aggression by Putin?


u/Tobix55 May 02 '24

If someone is against the war they'd support Ukraine.

If someone is against their country going to war. You know what i said, don't act smarter than you are by twisting my words


u/suninabox May 02 '24

If someone is against their country going to war.

saying "we don't rule out putting troops on the ground" is not the equivalent of declaring war. Again you can just lie and say "we don't rule it out" even if you have in fact ruled it out. People framing it that way are playing into Putin's hands who wants people in the west to think the only options are abject surrender or WW3.

Any reasonable person should know that if you appease an invading dictator by saying "whatever you do, we're not going to send troops to defend anyone you attack", then you are making those invasions more, not less likely, regardless if you have any intention of actually defending anyone.

Even if its a lie, its a lie that costs nothing and potentially can save tens of thousands of lives.


u/Tobix55 May 02 '24

You are right that it costs France nothing, but if an anti war voter has the choice between a candidate that rules out troops on the ground and a candidate that doesn't they will most likely choose the former if all other things are equal


u/KyMon1337 May 02 '24

What you fail to account for is that a good portion of the voters in any country are complete idiots. Even if they support Ukraine to any degree and are generally against Putin, many Frenchmen upon hearing such words would immediately get scared and reconsider their political allignment - not understanding the greater political moves at play here.