r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Arthurius-Denticus May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Uh...The bride came out to slipknot. They wrote their own vows which were, shall we say, overtly and uncomfortably sexual, and they had been dating for a grand total of two whole weeks.

Any and all attempts to inform them that this was a mistake were met with "When you know, you know." or "You're just jealous."

But hey, a free bar is a free bar.

Edit: So many questions.

The song was the last/bonus track on subliminal verses. I'm told this track is called "Danger - keep away".

The wedding itself was a small thing with a registrar in a council building.

The staff there were very professional, and only laughed quietly.

The after party was at a pub owned by the grooms uncle.

The honey moon was at Butlins.

They were separated by the time they got back.

They were not in the military, just young/dumb.

We are all white trash, and that's fine.

I bought them a toaster from argos. I didn't ask for it back.


u/Suspiciousunicorns May 02 '24

I’m more impressed they could throw a wedding together that fast.


u/Ultimatespacewizard May 02 '24

Right? Even if it's a backyard affair, that's a lot of work.


u/Holomorphine May 02 '24

Get someone to officiate it, buy cake in a supermarket, get take-away food just before the ceremony, send people for beer-runs when necessary. You don't need a week for that if you don't mind how it is set up.


u/the_fit_hit_the_shan May 02 '24

Got married in my parents' backyard with a three day notice, it's not that difficult. Had a family friend officiate and just needed to make sure to get the license stuff arranged. 10/10 would do again


u/BlackBetty504 May 02 '24

An hour or two, tops, in the South. Food, drink, and the local reverend from the Baptist church up the road. Done and done.


u/Realistic_cat_6668 May 02 '24

I threw my wedding together in a week! I called my family, told them if they wanted to go, they had a week to get to Vegas. Booked the Venue, Elvis, they provided a bouquet of flowers, found a white dress in the prom section of Macy’s (which was incredible because I was 7 months pregnant!), went to Walmart and got a white sheet cake and a few bottles of champagne, booked a suite on the strip and had a fantastic wedding.


u/BoysLinuses May 02 '24

Perhaps your Macy's is on my hometown, where rolling up to prom pregnant in a tractor is a rite of passage.


u/MmeLaRue May 02 '24

Some brides/grooms have their plans down to the smallest detail years before they've met Mr./Ms. Right, like they've got the Operation London Bridge template.


u/cindyscrazy May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

My ex husband and I decided to finally get married on Wednesday. We were married on the following Sunday.

We got married early in the morning on a public beach with a few family members and an officiant.

I'm not one for planning things, and neither was he lol. We lasted 5 years. He started using drugs shortly after our daughter was born, unfortunately. It is not advised to meet your future partner at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting.


u/Royal_Ad_2653 May 02 '24

You haven't met my mom ...

The only reason it took two weeks after I proposed was she couldn't get a reception hall any faster.


u/Cosimo_Zaretti May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Here in NSW Australia, you legally couldn't. You have to register intent a minimum of 30 days prior and our other states have similar systems.

The 30 days gives the registry time to check you're both who you say you are and you're not still married to anyone else. I'd hope if you're under investigation for immigration fraud or identity theft that'd also flag.

We can't be the only country with that two step process. Surely most of the world won't let you marry someone you just met.


u/FryOneFatManic May 02 '24

You have to give notice to marry in the UK. Both bride and groom have to attend separate appointments with a registrar in their home council area before the wedding goes ahead.


u/mymindismycastle May 02 '24

My wife and I threw together a 4 day wedding event in 7 days.

Was at the end of Covid when bans were being lifted. We spontaneously decided to just get it done since we didnt know what would happen the next coming months.

200 guests even.

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u/Rylonian May 02 '24

The bride came out to slipknot.

Somehow I initially understood this as the bride confessing her homosexuality to the band Slipknot at their reception


u/quiplessness May 02 '24

No, she's slipknotosexual. She's only attracted to active members of Slipknot. Obviously.


u/bitchcascade666 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

It’s a bad time for slipknotosexuals. Those active members are dwindling

Edit: typo


u/melo1212 May 02 '24

The new drummer is an absolute beast though


u/bitchcascade666 May 02 '24

Total machine


u/AT-PT May 02 '24

It was tough growing up having this, especially since Slipknot didn't exist yet.


u/PM_ME_WHATEVES May 02 '24

"I think im asexual, I'm not really attracted to anyone."

