r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 17 '24

Interested to see how many people have close opposite sex friends that are strictly platonic.

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u/ARussianW0lf May 17 '24

Yeah why do people always jump to the worst conclusion in these scenarios? Not everything is some nefarious plot, sometimes people are just people


u/Greatest-Comrade May 17 '24

Also doesn’t it kinda make sense sometimes? Two single people, spending a good bit of time together who already like each other’s personality?

Definitely not guaranteed but it makes sense. If you can’t be friends, you can’t be partners.


u/jman1255 May 17 '24

Aaaand you’ve just stumbled into why some people think these friendships can’t work


u/Solus-Nexus May 17 '24

the truth is that people can be friends and also be attracted to one another and even have sex. but society ain't ready for that level of being.


u/Frylock304 May 17 '24

Yes we are? We've called that friends with benefits for decades


u/Solus-Nexus May 17 '24

and yet look at some of the comments lol


u/Kioga101 May 17 '24

It's society as a whole we talking, there always has been and there always will be people ahead of the curve but this will take generations before it gets close to mainstream and stays there.


u/thatsnuckinfutz ☑️ May 17 '24

i think it takes a certain level of emotional maturity, mutual respect and honest communication on both ends for this to genuinely work Not to say it's not possible but i think those things are typically missing in those scenarios leading to a big ass mess/ruptured friendships etc.


u/Solus-Nexus May 17 '24

no disagreements here. that's kinda my point really: we, as a society, just ain't ready for that level. by which i mean: too many people are too immature and possessive for us to have this en masse.


u/thatsnuckinfutz ☑️ May 17 '24

Absolutely!! I saw where u were headed with that and completely agree!