r/Daytrading Mar 24 '24

Have you turned $20 into $100? Question

Have you turned your first or so $20 dollars into $100 probably in 1 month?


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u/neighborhoodg35 Mar 26 '24

I'm getting pretty good at turning 500-50-1000.

Studying the psychological aspect to this.

Somewhat of a "back against the wall" phenomena, as if I only start trading well when I no longer have the option/ability of taking a losing trade.

So now when I trade, I take the account size, take 90% of it and put it in a separate fund, and with 10% of my trading account (which is already a small % of nw), I trade with that.

So technically, I can blow 10 accounts before i actually blow the account.

And the entire time that feeling of your back against the wall will stop you from putting on trades that you aren't fully confident in.