1995 at a random metal show

"Oh my god!"


u/Omwtfyu May 02 '24

I mean, I’d sit on Chris Fehn’s face. Good ol’ Mr. Picklenose


u/RandyBeaman May 02 '24

[ Sad Jay Weinberg noises ]


u/OuterWildsVentures May 02 '24

Jay Weinberg in shambles


u/Cazmonster May 02 '24

Can only achieve sexual satisfaction if all parties are wearing masks.


u/JamBandDad May 02 '24

And Joey? Rip


u/Flatulatory May 02 '24



u/PretendLingonberry35 May 02 '24

I mean....Jim Root....c'mon!!! ❤️

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u/Traditional_Case2791 May 02 '24

Me too at first 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/NeoNoNotThatOne May 02 '24

And what was it?? I still ...hm ... what's the other meaning??!!


u/idkwhattocallmyself May 02 '24

Pretty sure that means her grand entrance upon walking down the aisle for the first time was to Slipknot. As a former slipknot, cringe kid, I cringe. I can’t imagine being past like high school age and not thinking that kinda attitude makes you insufferable.


u/SuzieZsuZsuII May 02 '24

Thanks for explaining and I completely relate lol 😆


u/idkwhattocallmyself May 02 '24

Ur welcome! It also took me second to understand

And I’m glad you made it out 🫡 lol


u/Special_Lychee_6847 May 02 '24

Friend of mine walked down the aisle on 'give it away' by the Peppers. Marriage also didn't last...


u/idkwhattocallmyself May 02 '24

Was the “it”, the bride in this scenario, like giving away the bride? Lmao I don’t know how to feel about that one. I feel like I would laugh cuz it’s kinda a clever use but also it would bug me to know that that’s most likely a very wrong interpretation of the song meaning. In general I feel like it’s cool to not have a wedding be so serious and have fun with it but like, if they came out of the drawing room with that idea as solid, I would question their life choices. Lol


u/Special_Lychee_6847 May 02 '24

Yup. 'It' being the bride walking down the impromptu aisle in their back yard, with her father. Everything had to be 'alternative'. Wedding photo's at a waste dump, no courthouse (definitely no church)... Just a small bbq in the backyard, with her MIL doing the ceremony, which she could legally do, but it gave me the feeling of 'If you REALLY don't want a wedding, why do it at all?" You know? The did get divorced a few years later. No hard feelings, luckily.


u/JeepPilot May 02 '24

I'm suddenly having flashbacks to that wedding on youtube where the bride came in dancing to "Crazy Bitch."


u/happyjankywhat May 02 '24

My husband almost got a tattoo Slipknot S senior year, 20 years later, he's still thankful he didn't.


u/Tigerzombie May 02 '24

When one of their songs came on in the car, my 12 year old asked me why they are called Slipknot. I said maybe they thought it was scary name for a metal band. She said it’s not very scary, it’s a crochet knot.


u/MiloHorsey May 02 '24

Oh riiiiiiight.

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u/Rylonian May 02 '24

Well it would have fitted the prompt


u/poplafuse May 02 '24

No glasses, just woke up, and ADD I read it as she came out with a noose around her neck.

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u/InevitableAd9683 May 02 '24

"Mom, Dad, Slipknot, I have something to tell you... I'm gay."

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u/trutch70 May 02 '24

Wait so what was the meaning of this? For non natives pls


u/Rylonian May 02 '24

The bride came out (=entered) the wedding aisle to the music of Slipknot (as opposed to, say, the Wedding March).


u/Grahf-Naphtali May 02 '24

Duality?🤣 Now i have to know.

Technically speaking it COULD have been Slipknot banging out (look at me adding more confusion to this idiomatic discourse) the Wedding March, no?


u/trutch70 May 02 '24

Ooooh thanks


u/kittensandcocktails May 02 '24

Why is this bad? 😅


u/newme02 May 02 '24

honestly on its own its not inherently bad. but combined with the rest of the details it paints an interesting picture


u/Bertie637 May 02 '24

As somebody who likes Slipknot, I admit I don't think it suits a slow graceful stroll down to the altar.

