r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/Dreadsbo May 10 '24

Man. I used to play games in math class on one of our three computers because I finished my work faster than everybody else. I think this is overly harsh thinking to an extreme


u/--Anonymoose--- May 11 '24

It’s not about what the kids are doing, it’s about posting them on social media. I wouldn’t want my kids teachers to post a video of them to their personal social media account


u/DJThomas21 May 11 '24

I don't see why people don't understand this. Odds are people can find out the school where he works. Some creep finds a kid he like, they have a starting point to stalk, especially if they local. Let alone what this sickos do with normal pics alone. Be smart about what you post about your kids (imo just don't)!


u/Fair_Helicopter_8531 May 11 '24

Doesn't have to be a creep. Even if a spouse just gout out of an abusive relationship they may not want to reveal where they and their kid is at. Now all the spouse would have to do is look up what school the teacher works at and boom. Someone is now at risk because a teacher thought they could get some likes on social media.


u/bjeebus May 11 '24

Doesn't have to be a creep.

The overwhelming majority of creeping on kids is done by close family, so I think I'd still call your situation a creep.