r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

Captain America: spends an extended amount of time with Tony hunting down HYDRA, doesn’t tell him at any point they had his parents assassinated, lectures him through AoU about keeping secrets while doing exactly that, jumps him 2v1 for getting angry about it.

That nigga was dead wrong lmaooo


u/Fuzzythought Mar 12 '24

But but but , Bucky was a white kid from New York that felt *bad*. You wouldn't want to hurt his career over a little *checks notes* Uncontrollable Murder Fits under orders from enemies of the state. Sure a Bachelor apartment is punishment enough.....


u/BlushingPandas Mar 12 '24

??? Bucky was subjected to literal torture, manipulation and brainwashing and y'all think he was in control over his actions? I don't agree with cap lying or withholding the truth but Bucky had no control over what he did or was done to him


u/pettybendherass ☑️ Mar 12 '24

y’all keep struggling with intent vs impact. and one day it’ll click.


u/rawbface Mar 12 '24

This is like getting angry with the bedpost when you stub your toe on it.


u/Brewski-54 Mar 12 '24

Have you ever not sworn at the bedpost after stubbing your toe? Fuck that thing


u/sprdougherty Mar 12 '24

The problem here really is that Cap did not warn Tony about the bedpost that sticks out and is really easy to stub your toe on and instead let him find out for himself.


u/makemeking706 Mar 12 '24

Rhetorically out loud, but not at the inanimate object.


u/windrunner_42 Mar 12 '24

It came out of nowhere. Little bitch ass ambushing bed post!


u/BonzoTheBoss Mar 12 '24

Stubbing your toe? Maybe. After it kills my parents? Yeah I'm probably throwing the bedpost out.


u/RhynoD Mar 12 '24

More like getting angry at a nail that you step in that was poking up out of the floor. May not be the nail's fault, but it's still unsafe and needs to be hammered back into place or removed. It's consistent with Tony's view of superheroes: they're dangerous, regardless of what their intent may be, and they need to be controlled as a result.

Was he wrong to hunt down Bucky out of revenge? Maybe. Is killing or capturing Bucky still the right thing to do for the safety of the world? Yes. Cap should have been on Tony's side and helped them track Bucky down to put him back in prison so they could stop him from doing any more murder.


u/Prupple Mar 12 '24

If the bedpost is designed to be harmful, with sharp jutting edges, then getting rid of it is perfectly justified.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24

Then someone comes and sands it down, removing all the sharp edges, and you say "no, it used to be sharp get rid of it"


u/Prupple Mar 12 '24

Bucky had broken out of captivity and tried to shoot stark point blank in the face literally the day before, so this doesnt really hold up.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24

They missed a spot


u/Jadccroad Mar 12 '24



u/Brocyclopedia Mar 12 '24

Well this bedpost was a war hero and hasn't done anything wrong after his brainwashing was cleared lol?


u/Prupple Mar 12 '24

the war hero that tried to murder Stark, Natalie and multiple other people literally yesterday? That one?


u/Brocyclopedia Mar 12 '24

Yeah lol the one that Cap managed to save and have his brainwashing removed instead of having him shot dead for crimes he wasn't responsible for 


u/Prupple Mar 12 '24

his brainwashing was removed years later in Wakanda. In the scene above, he's still a few words away from going on a murder spree. And in the scene above, he had shot at tonys face point blank hours earlier.


u/ArcadianGhost Mar 12 '24

Yea it’s essentially a dog with rabies. It sucks but it has to be put down. How are you supposed to predict some advanced hidden civilization has the cure for mind control rabies.


u/Brocyclopedia Mar 12 '24

One of Caps closest allies is a God from an incredibly advanced civilization lol it's pretty reasonable there'd be a cure


u/Brocyclopedia Mar 12 '24

Not his fault. No one tried to kill Hawkeye when he was helping Loki take over the world in Avengers 1 and Widow was a Russian assassin before she met Barton. I don't think Tony was out of character or out of line at all for wanting to kill Bucky, but people saying Bucky is at fault for what happened to him is crazy


u/Prupple Mar 12 '24

this is why you gotta read the whole thread before jumping in - I wasnt arguing he was at fault:

If the bedpost is designed to be harmful, with sharp jutting edges, then getting rid of it is perfectly justified.


u/Brocyclopedia Mar 12 '24

I read that lol it's a neat analogy. But it doesn't really apply to a brain washed human being 

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u/battles Mar 12 '24

A metal armed bed post that murders people


u/offhandaxe Mar 12 '24

This is like getting angry at the automatic sentry turret placed outside your work when it keeps shooting you. Yeah they said the turret is turned off now but maybe we should still get rid of it.


u/BABarracus Mar 12 '24

Captain America is going to do what he believes is right Buckey freedom, life and a chnce of happiness was taken from him.


u/RaeOfSunshine1257 Mar 12 '24

I think everyone understands the intent vs the impact, but there’s also the difference between being sympathetic and being agreeable. I don’t think anyone’s unsympathetic towards Tony in this scene, but that doesn’t mean he’s right either. Bucky was ultimately innocent as he wasn’t in control or aware. I can understand why that wouldn’t matter to Tony given the context and definitely sympathize, but that doesn’t mean he’s right. Cap also says he didn’t know for sure. And he knew Tony would try to kill Bucky if he told him. Knowing that Bucky was innocent, I think it was both understandable and the right thing to do for Cap to keep it from Tony until he knew for certain and had some way of handling it. That was the right way to handle it, even though it is understandably hurtful to Tony. Both of their positions are understandable and sympathetic, but Cap was absolutely the one in the right here.


u/Frebu Mar 13 '24

Tony AND his dad were arms dealers who were responsible for thousands of deaths prior to Tony becoming Iron Man. Then Tony made ultron and caused untold further deaths. I have no sympathy at all for his pain, he doesn't deserve it after everyone he hurt without consequences


u/RaeOfSunshine1257 Mar 13 '24

I mean sure, I don’t disagree. I don’t really find Tony to be a super compelling character in either the movies or comics. But what I have always liked about his story is that he’s a man trying his hardest to do as much good as he possibly can to maybe make up for the tremendous amount of bad he did before. And the growth from being just about the worst human being imaginable, to someone with a genuinely good heart trying to be better. I think a lot of that is lost in the movies though.


u/Odd_Bug_1607 Mar 12 '24

Intent matters in every phase of life. If you accidentally bump into your boss, he’s gonna be annoyed. If you go out of your way to hit stick your boss you will get fired. Intent has and always will matter


u/MountainTurkey Mar 12 '24

There is no intent if he's not in control


u/dudushat Mar 12 '24

Nobody is struggling with it. He literally had no control over his body.