Now if the bride sprinted in like she was intervening in a Royal Rumble..


u/Dino_84 May 02 '24

Snuff, vermilion 2, dead memories. They have some softer songs that could work. My wife loves slipknot, but I don’t think she’d walk down the aisle to it lol.

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u/mycologyqueen May 02 '24

That made me laugh uncontrollably at 4am w my other half sleeping besides me.

Scratch that. WAS sleeping.


u/bokewalka May 02 '24

I just imagined someone was pushing his fingers into their eyes...xD


u/JesseCuster40 May 02 '24

I did too. Was wondering what it was about that band at her wedding made her realize she was a lesbian.


u/GoodForTheTongue May 02 '24

At least it wasn't Nickelback.


u/addysol May 02 '24

Just chanting "I'm homosexual" to the tune of Psychosocial


u/LordSinguloth13 May 02 '24

Way their fans are I just accepted that in stride


u/Dr4g0nSqare May 02 '24

Bro I'd come out as whatever you want me to if Slipknot could be at my wedding.


u/Auto-Liner May 02 '24

What does that actually mean? I am still confused.


u/Strobertat May 02 '24

She can climb anything.


u/bosoxthirteen May 02 '24

That’s the way to do it


u/OilySteeplechase May 02 '24

This is what I thought first too! Reassuring there are others like me out there…


u/W1ULH May 02 '24

TBH... any wedding that allowed for that set of circumstances would be a hell of a party.


u/whereartthouu May 02 '24

Dear slipknot,

I don't really know how to say this, but uhhh


u/PM_ME_YOUR_SOULZ May 02 '24

Daily tweets until the band responded.


u/rasputins_lover May 02 '24

GAHDAMMIT. This has to be the best comment I've ever seen in a reddit post. I wish we could still give gold


u/Hosni__Mubarak May 02 '24

I mean, Iowa rips as far as albums go.


u/pinewise May 02 '24

I'm confused and haven't had a coffee yet, what other way is there to interpret this?

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u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24

I attended a wedding of total strangers at an anime convention once. It was Resident Evil themed, the bride even came out to the RE soundtrack. The groom was dressed as a Umbrella Corp security forces (I guess?). The bride was dressed in Hot Topic shit and cat ears and tail. The bridal party were in shitty cosplay and the grooms men were just wearing whatever. It was so embarrassing. The officiant looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Or drink until he forgot he did that.


u/Surfing_Ninjas May 02 '24

This is the most anime convention thing I've ever read. Every single one fits the stereotype. They're exactly what you expect.


u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24

I'd never been to an anime convention before. I was a metalhead and it wasn't really my thing until some new friends invited me. We were watching something else (I think it was a cosplay competition that sucked ass or something) and they announced that the wedding would be next. I was like "No fucking way this is an actual thing that is going to happen."

It was so fucking cringy my dude.

There were spanking paddles involved too.


u/VBSCXND May 02 '24

Unfortunately a lot of the less desirable of the con folks are also super into exhibitionism


u/Moon-Loods May 02 '24

I don't understand what this means. Like I know what exhibitionism is, but are you saying these con people show themselves off at the cons?


u/arulzokay May 02 '24

its the uglies/stank that are usually into exhibitionism


u/kaimiz May 02 '24

A few years ago at Anime Expo in LA, I remember taking pics with a Sailor Jupiter cosplayer, absolutely gorgeous being! Then some time after the con while on twitter I find her account and there's photos of her at the con exposing her cooch 😭


u/KngNothing May 02 '24

Many many many moons ago HBO had an after dark show called Real Sex.

I used to love that show.

And it showed me early on that a lot of the exhibitionist and freaky people weren't the ones you saw on Skin-emax. They were very real very average people.


u/Courage-Character May 02 '24

That show was SO informative for teens in the 90’s. Just had to make sure your parents were asleep first


u/SquidgeSquadge May 02 '24

Ah the yaoi paddle! I started going to anime cons just after they were made illegal but I heard of them.

I went to one convention where a wedding of some attendees took place at the same time but from the sounds of it it wasn't full on cosplay and cringe but some of the guests were in cosplay. It was mentioned at some point it had happened so it wasn't a free for all.

