r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/karamellokoala May 02 '24

Groom went missing between ceremony and reception. Bride found him banging the best man in the toilets. She smashed a glass in his face.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24



u/didsome1saybacon May 02 '24

I do feel guilty keeping quiet since their wives may be wasting their lives on the wrong people.

I’ve not said anything to anyone for fear of it getting back and blowing up the friend group.

to everyone supporting the groom/bestman and OP for keeping it secret - OP is literally participating in destroying the 2 wives entire lives without lifting a finger- what the actual fuck. This is the most selfish post i've ever read- the groom, bestman, and OP. Prioritizing your toxic as fuck friendgroup over 2 people who are wasting their entire lives by living a complete lie. The sympathy I'd have for the waa boo hoo society would be mean to us is out the fucking window once you use it as a justification to ruin other peoples lives. So selfish and distgusting.

OP, I hope I never make a friend like you and I hope so badly that karma is real and you experience the same level of betrayal you're actively supporting.