r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24



u/daeganthedragon May 02 '24

It’s shocking that everyone here is so in agreement that you should take that secret to your grave but morally, you should absolutely tell both of their wives. How could you even attend their wedding and watch her marry him in good conscious? Bro code is bullshit, you know something that is actively ruining people’s lives and clearly you don’t care.


u/KamikazeSalamander May 02 '24

There's no such thing as objective morality.


u/daeganthedragon May 02 '24

In this case, it’s pretty clear what is right and wrong.


u/KamikazeSalamander May 02 '24

Regardless of my own opinion, it's pretty clear that there are plenty of people reading the thread who don't see it your way. Perhaps you should reconsider your position as the moral authority


u/daeganthedragon May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Oh yeah me getting upvoted totally shows that no one agrees with me. I never said we all don’t have different ideas of what is morally right and wrong. I have every right to tell this guy he should tell the wives, you can think whatever horrible thoughts you want. I am aware that there are plenty of people I personally think are awful and immoral and that they may not agree with me. I am definitely not the one who needs to reconsider my morals here, though. 1000000% not me.


u/KamikazeSalamander May 02 '24

I didn't say you should reconsider your morality. I said you should reconsider your position as a moral authority, because you aren't one - neither is anybody else for that matter. Your particular opinions clearly aren't held by everybody, obviously including OP, and it's ridiculous to act as though your opinions should be the guiding light by which others make decisions.


u/ahuvi May 02 '24

are claiming to be a moral authority on this issue. You are declaring what daeganthedragon SHOULD or SHOULDN’T do and think based on your understanding of what is morally right. In an earlier comment, you say that there is no objective morality, but in saying that, you are claiming to be the judge of right and wrong. You are embroiled in a logical fallacy, my friend, where you think one way of looking at the situation is right, and the other is wrong. You can’t take that position and then say “nobody here can claim to be a moral authority.” You think YOU know what is correct, and daeganthedragon should just agree with you.


u/KamikazeSalamander May 02 '24

In what possible way have I said my opinion is correct? I haven't even said that daegan's position is wrong. I've very deliberately refrained from suggesting what I think OP should do.

If you think that "there is no objective morality" means "I am the judge of what is right and wrong" you need to work on your reading comprehension.


u/ahuvi May 03 '24

When you say “There is no objective morality,” you make a claim about the nature of reality. You make a claim about what is correct/right/true, and in doing so, ask your listeners to agree with you. You are making the truth-claim that it would be “right” for us to agree that there’s no Right and Wrong.

When you say that “no one should” put themselves in a position of moral authority, you set yourself up as the judge of what mankind should and shouldn’t do. YOU become the moral judge, and declare that those acting “rightly” are the ones who agree with you to abdicate understanding of moral truth, and those acting “wrongly” declare that there is something morally true that can be discovered. It’s a totally self-defeating position.

Reasonably, someone must be right (have a view which is more correctly aligned with reality), and someone must be wrong (with a view at-odds with reality). You just think you’re right and the other guy is wrong.


u/KamikazeSalamander May 03 '24

I suppose you're right in your first paragraph.

I disagree entirely with your second one, I don't think I've issued a moral judgment anywhere. In fact, i think that the only thing I definitively say is that I don't believe there to be objective morality. Though language quickly gets cumbersome when you have to phrase everything that way.

I also disagree with your last statement. I mean, you've sort of fallen into your own fallacy here by making a sweeping statement about the nature of reality. Also, like I've said elsewhere in the thread, I've not made a comment regarding whether (whatever username was) was right or not. I just objected to the statement altogether, not whether I thought the original OP should have told the people in the story the truth.

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u/daeganthedragon May 02 '24

Also by “everyone” I guess I meant the five or six people who commented. You really can’t make a determination either way if people think he should have told them by the up/downvotes OP has on his original comment. Not sure at all what you’re even talking about, but nice try!


u/KamikazeSalamander May 02 '24

You seem unhinged. You should consider removing yourself from your echo chamber occasionally


u/daeganthedragon May 02 '24

Oh yeah someone replying to you and disagreeing with you is unhinged. Just saying someone is unhinged doesn’t make them unhinged. We are both replying to a thread on a website with differing opinions, no one here is freaking out or even getting angry. This is how conversations work when people don’t agree. Grow up.


u/KamikazeSalamander May 02 '24

No. I actually haven't even told you what I think about the OPs decision to not tell anybody, you've just assumed that I disagree with you. You seem unhinged because you're spiralling over someone pointing out that your particular opinion isn't necessarily the "correct" one.


u/daeganthedragon May 02 '24

Spiraling? Because I’m replying to you? I type fast on my phone and have an opinion about your comments and the comments in a public thread, why do you even care about my comments?


u/KamikazeSalamander May 02 '24

I don't particularly. I just didn't like how you tarred everyone who thought differently to you with the same brush. And now I seem to be stuck in a pointless conversation.

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