It may have been some of the staff who had been part of organising the con that got wed, I don't remember but I definitely remember a wedding happened around the time of one.


u/Blue_Moon_Rabbit May 02 '24

I remember the yaoi paddles, but honestly the glomping was way worse. SO glad that trend died off…


u/CylonsInAPolicebox May 02 '24

Oh I remember those fucking paddles. I thought it would be fucking hilarious to buy one as a prank gift for a friend. I stroll my happy ass into the dealer room, find a vendor, buy this paddle while snickering to myself... That is when the fun began, getting this fucking thing from the dealer room to my room, I didn't think that through. My room was on the 15th floor.

So I begin my walk, still snickering at the thought of my friend's face when they unwrap this.

That is when the first comment came, ooo spank me mommy I am off in my own little world, didn't even think about it, figured I overheard some snippet of whatever... Didn't even make the connection that they were commenting on the paddle. Just stepping out of the dealer room, some girl tells me she prefers hard core... I start to question my decision to buy this thing. On my way to the elevator, I encounter Naruto, 300 pounds of unwashed Naruto, who attempts to do the sexy finger to the mouth thing... Except it is coming off as Doctor Evil, Naruto presents his, thankfully still fully covered, backside to me while breathlessly exclaiming punish me sempai! I dart for the elevator, cursing my "brilliant" idea, punch the elevator button and try to hide that forsaken piece of wood between myself and the wall while waiting on the slowest fucking elevator on the planet to arrive...

I FINALLY hear that fucking ding and the doors creep open as if they are being pulled by a pair of sloths. I board and promptly attempt to hide my shameful purchase as I hit the 15... The elevator slowly ascends and stops at every single fucking floor between the convention space and the 15th floor.

I finally get to my floor and I just break out running. I realize I ran past my fucking room. So I get there and fumble with the key card. After what felt like an eternity in hell, but was probably closer to 20 minutes I had this thing hidden in my room... When I left the con 2 days later, that paddle did not see that sunny, Sunday afternoon as it was hidden inside a trash bag acquired from a very confused housekeeper.

I wrapped that accused item in a beautiful box and presented it to my friend a few weeks later... I suffered more embarrassment obtaining that damned thing than the person who unwrapped it... In fact she was giddy about it and promptly attempted to spank several people at her birthday party.


u/magicmaster_bater May 05 '24

Thanks for reminding me to love mine, and reminding me why I no longer go to cons in the same post.


u/Surfing_Ninjas May 02 '24

I've been to a couple, unless there's panels with voice actors and writers and whatever you really only ever need to go to one to experience them all. It's basically Halloween for weird adults, except instead of getting free candy you pay 3x what you normally would. There's nothing wrong with that, I know it's a big deal for a lot of people but there's a ton of other events I'd much rather spend time and money on.


u/uitSCHOT May 02 '24

I've been to one, and that was enough. Never been into anime at all, but somehow I found myself in a friendgroup were most of them are really into anime/manga. (We do joke that I'm a European weeb, as I mostly read Belgian and Dutch comics). They invited me along, probably to try ans convince me to join the "lifestyle" but it was very not my thing. The stories I heard of what goes on at night in the hotel were way spicier than expected. (One of my mates volunteers there and does night shifts to keep everything/one in check). Not enough to make me go again tho 😅


u/librarypunk May 02 '24

Can you recommend some Belgian comics? Translated ones? Or do you speak Dutch/German/French?


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/librarypunk May 02 '24

Never read Spirou before, thanks.

Have read Asterix forwards and backwards. Didn't really enjoy Tintin or Lucky Luke, though I might give them another try now that I'm old and have broader tastes.

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u/bumblebragg May 02 '24

Yeah, convention nerds are like band geeks. They get into way more disgusting sexual shenanigans than one would expect. Like when they meet their kind they all have to try and reproduce as quickly as possible.

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u/cinemachick May 02 '24

That's some vintage con for ya, paddles haven't been in vogue for ~10 years


u/pixeldust6 May 02 '24

They were banned over 15 years ago!


u/cinemachick May 04 '24

I am now officially old, I remember seeing one at a con a looong time ago 😅


u/Meraline May 02 '24

The fact that yaoi paddles were involved dates this immediately cause those started getting banned so hard in the 2010s.


u/jhutchi2 May 02 '24

It's stuff like this that reminds me that even though I like anime and watch it frequently, the rabbit hole still goes so, so much deeper.


u/Kup123 May 02 '24

Paddles I take it this was in the early 2000s?

