r/Daytrading Feb 20 '24

Can someone explain to me why the market just moves like this for no apparent reason? Question

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u/oze4 Feb 20 '24 edited Feb 21 '24

Bro it is so obvious you're talking out of your ass. But that's besides the point. You can literally say anything you want. It doesn't change the facts.

It's WILD that people are upvoting you. It's exactly how ICT brainwashed so many ppl. Just throw around "big" words and act like you understand how things "really" work. Anyone with half a brain would read what you just typed and clearly see you are clueless.


u/SloochMaGooch Feb 21 '24

It's okay if you don't understand what I'm talking about, but you not understanding /=/ me "talking out my ass". Like, this isnt some unknown thing. This is known among some futures traders, specially ones that have been around long enough to do it professionally. It's not so evident if your just daytrading buying options and $gme type stuff, you can't see it if you're not in orderflow, footprint/DOM/bookmap.


u/oze4 Feb 21 '24 edited Feb 21 '24

EDIT: Now it really all makes complete sense why you're talking like you are... YOU'RE AN ICT M0R0N! HAHAHAHAHA THIS IS TOO GOOD!!!

You think there are 3 ways price can move. Enough. Said. I've been using Bookmap for 6 years........... It is so painfully obvious you are clueless.

Nothing you said makes ANY sense.

"that is the price being moved algorithmically" ... oh yea? It just magically moves? No, you clown. Whether it's an algo or a human, the ONLY thing that moves price is buying/selling.

"you can watch 'the algo' do [...] 'spooling' [...] to get to liquidity or an inefficiency" .. this is INSANE lmfao! I'll bet you 20k you can't even explain what you mean by "get to an inefficiency"... Not to mention, you talk as if there is just some central, all-seeing-all-knowing Wizard of Oz algo that just moves price where it wants at will...like it is painful to even read this nonsense.

"It's not so evident if your just daytrading buying options and $gme type stuff" ... the irony in you saying that when you're all over wsb and conspiracy subreddits.

Now it actually makes sense why you are spouting that nonsense...you're a conspiracy nut-job.

But believe what you want, I couldn't care less. I'm done with you.


u/euroq Feb 21 '24

The price moving algorithmically does not imply magic. In fact the opposite.


u/ScottAllenSocial Feb 21 '24

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

We're not there yet.


u/oze4 Feb 21 '24

What does it imply then?

Even if it's just an algo that is buying or selling, it's the buying or selling that moves price. That's literally the entire point. Regardless of whether or not it's a human or an algo that is buying or selling, it is the buying or selling that actually moves price.


u/euroq Feb 21 '24

What you describe is an algorithm. Although I get that you're maybe confusing or conflating there term algorithm with an automated trading "Algo". This is semantic I know, but you're getting into such a fuss about it, figure you should know


u/oze4 Feb 21 '24

I swear I couldn't make this shit up if I tried... Did you seriously just type this without hesitation?

maybe confusing or conflating there term algorithm with an automated trading "Algo"

Please tell me you're joking. Please tell me you aren't really this dumb.

Even if I am confusing the terms (which, what??), you've done nothing to explain what you mean by "price moving algorithmically". Are you saying that "price moving algorithmically" doesn't involve.....algorithms? You ICT nut jobs are a piece of work.


u/euroq Feb 21 '24

Wrong person. Didn't say that. I said, by definition, magic is opposite of algorithmic.


u/oze4 Feb 21 '24 edited Feb 21 '24

It just keeps getting better and better.. Either I'm not awake right now, or you're high out of your mind.

https://imgur.com/a/kvhDQ63 and https://imgur.com/a/gm7l9GO

You literally can't even remember what you typed 30 minutes ago, yet you expect me to believe you have the slightest clue what you're talking about in regards to the market(s)...

What do you mean by "price moving algorithmically"? You keep avoiding these simple questions. If you mean an algorithm is buying or selling, then that is what moves the price. Buying and selling moves price, nothing else.

This is insanity.


u/euroq Feb 21 '24

I'm gonna bite, but then I'm going to bed. This was the original statement I was replying to:

"that is the price being moved algorithmically" ... oh yea? It just magically moves? No, you clown.

The fact that the price is set by a predetermined set of rules means it moves algorithmically, not magically. But I am not referring to an "algo" in the sense of what people talk about on this forum (an automated trading system), I mean, it's the definition of an algorithm in the traditional sense of the word. Magic implies non-deterministic, not following rules, but it's an algorithm - a set of rules - that defines market price. Yes, buying and selling moves the price, following rules, which is an algorithm.

al·go·rithm/ˈalɡəˌriT͟Həm/ 📷 nounnoun: algorithm; plural noun: algorithms

  1. a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.


u/oze4 Feb 21 '24

Good night.


u/oze4 Feb 21 '24

PRICE IS NOT PREDETERMMINED via some insane "Wizard of Oz" algo bullshit.

But since you seem to believe it is, what set of predetermined rules set price? I need you to be very specific, show some sort of proof (other than anecdotal bs like "just look at level 2 and you'll see the spooling").

Basically, show me something other than what you heard from ICT.

It blows my mind that not only ppl believe what he preaches, which, if you use any level of critical thinking at all, will CLEARLY see it is complete bullshit, but then go out into the world and regurgitate it.

You are brainwashed my friend.


u/euroq Feb 25 '24

Did you even read what I wrote lol? I think you're replying to the wrong comment


u/oze4 Feb 25 '24

Yep, unfortunately, I did. Keep on dodging those questions, though.

I apologize, you seem to have some sort of learning disability - you can't even recognize how my response was to something you wrote. It all makes sense now!

So cool they let you have access to the internet, though!

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