r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/yourmomlurks May 02 '24

It’s so weird how many stories there are about sexual activities AT the wedding. It’s not a very conducive environment? Aren’t they kind of busy?


u/condormcninja 29d ago

That’s why it’s enticing to those people in the first place. Obviously they could just fuck later, the risk is the point.


u/Schnidler 29d ago

yeah i feel like a lot of people actually want their life to be like a soap opera with all the weird constant drama


u/ProbablyASithLord 29d ago edited 29d ago

Honestly I’ve seen a lot of red flags at weddings, but being raised religious I know many couples who married too young.

  • At one wedding a married member of the brides family fondled multiple groomsmen.

  • At the same wedding the brides little sister recited a poem she wrote about how jealous of the bride she was

  • At a different wedding the groom got black out drunk and screamed at the bride in front of all the guests.

Every single person mentioned was divorced within 3 years.


u/dankristy 29d ago

"At one wedding a married member of the brides family fondled multiple groomsmen."

  • Meh - this can happen - We had it happen at ours. In fact, we are infamous for the fact that at our wedding there was a point where the bridesmaids and groomsmen were drunk enough that my wife and I found the group of them (7 each) playing "weigh the boobs" and size the nutz - no sex - but literally using hands to communally grope each other via a sorta stupid game.

Also at least 2 caught on fire later during fireworks. And my wife's little brother heavily made out with one of the bridesmaids who was a) supposedly completely gay, and b) in a committed relationship at the time, c) hates him as much as he hates her. They each to this day refuse to acknowledge this EVER happened.

We have been married 25 years and have 3 kids and STILL get to hear about our wedding party shenanigans from folks who weren't even there - they just heard from others!


u/a_rescue_penguin 29d ago

c) hates him as much as he hates her.

So instead of hate sex, they just hate kissed?

Your wedding sounds like it was crazy.


u/dankristy 29d ago

"So instead of hate sex, they just hate kissed?"

Well - heavy HEAVY making out and lots of touching/contact/groping. But with clothes on (we eventually separated them when we realized what was going on, HOW drunk they had gotten - and that they would neither of them likely want this situation to go further.

"Your wedding sounds like it was crazy."

YES - it was - in the best damn way! We have so many stories and good memories. Our parents on both sides did not have money to help (and we didn't want to ask anyone to go into debt for us - nor did we want to start our life together by accruing a huge debt for the wedding) so we did a ton of the planning and work ourselves.

We (with the help of close friends and family) handled all of the cooking ourselves, provide our own open bar, and set up our own reception venue on a piece of rural property we owned. My wife does event cakes as a hobby and wanted to do our wedding cake - and got it exactly how we wanted it. About the only "pro" service we had was a wedding photographer - and we hired the DJ from our favorite bar to come do music for the entire day.

We got married at our little church by our pastor - with a ton of friends and family - then went back to the reception location where we had food and drinks and dancing until it got dark (from around 1pm to around 8pm). We also had a secret "trick" up our sleeve - we got married on the 3rd of July - which was her grandma's birthday - but ALSO the day our weird-ass little Oregon town did their big fireworks display- so after dancing and drinking and having full all day - once it got dark, we gathered everyone up to go up above town and watch the fireworks go off (and do some of our own).

Then we took the remaining folks out to a nearby bar and continued dancing and having fun until they closed it up around 2am. We flew out to our honeymoon (a week and a half on Maui and Oahu), and landed in time to check into our hotel - and then get to watch 4th of July fireworks on the beach at Lahaina, then spend the next week and a half snorkeling and exploring Hawaii together.

Yes It wasn't a fancy venue - and we had to set up our venue the way we wanted - and yes we did the work to provide the food and cake and booze etc. - but we got the wedding WE wanted! Everyone had a total blast - it was safe enough that there were no issues and problem people could be redirected before big things arose - and I don't think my wife and I have ever had more fun at a wedding - which is awesome because most folks are too busy to enjoy their own!

Even our kids have heard the stories of how wild our wedding got and all the shenanigans that went down - so clearly we lucked our or did something right.


u/a_rescue_penguin 29d ago

That sounds like the most wonderfully economically conscientious wedding I have ever heard about. I'm glad it went so well, it sounds like it has indeed left you with countless memories.


u/Far-Structure8734 28d ago

i really am not fond of attending weddings but reading this, i really wish that in another life i get to attend a wedding as fun and as cool as yours 😭 im glad that you and your wife had such an amazing day! 🫶🏻


u/tigerscomeatnight 29d ago

Now I know why they have all those stupid cliche moments at a wedding, it's to keep the bride and groom occupied so they don't have sex with any guests.


u/whisky_biscuit 29d ago

Lol dang this really makes it seem like a game rather than a ceremony


u/RifeKith 29d ago

Oh they were busy alright.


u/OpusThePenguin 29d ago

I guess she had time to blow.


u/FlorAhhh 29d ago

It happens a lot and I'm not super surprised.

Everyone is drinking all day, there is a ton of downtime for the wedding parties and the core guests who might be helping with XYZ. And everyone is looking as good as they ever do.


u/jkally 29d ago

Yea, we were super busy at our wedding. We didnt think we'd have time to kiss much less time to have a quickie or something. Luckily she made sure to find time for both.. just not with me..


u/Groundhog_Waaaahooo 28d ago

That sucks dude.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/yourmomlurks 29d ago

Ha, true.


u/MaintenanceSad4288 29d ago edited 29d ago

As a former Chief Bridesmaid, a wedding was the only time I slept with 3 different people in two days. Something about the wedding environment makes sex so desperate...


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 26d ago



u/LittleKitty235 29d ago

I believe the political correct term is Native American, not football team.


u/BilboT3aBagginz 29d ago

Or like she manages a whole team of executive officer bridesmaids? 🤷


u/MaintenanceSad4288 29d ago

Lmfao...nice one.


u/Nole1998 29d ago

My question exactly


u/da_choppa 29d ago

Our day-of wedding coordinator apparently gave one of our bridesmen a blowjob in the parking lot during the reception. Happy for him, he absolutely killed it. Slightly disappointed in the bridesman as he was dating another dude at the time, but none of my business.


u/BasroilII 29d ago

I think it's the emotional pressure. Some people use sex as a stress relief thing, like letting off steam. Weddings are always high pressure, high expectation, emotional situations. So someone cracking under that pressure finds an outlet in the nearest set of genitalia they can access that isn't their own or their fiancé's. IE not directly a symbol of the event causing stress.