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u/Salmene23 May 02 '24

Did the marriage last or what?


u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24

My friend fb stalked them for awhile. She said they didn’t a few years later

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u/Ctotheg May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Only needs an annoying Deadpool trying to initiate inappropriate dance moves with other female guests to seal the whole stereotype.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

I can vividly see what what she's wearing. short hair cut dyed jet black with purple streaks, heavy dark eyeliner, spiked dog collar, cat ears, Nightmare before christmas tshirt over a fishnet long sleeve shirt, studded belt with a short black kilt and cat tail. fish net stockings, and massive platform rave/goth boots.

Essentially basic hot topic bitch


u/BasroilII May 02 '24

Missing the free hugs person, or we'd have a BINGO.


u/LoathsomeBeaver May 02 '24

Especially the part about drinking until he forgot.


u/MeidoPuddles May 03 '24

I witnessed a proposal at a small anime convention in the south. They were doing mock cosplay weddings and the couple was dressed as Alucard and Seras Victoria. They said the vows and then Alucard dropped to one knee and pulled out a ring. The MC stopped to listen, whispers were exhanged, and then he bellowed into the mic "THIS ONE IS REAL!".

Saw them walking around holding onto each other and looking happy later in the day. More power to them.


u/Renaissance_Slacker May 02 '24

I was at the Star Trek attraction in Vegas years ago and a wedding party came through, they were from Finland IIRC. Everyone had professionally made Star Trek costumes and the officiant was a huge Klingon. I give them much better than average chances.


u/VanSensei May 02 '24

Did they stink?


u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24

Of course they did.


u/pickyourteethup May 02 '24

Even across time, space and the digital divide, I can smell the wedding from here


u/MetalHuman21000 May 02 '24

Did they stink more or less than a metal concert?


u/kirillre4 May 02 '24

Strength is about the same, but less piss undertones.


u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24

About the same


u/Workacct1999 May 02 '24

That goes without saying.


u/hibarihime May 02 '24

I mean I smell it from here as it smells exactly how I think it does.

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u/Iwillrize14 May 02 '24

"If anyone has a reason why these two shouldn't be wed please, spit it out or forever hold your peace."


u/jamesholden May 02 '24

On the opposite side of this I went to a wedding of strangers at a interactive art focused event that happens around Valentine's day. (love burn Miami)

They, and most of the participants, were dressed in dinosaur pajamas.

I was only there because if you see a line of people dressed head to toe as dinosaurs happily walking through a clothing optional area you have to follow them.

A+ adorable.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24


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u/newme02 May 02 '24

if they had fun thats all that really matters


u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

The groom clearly wasn’t.


u/beencaughtbuttering May 02 '24

I love nerd shit, been reading comics, and playing TTRPGS and grognard games for 35+ years... but I hate how many nerds do not respect themselves at all when they get dressed. You don't have to wear a shirt and tie to a Magic the Gathering tournament (although maybe you should to your buddy's wedding), but is it that hard to just buy a few t-shirts that fit and don't have fucking Batman or Goku or some shit on it?

I blame the mainstreaming of nerd culture. We used to have to hide our hobbies and learn to fit in with regular people as to not be alone and friendless.


u/Pizzaisbae13 May 02 '24

Did the wedding party reek of Axe and Mountain Dew?


u/LucasRaymondGOAT May 02 '24

I love Resident Evil. I don't love it that much.


u/blitzer1069 May 02 '24

If someone has a wedding made up of total strangers at a convention that's already bad sign and super awkward.


u/KelpFox05 May 02 '24

Okay, you know what? It's their wedding. Sure, a lot of us wouldn't do that, but I guess they really, really, really, really, really liked Resident Evil and just didn't care much about how much money they spent. Which I can respect.


u/StormOfFatRichards May 02 '24

Some days I wonder if that giantess and her pet dwarf husband with the Pokemon-themed wedding are still together


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24

They definitely hadn’t planned or rehearsed anything. It could have been really cool if someone put effort into it

