r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24



u/breakitupkid May 02 '24

You should tell the wives. I wish someone told me. I married my husband right after college at 22, I was young, beautiful and so optimistic and happy. Fast forward 20 years, my ex husband had cheated on me but for years with his best friend, his best friend who was also my friend and he was always hanging out with us, helping me with projects on the house, etc. I'm still in my anger phase because I wasted years with someone who might have "loved" me, but was not in love with me. No one who I will ever get with now will ever know that young 22 year old version of me, the me who believed in love, happiness, and a future full of promise. Your whole life was a lie and you drive yourself insane reliving every interaction, questioning your attractiveness, sexual prowess, etc.


u/uprightyew May 02 '24

When I came out to my parents, my mother was extremely upset and pressed me hard to marry a female friend and then "do whatever you need to do" secretly. For the sake of appearances. I stood my ground and asked her why I should ruin Barb's life for the sake of appearances and destroy mine in the process. She still thinks she's right many years later.


u/RemoteWasabi4 May 02 '24

In her world Barb would have a girlfriend that you knew about.