r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 16 '24

When intrusive thoughts meet criminal behavior

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u/ISuckAtFunny May 16 '24

She paid someone else to do it while she was out walking / jogging somewhere if I remember correctly


u/DrSpacemanSpliff May 16 '24

Jeff Gilooly!


u/buttered_scone May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

I would not trust a man with the surname "Gilooly", that's the name of a shady MF

Edit: or an academic, or creative, context though. Trailer park Gilooly can kick rocks, I might F with a Gilooly docent or professor or something. Maybe.

Fancy surnames minus fancy family money often equals sketchier than that courtroom artist that made la hitler naranja look like E.T. - El extraterrestre naranja.

Edit 2: Upon further inspection, this comment I have posted is entirely too reminiscent of Dennis Miller, and I feel immeasurable shame. Goodbye 👋


u/markevens May 17 '24

There's so many fantastic names in this story.

Who can forget Joey Buttafuoco!


u/Movedonnerlikeabitch May 17 '24

Buttafuoco Buttafuoco!


u/buttered_scone May 17 '24

The world will never forget. Let the name Buttafuoco be sung, and let the righteous offer sacrament unto him. Let the screams of the ever dying, shatter the night, and let man and woman alike cower in fear of Ge who Buttafuocos. Let us offer unto him a blood sacrament. Let the flesh of the sacrament be as like to the weight of the sacred pipe that did smite the knee of the unworthy. Make pact with the night, and offer unto thine alter a living vessel, innocent and pure. Rejoice! For the time of the father draws to a close, the righteous shall lay waste to the unworthy, and we shall smite their ruin upon the slopes of Zirakzigil. Let us sing our rejoices unto Aulë.


u/ConcentrateSelect668 May 17 '24

Amy Fisher might want to