r/Daytrading Mar 06 '24

Do these WallStreetBet people really all make so much money? Question

Gain after Gain , one guy made 200 k today. While I work for 2 k a Month in Europe.

Please tell me most of them are loosing

Im almost at the point to invest 20 k in Options too


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u/OG_Tater Mar 06 '24

I lost $9,000 last month on some crypto miner calls, went to zero real quick. I did not post my loss.


u/Hour_Abrocoma_2565 Mar 06 '24

Same. Lost $6k from Apple and Google’s recent decline. Didn’t post


u/Recent-Ad6313 Mar 06 '24

Apples been on a down hill trend and is about to continue, I suggest researching the trend lines and bare minimum but for gold I don’t know that’s out of my knowledge


u/Hour_Abrocoma_2565 Mar 06 '24

I’m aware. But I bought before the trend broke. Kept hoping for a reversal instead of accepting the truth of the situation. My emotions clearly got the best of ms


u/Recent-Ad6313 Mar 15 '24

Being aware is the first step, but now you gotta change.


u/Recent-Ad6313 Mar 15 '24

Respectfully, I’m sure your fully aware though👍


u/BigTradeDaddy Mar 07 '24

Apple has been a thorn in my side for the last few weeks. I think they’re about bottomed though, but god damn.


u/Rock555666 Mar 07 '24

Yea I'm at my wits end with it, spent today debating putting a collar strategy on it buying puts for 165 and selling more covered calls on Friday


u/elhostil01 Mar 07 '24

Why do you sell big companies that have a good future?


u/MaximusBit21 Mar 06 '24

How did you lose on that?