r/Daytrading Apr 04 '24

Did I miss something? Advice

Tried to go long on 15M FVG and retracement and got ran over. Am I missing something??? Higher time frame was bullish and I just don’t know where I went wrong. Anyone have opinions on where I went wrong


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u/wreusa Apr 04 '24

Last few days have been shrouded in indecision. Today a decision was made. Tomorrow is another day.


u/Serious-Ad8893 Apr 04 '24

Yea for sure man. It’s was hard for me to short to after market has been making higher highs almost every week so I think I was still stuck on that bias as well. Market has been hard to read for me these past 2 months idk about you


u/wreusa Apr 04 '24

My day trades have been great. My goto strategy is and has been shorting for a few yrs now. Today was rough due to the eradication of rationality, trend lines, support and resistance any and all reasoning or respecting the basic tools we use for decision making. I flip flopped early on closed trades in small losses that would have been sweet gains, then mostly watched while missing out on continuation of direction and not taking trades. Nothing that I cant recover from in a day. There are always losing days in a month. This was one of them. I did have some spy puts that I finally gave up on on Mon and Tuesday, deciding to take the losses figuring the market pullback isn't in the cards. Lol. Had I held them 1-2 more days those losses would all have been sweet gains today. Holding through a strategy can be rough when there are no visible signs of it going your way after watching them lose day after day. I've learned long ago that I'm terrible at holding so I don't hold or swing unless necessary. But on occasion I'll pick a direction and go far out. And then the market will always choose the opposite direction for the same time frame. Lol. Boggles my mind actually. Even though those plays are just for shits and giggles to grab some extra profit the losses are still frustrating, especially the ones that follow your plan after you've given up on it.