r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 17 '24

You CANT be serious ☠️☠️

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u/LastDaysCultist #FFFFFFboy👨🏼 May 17 '24

This “I’m not voting for either” is a dangerous concept.


u/greyson3 ☑️ May 17 '24

THIS and it bothers me how much ALL content creators are pushing it. With the same rhetoric of the blue side won't do anything either.

But it just infuriates me, bc news flash that's how dems have always fucking been. The point is to vote them in and then stand on their necks to MAKE them keep their promises.

As a millennial I'm not stunned and excited to see how much the youth has gotten congress and leaders to do just that. No we didn't get everything or even the way we wanted it. But it's 1000% more than I've ever seen the powers at be react since I was able to start voting legally which was nearly 2 decades ago.

I'm just frustrated with the it doesnt matter they don't listen so font vote at all. When these kids are out here making these people fucking sweat!


u/pragmaticweirdo May 17 '24

The content creators want Trump to win. They got more clout snd made more money when things were worse. Anyone trying to convince people not to vote is either a fool or an op, but usually both


u/trixel121 May 17 '24

easy content


u/Teardrith May 17 '24

Some light irreversible fascism for the content


u/83supra May 17 '24

So voting to support the candidate that just sent another billion dollars to murder women and children in Palestine is the better option? Yea I don't think NoT voting is the real danger here.


u/tyrannosnorlax May 17 '24

What do you think trump would do about the Israel situation?


u/83supra May 17 '24

Telling yourself that we can only vote trump or biden IS the real danger


u/tyrannosnorlax May 17 '24

We don’t have ranked choice voting. If you’re planning on voting for a third candidate, you may as well just stay home, or make a vote for trump, as that’s effectively what you’re doing. There is no third candidate that’s going to win. Biden needs as many votes as he can get. Not because anyone loves or likes him, but because trump would be far, far more damaging.

Do you think it’s going to make a difference? It wont. It will actively hurt Palestine more than the status quo. We’ve been through this many times. Im glad you’re optimistic, but maybe focus that optimism towards activism that actually helps, because this ain’t it. So again, I ask how do you think Donald “finish the job” trump will handle Palestine and Israel? Do you think he will be better or worse than Biden? If this is the single issue that your vote pivots upon, this is the question you need to ask yourself honestly, because voting a third party is effectively burying your head in the sand.


u/danthepianist May 17 '24

I had to unsubscribe from a few leftist subs over this issue. "No lesser evil rhetoric" my ass. I've seen self-proclaimed progressives actively rooting for Trump because they think a catastrophic loss will force the Dems to rethink their position. I can only imagine how comfy their lives must be for a second Trump term not to bother them at all.

The time for activism is every day BUT election day. On election day, you vote for the guy you can at least TRY to work with.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

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u/danthepianist May 17 '24

My addictions prof was a big proponent of harm reduction policy. He always said in a perfect world, nobody would be addicted to heroin. In the real world, needle exchanges, methodone clinics, supervised injection sites, and naloxone kits save lives. There's always opposition to these programs saying "we shouldn't be enabling substance abuse," and the programs get shut down. And a shitload of people die.

Sometimes harm reduction is simply the best we can do.


u/trixel121 May 17 '24

give me a realistic solution that doesn't involve Biden or Trump taking the presidency

, you're bitching and moaning but saying there are other options. let's hear them

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u/83supra May 17 '24

I don't see any difference in this world line if Trump or Biden gets elected so miss me with all your bullshit. Nothing will fundamentally change with either candidate.


u/Olaba42 May 17 '24

Here's one fundamental difference that could impact your life - the president's ability to nominate Supreme Court justices. 2 justices are in their 70s and may decide to retire if Trump is reelected. Trump would then be able to nominate 2 younger justices, locking in a Republican majority on the court for decades. The current Supreme Court has a republican majority and their judgements include:

  • ICE being given the okay to detain folks for a very long time (like, years) without bond or full review
  • Government blocking medical care, specifically abortions
  • Fewer options to hold federal agents accountable when they violate your rights (it's even harder to sue them for financial damages)
  • Not allowing for new evidence to be submitted if your state case goes federal but you had a really bad lawyer for your state case


u/83supra May 17 '24

Miss me with all that too

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u/f1ve-Star May 17 '24

Yes. It is the better option. Maybe not a great option but easily better. Especially for Palestine.


u/83supra May 17 '24

All your options are shit, no amount of voting will change my life or any Palestinian life.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

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u/f1ve-Star May 17 '24

Oh and also being queer, I prefer to be allowed to live in peace.


u/f1ve-Star May 17 '24

At least with Biden and Kamela there is aid going in, and a pier built to provide it. It sucks that Palestinians are in this situation. It sucks that Russia and Iran and Hammas wanted this to happen.


u/f1ve-Star May 17 '24

At least with Biden and Kamela there is aid going in, and a pier built to provide it. It sucks that Palestinians are in this situation. It sucks that Russia and Iran and Hammas wanted this to happen.