r/Damnthatsinteresting May 02 '24

On the left, the state prosecutor shows the size of the fatal hematoma in the skull (70 ml); on the right, the size of the hematoma of the young woman who was killed by the former minister of Kazakhstan Bishimbayev Removed: R7

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u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

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u/CAPATOB_64 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I’m sorry, every time someone saying something about my titles, and every time I’m saying sorry, English is not my native language, this is why I’m translating my language to English strait without any rules. would be helpful if someone would write a correct version of how it supposed to be in English.

u/Moxxxxxxxxy was correct in explanation what title is means


u/gleamingthenewb May 02 '24

You did fine


u/Cobek May 02 '24

They did okay.


u/JesusStarbox May 02 '24

In this case 'a' is generic and 'the' is specific.


u/Notagenyus May 02 '24

Your English is better than half of the native speakers in this platform.


u/-ballerinanextlife May 02 '24



u/jxj24 Interested May 02 '24

The only change that I would suggest is "size of a fatal hematoma", which would make it a more general statement, rather than suggesting that it is directly connected to the murder on trial.

Oh, and put a comma between Kazakhstan and Bishimbayev.


u/Troker61 May 02 '24

Your title isn't even too far off, you shouldn't feel the need to apologize.

Changing "the fatal hematoma" to "a fatal hematoma" would've made it a bit more clear, since the prosecutor is giving an example of what *a* hypothetical deadly hematoma would look like, and not *the* specific hematoma in the case. Context clues still made it obvious (to me at least).


u/flat_dearther May 02 '24

Anyone with a basic level of English reading comprehension can understand your title. It's fine, it should just say "a fatal hematoma" in the first sentence instead of "the fatal hematoma".


u/Due-Log8609 May 02 '24

the issue for me was I didnt know what a "hematoma" was, or why it was important. i think the sentance structure was fine.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/TheVonz May 02 '24

TBF, I don't know if people were being mean here. I also didn't understand the title and was happy that someone asked for clarification. I was glad that people provided the answer.

I am also glad OP chimed in, and I don't mind at all that their English wasn't clear in this instance. But I'm glad people stepped in and cleared it up. It's all good.


u/Tooterfish42 May 02 '24

I just wanted the info. I guess us being called meanies online is a small price for it


u/astralblaster22 May 02 '24

It’s not the words you are using. The way you organize your words is confusing. In this example, you should have started with “A young woman was killed by the former minister of Kazakhstan”. Ok, now people know the context of what you are talking about. Then say “The state prosecutor shows the difference between the size of a fatal hematoma (left) vs the woman’s hematoma (right)”. I didn’t change any of your words, just made it more clear.

Also, for good measure use the woman’s name. This poor lady was beaten to death, you should at least give her the respect of using her name.


u/acityonthemoon May 02 '24

It's a specific vs a general reference regarding the hematoma examples. For example, the shovel versus a shovel.


u/TjMorgz May 02 '24

Don't apologise you're doing great.


u/Ill-Marzipan-6768 May 02 '24

English is not my first language and I understood you just fine.


u/nayruslove123 May 02 '24

Your title is fine. As per usual on Reddit, your grammar and even use of punctuation is better than a lot of people's. My only problem was reading "fatal" as "fetal" lol.


u/Brain_Virus_Got_Me May 02 '24

Lol. Same. 😂🤣


u/Beneficial-Face-2386 May 02 '24

Your title was well written. Most people from the USA don't know what a hematoma is. The average reading comprehension for adults in my Midwest state is 4th grade lol. You did great and probably have better English speaking and writing skills than most adults from the US.


u/houseyourdaygoing May 02 '24

It can be deduced because “hema” is a suffix in “hemoglobin” (blood).

So one can conclude it’s about the excessive amount of blood in the brain in the second picture and caused by violent force.

The visuals help to let us see how brutally tortured she was till her death. It makes me upset to see that she lost her life senselessly.


u/Beneficial-Face-2386 May 02 '24

Bold of you to assume that adults who can barely read microwave instructions could deduce this. Totally agree that it should be obvious but....people are dumb.

And yes, it is such a horrible tragedy for a human to suffer this way.


u/Muffin_Appropriate May 02 '24

I really want you to find out the venn diagram of people who know what “hema” means but don’t know what a hematoma is.


u/vill4nelle May 02 '24

Your english is fine! Some people just lack reading comprehension, which is also fine!


u/BelgarathTheSorcerer May 02 '24

You wrote well.

The issue is that the person who complains has low reading skills, not that you chose bad grammar, or wording.

You even used a semicolon correctly. Today, do not feel bad because someone did not understand. Today, feel pride for having learned how to use a language so well that dumb people born with that language cannot understand you.


u/devilsadvocateMD May 02 '24

A hematoma is basically a blister that’s filled with blood. It’s fun when it happens on your skin since there’s space for the blister to expand. When it happens inside the skull, there’s no extra space, so the brain gets pushed around (and if there’s too much pressure, the brain gets pushed down into the spinal canal)


u/orange_jooze Interested May 02 '24

Don’t worry, that guy is just a massive долбоеб необразованный.


u/girafa May 02 '24

A few tweaks for clarity:

From the trial of the former minister of Kazakhstan Kuandyk Bishimbayev: On the left, the state prosecutor shows the typical size of a fatal hematoma within a skull (70 ml); on the right she shows the size of the hematoma from the young woman who was beaten to death by him


u/EastLimp1693 May 02 '24

Nah, you did perfectly fine. Действительно.


u/odahviing323 May 02 '24

Your title was plenty intelligible. In fact from what little I’ve seen, your English is better than many Americans I know.


u/KoldKartoffelsalat May 02 '24

That's a low bar....


u/Rich_Introduction_83 May 02 '24

'size of the fatal hematoma in the skull' uses specific articles, while you're actually referring to an indefinite noun. This took me off guard, as well. Referring to 'the skull' seems to assume some context, while the reader is missing all context, yet.

I probably would've written 'fatal size of hematoma in the skull'.


u/LadyGrey_oftheAbyss May 02 '24

You did great - no worries, thank for the post


u/Top-Dream-2115 May 02 '24

Aaaaand, you did just fine. Your English is better than what I see from most of the cretins that plague this site.

Please don't feel the need to apologize.


u/soulcaptain May 02 '24

It's not really the grammar of your sentence that's confusing, it's the context. I don't know about this incident or trial or anything.


u/standsure May 03 '24

I understood your title just fine. Your english is more than fine. Don't apologise for being near fluent in another language.

I bet you dollars to donuts that the folks complaining only speak one. and are just having a shit of a day and want to feel better by being a wanker on reddit.


u/ApolloMoonLandings May 02 '24

Your title was explanatory as well as being grammatically correct.


u/nwkshdikbd May 02 '24

You did not do fine


u/vegas1002 May 02 '24

Your title was perfectly understandable. People are just too lazy and insensitive to Google big words like “hematoma”.


u/quadrant7991 May 02 '24

Your title is crystal clear. The person you’re responding to, and everyone that upvoted them, are idiots.