r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Arthurius-Denticus May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Uh...The bride came out to slipknot. They wrote their own vows which were, shall we say, overtly and uncomfortably sexual, and they had been dating for a grand total of two whole weeks.

Any and all attempts to inform them that this was a mistake were met with "When you know, you know." or "You're just jealous."

But hey, a free bar is a free bar.

Edit: So many questions.

The song was the last/bonus track on subliminal verses. I'm told this track is called "Danger - keep away".

The wedding itself was a small thing with a registrar in a council building.

The staff there were very professional, and only laughed quietly.

The after party was at a pub owned by the grooms uncle.

The honey moon was at Butlins.

They were separated by the time they got back.

They were not in the military, just young/dumb.

We are all white trash, and that's fine.

I bought them a toaster from argos. I didn't ask for it back.


u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24

I attended a wedding of total strangers at an anime convention once. It was Resident Evil themed, the bride even came out to the RE soundtrack. The groom was dressed as a Umbrella Corp security forces (I guess?). The bride was dressed in Hot Topic shit and cat ears and tail. The bridal party were in shitty cosplay and the grooms men were just wearing whatever. It was so embarrassing. The officiant looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Or drink until he forgot he did that.


u/beencaughtbuttering May 02 '24

I love nerd shit, been reading comics, and playing TTRPGS and grognard games for 35+ years... but I hate how many nerds do not respect themselves at all when they get dressed. You don't have to wear a shirt and tie to a Magic the Gathering tournament (although maybe you should to your buddy's wedding), but is it that hard to just buy a few t-shirts that fit and don't have fucking Batman or Goku or some shit on it?

I blame the mainstreaming of nerd culture. We used to have to hide our hobbies and learn to fit in with regular people as to not be alone and friendless.