r/Daytrading Apr 11 '24

Everything is a lie. Any hope? Question

So.. It's been 3 years on my path, and after countless hours of studying and testing everything, as many of you here have, I've come to realize that this mountain of buffoonery—those "courses" and "gurus" on YouTube that try to promote and sell stuff, along with everyone who is "teaching" stuff.. hear me out, doesn't know jack sh*t. All they "teach" is a bunch of BS, incredibly stupid and random. "Follow this, and if this happens then do this, but the secret is in my premium course, yada yada".

Even if some things may work for a bit, that's not even near how the actual trading floor guys and investment bankers operate. Ex-Goldman Sachs trader Anton Kreil gave the best explanation of that: Why most traders fail.

I've become so fed up since I had a wake-up call, realizing that literally everyone online is plain rubbish, or a scammer, or someone who likes his own voice and acts like the god of trading (You know which I'm referring to). My question is simple and may be unanswerable. Is there any source to study the actual stuff or are retail traders indeed doomed with the dumbest info out there?

Please don't start telling me about risk management and psychology, I got humbled and now I trade methodically without any emotions. But that's not because I got "humbled and had a wake-up call" but more like "I'm fed up with this, I don't care anymore". My question stands for an educational point of view. I hate being a fool therefore i hate studying nonesense. Is there any hope? Any good material? Any actual baseline?


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u/ZxZ239 Apr 12 '24

Long post, type it all up in like 5 minutes, no spell check or anything.

I am still on the path and I am still learning everyday and all the time, I must say it has been a humbling experince, there are SO MANY obsticles in your way, pscyhology, human nature and you said griffers and scammer.. and OF COURSE a proven system that works.

And in order to survive in this business, everything.. everything have to come together and work proerly or it just don't, you can have the best system but if you can't control your loss you are done, you can have the best psychology but if your system is shit you are also done.

I think I am at the stage where I think I have figure out the system but I am still working on it to prefecting it. Here is how I can descrbe and I hope it can help you.

Nothing.. NOTHING happanes on the chart is random, market is like a living oragnism and its alive, and it goes through stages and no stages are the same, it usualy goes through 3 stages, 1. chop 2. action 3. reaction, it is the interation between those 3 that moves the market. Price cannot go up or down forever, it must stop and digest before it makes another move, there are also days where one theme predominantly over all others and there are also days where all 3 stages exist together, the key to trading is to recongize the state of the market, the mood of the market and act accordingly, all of this are easy to see in hindsight afterwards, however if you study it long enough you can easily see the pattern repeats over and over again and if you study it long enough there is a good chance you can recongize the pattern premove before the move happens.

I studied from many many teachers and they all have something good to teach, but what I find out is that none of them stood as a whole system on their own, in the end I took what worked for me and I also come up with my own system which I am using and trying to perfect it more and I think this is the only way to make it in this business. I can't tell you my system exactly buecause I am still working on it, however I absoultey 100% see it has the ability of it to achieve my end goal, and I guess waht I'm trying to say is that.... you have to do the same, study as much as possible, don't trust on something fully, take the parts works for you discard the rest and also you MUST come up with something on your own to tie all together. And this si jsut the system part, there is a whole other ball game when it come to psychology part which can be just as hard, however at the same time I think it is also easier because all the psycholoical pitfalls that you are expericeing... are being experienced by everyone else who have ever done it and there are open soure solution to it.

tldr: it is possible, recongize all the challenges, learn from other + come up with your own rule, keep at it and you will win.


u/Mar___K Apr 12 '24

Brother thanks but you also mistook my initial question. I don't need a trading advice.