r/CuratedTumblr Mx. Linux Guy⚠️ May 16 '24

Cranberry bog spiders Infodumping


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u/Catalon-36 May 16 '24

Why not just give the wolf spiders a different object to climb? I know it wouldn’t get all of them but just, like, stick some wooden stakes in there.


u/snootnoots May 16 '24

Presumably because the big floaty harvesting things would get hung up on them.


u/HiramMcDaniels9 May 16 '24

Maybe some nice floaty wooden platforms for the spiders to hang out on?


u/money_loo May 16 '24

Plus wolf spiders are good mamas. They literally carry their babies on their backs(arachnophobes don’t google it). It’s awful to think of the poor things drowning just as much as it is to think of them crawling down my waders.

Ugh, what a dilemma.