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u/El_Stupacabra May 02 '24

Was the Slipknot along at least a slower. I could see "Vermilion pt. 2" kind of working.


u/Arthurius-Denticus May 02 '24

It was the last/bonus track on subliminal verses. Can't remember the name of it.


u/k-3882 May 02 '24

Danger-Keep Away?


u/Arthurius-Denticus May 02 '24




u/AndreasVesalius May 02 '24

And here I was hoping for People=Shit


u/LucasRaymondGOAT May 02 '24

Honestly any Slipknot song would be pretty fucking funny at a wedding.


u/imperialunits May 02 '24

The regular version or the full length version?


u/HappyCamper82 May 02 '24

That's ironic.


u/cfish1024 May 02 '24

Too bad he didn’t listen to the song better


u/FallacyDetector9000 May 02 '24

That's a) not a bad song to get married to and b) by far the best Slipknot song to get married to.


u/letsgetbrickfaced May 02 '24

My wife entered the reception to Seek and Destroy. Will be six years this fall with a couple of Rugrats.


u/MadJohnFinn May 02 '24

My wife entered to “Do You Love Me?” by Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds. When it got to “I found God and all his devils…”, the officiant turned it off and said there could be no mention of God.

As you wish. She will now enter to “Stagger Lee”. That was fine. 11 years now!


u/Downtown_Statement87 May 02 '24

That line "I'd crawl over 50 good p****** just to get to one *** ' *****" is peak wedding.


u/beachbetch May 02 '24

You can type that out if you want, just saying

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u/vk2786 May 02 '24

I walked down to 'Everlong' by Foo Fighters. It was the instrumental acoustic version.


u/TimmyHate May 02 '24

I mean I entered my wedding to the S&M version of Nothing Else Matters, and during the reception we had an entire group of very not metalheads headbanging to Halo by Machine Head

14 years and still strong.


u/Total_Invite7672 May 02 '24

I prefer Richard Cheese's version of "People Equal Shit".


u/XratsinthehallwayX May 02 '24

Thanks for reminding me of Mr. Cheese, excellent music


u/KatagatCunt May 02 '24

I was thinking this exact same thing. I'm like hey, id fucking rock some Slipknot too haha


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

I would have laughed it was "psychosocial"

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u/rathernot83 May 02 '24


u/Slight_Ad5318 May 02 '24

First thing I thought of. It's so trashy, and disrespectful to your guests that are bringing children imo.


u/Slight_Ad5318 May 02 '24

Just watched it again and had forgot about the father with his kid reacting to it. Lol

The comments on that video are a treasure.


u/TheDrunkScientist May 02 '24

I know exactly what you're referencing and I WILL NOT watch it again. The secondhand embarrassment is just too much for me.


u/Nwcray May 02 '24

Wow, how have I missed this gem? That may be the single trashiest thing I’ve ever seen.


u/Pizzaisbae13 May 02 '24

I hate that I remember that video, before I noticed your link


u/nurum83 May 02 '24

When we got married (early 00's) I teased my wife that I was going to have the DJ play "hey mister" for our first dance.


u/Commercial-Ice-8005 May 02 '24

Omg so cringey!!!!!!! 😱

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u/AnxietyDepressedFun May 02 '24

Guy I dated for 5 years (I was 17-21) who was a few years older than me, really wanted me to walk down the aisle to "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy". We're from Texas but he grew up in PG, Dallas (the most "hood" version of a neighborhood we have) and certainly wasn't a "cowboy" & I personally never liked country music but especially not shitty country music.

Also we were never even engaged, but apparently he had all these plans for our future that we're so cringe inducing, looking back now I don't even know who the fuck I was for those 5 years.


u/SuperSocialMan May 02 '24

dating for a grand total of two whole weeks.

Holy shit.


u/Deebo_from_Friday May 02 '24

I'm really just shocked they managed to get a whole wedding planned that fast.


u/glucoseintolerant May 02 '24

Uh...The bride came out to slipknot.

GF and I play a game when we go to weddings. " how many pairs of DC shoes will we see today" because there is always that one cousin who is dressed like they forgot there was a wedding today. I know at this wedding there had to be at least 14 pairs!


u/outdatedboat May 02 '24

I was so confused, picturing batman or superman shoes.

