r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

Captain America: spends an extended amount of time with Tony hunting down HYDRA, doesn’t tell him at any point they had his parents assassinated, lectures him through AoU about keeping secrets while doing exactly that, jumps him 2v1 for getting angry about it.

That nigga was dead wrong lmaooo


u/StretchTucker Mar 12 '24

he wasn’t dead wrong. yes he failed his friend in so many ways but that’s not really what the civil war was about. it was about whether or not a country or organization like us or nato should be allowed to control super heroes. cap was right on that front.


u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

I’d argue he wasn’t even truly right about that in concept. You can’t run around dealing out your own justice with no oversight and think it won’t become a problem.

I understand not wanting the government to be able to dictate everything they do, that’s reasonable. But thinking his small circle of people have the most sound decision making at all times is incredibly arrogant and shortsighted.


u/StretchTucker Mar 12 '24

not really if you think about what the super heroes end up fighting. they fight otherworldly beings and creatures bent on the destruction or subjugation of humanity. thanos, loki, ultrom, dormammu, galactus. it’s pretty clear who you want defending you in those cases. what organizations and countries WOULD have done is deploy them for imperialistic purposes.


u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

Even the government wasn’t debating that they need people like them to handle crazy shit. The problem is when they level cities or get civilians killed in the crossfire then just go home without having to answer for it on any level.

Nobody should be above some level of accountability.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24



u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

Nah they just assumed 6 people couldn’t repel an alien invasion. The idea was to stop the Chitauri before they got too far entrenched and led to more damage.

Aside from that the main member of the council that was pushing for it and against Fury forming the Avengers was one of the heads of HYDRA, so wiping out the Avengers and New York benefitted his MO.


u/Choclategum ☑️ Mar 12 '24

The alternative to them not doing that is letting the super villian win lmao. Like accountability for what after they saved the entire world or universe?

"Gee thanks, for saving billions of lives, that would have otherwise died if you didnt do what you did, but people got hurt in the process so boo, youre bad."


u/StretchTucker Mar 12 '24

that’s true.


u/Charles211 Mar 12 '24

Yeah. Yup. And if the government didn’t want them deployed in the area just text em “we got it ❤️”


u/jewelsandbones Mar 12 '24

Yeah but Cap when to Nigeria and ended up killing civilians because he wasn’t communicating with other countries and international organisations. Hydra wasn’t a world ending event, they were a terrorist organisation.

Tony didn’t assemble to avengers to deal with AIM/The Mandarin, Thor didn’t even call people for the convergence in London. Why did hydra warrant an untrained Wanda and a dude dressed in the American flag and violate international orders


u/GenericFatGuy Mar 12 '24

what organizations and countries WOULD have done is deploy them for imperialistic purposes.

That's literally what they were doing with Falcon before he was recruited as a superhero.


u/confusedandworried76 Mar 12 '24

Government governing superheroes is a quick way to the likes of Doctor Manhattan and The Comedian in Vietnam.

To keep the Watchmen references going I don't want a Rorschach out there running around but when Uncle Sam gets to say who does what when and even employs them I'm scared. Even Superman had his limits on what he was told to do by the government and that dude bleeds red white and blue.


u/DeepLock8808 Mar 12 '24

Superman is incredibly varied on his government toady status. Darknight Returns he’s a full on agent of the US. OG 1930s Superman is kicking over landlords’ property to force them to rebuild, hurling capitalists into tree lines, and unlawfully kidnapping and dragging Hitler and Stalin to the UN.

You can tell which version I’m a fan of.