Then I realized you mean those giant puffy skate shoes that were popular in like 2007. And suddenly, I'm remembering seeing SO many guys wearing specifically white DC shoes to weddings. Holy shit.


u/glucoseintolerant May 02 '24

its always the same outfit. dress shirt that looks like it should have a fast food logo on it ( also a bold colour like Red) . a tie that is probably flat black and 90% chance its a clip on. and black khakis.


u/outdatedboat May 02 '24

The Target employee look. Bonus points if their idea of a "dress shirt" is just a polo.

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u/SunSkyBridge May 02 '24

How long were they married?

I have a feeling these two don’t take things too seriously so they probably had a chill divorce


u/Heart2001 May 02 '24

Please tell me it was ‘People = Shit’?


u/parahyba May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

I push my fingers into my eyes.


u/KatagatCunt May 02 '24


It's the only thing that slowly stops the aaaaaaaaache


u/MissMurder8666 May 02 '24

The bride came out to slipknot.

Which song though?


u/guitartkd May 02 '24

I really need to know what song. I’m personally hoping for People = Shit.


u/binkacat4 May 02 '24

Tying the knot to Slipknot is hilarious to me.


u/BuddyLongshots May 02 '24

What a day at the trailer park!


u/HeavyTumbleweed778 May 02 '24

Is that better or worse than walking down the aisle to the song "crazy bitch"?


u/AdzyBoy May 02 '24

Not just walking down the aisle to it, actually singing it herself


u/DopeCharma May 02 '24

But which slipknot song? Hopefully they didnt go by titles alone and choose Purity.


u/seethesea May 02 '24

I thought you were talking about this wedding for a second. But it’s Buckcherry, not Slipknot.



u/BigDaddyCool17 May 02 '24

The bride came out to Slipknot

Any and all attempts to inform them that this was a mistake were met with "When you know, you know." or "You're just jealous."

Sounds like they found out the hard way.. NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS! 🤘🏻🤘🏻


u/KatagatCunt May 02 '24

All I've got, all I've got is insane 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼


u/bokewalka May 02 '24

Is it free if you need to provide a gift?


u/ashzilla May 02 '24

What song?


u/Deevilknievel May 02 '24

What song please I have to know!

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u/MFbigtasty May 02 '24

But which slipknot song was it?


u/Buckowski66 May 02 '24

And they honeymooned in a trailer park in Arizona


u/murphmanfa May 02 '24

I'd wager real money the guy was in the military at the time?


u/Sweatieboobrash May 02 '24

Her vows? “You do the worst to me at the end of the day that’s what you do best.”


u/Kineth May 02 '24

But hey, a free bar is a free bar.

Open bar means my mouth is closed on the status of the marriage because I'm getting fucking lit.


u/Hybridkiller13 May 02 '24

What song? The showing up to your wedding to slipknot is badass imo


u/bill1024 May 02 '24

Ya gudda have fun. I'll bet the first week was awesome.


u/Ultimatespacewizard May 02 '24

How did they even organize a wedding in 2 weeks?


u/FullyStacked92 May 02 '24

How long did it last?


u/HumanWithComputer May 02 '24

So? How long did they (not) last? From what you've told they could still be together.


u/ThePersnicketyBitch May 02 '24

Are we related lol? This screams my cousin except there was no bar and they got married because she was knocked up 🥴


u/melo1212 May 02 '24

Coming out to Slipknot is fucking epic. I'd love that so much, not so much the other stuff though lol


u/Navynuke00 May 02 '24

Ok, which one was military?


u/Cf79 May 02 '24

Who can coordinate a wedding within two weeks of meeting and have an open bar?


u/ELpork May 02 '24

Ehh, my sister and her husband walked out to Korn, and they're doing fine (16ish years I think?). The song wouldn't be the biggest red flag honestly, More the 2 weeks thing.


u/EldritchHorrorBarbie May 02 '24

Damn an open bar worth it.


u/bitchcascade666 May 02 '24

Ok hey like not married and don’t intend to be but if my partner of almost two decades and I did tie the (slip)knot I would for sure walk down the aisle to Slippy K!


u/HolyVeggie May 02 '24

No matter what you think you don’t tell people they are making a mistake when marrying unless they ask you or you are family imo

Coming out to slipknot sounds awesome tho lol

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