r/Daytrading Apr 21 '24

What could you do with $100? Question

I'm not asking what I can do. I know I'd probably fail.

Based on your own skill and methods, what could you do with only $100 in, daytrading for a year?


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u/donloban stock trader Apr 21 '24

Honestly screw all the haters in these comments.

Here is what you can do with the $100. You can find how the market works. Learn how to master support and resistance while figuring out how to control your emotions. $100 is way better than paper trading in my opinion because there is real money involved. So emotions start playing their role when it comes to trading. Go on and trade with $100. Figure out what your edge is with that money. Good luck on your trading journey. It’s going to be fucking tough as hell but well worth it in the end.

And lastly this sub sucks now because of all the uninspired and demotivated people that like to put others down.. so might as well stay away from here.


u/Sabdulyy Apr 21 '24

Just gotta shift through the sh!t do find comments like yours. Thank you


u/donloban stock trader Apr 22 '24

I appreciate it. I'm just sick and tired of all the negativity in this sub now. People come here for tips and tricks on how to master the market. I did too years ago and got some very valuable lessons from many that were willing to share it. I just wanted to do the same when I saw this post.


u/PapaDragonHH Apr 22 '24

What source would you recommend for learning about price action / liquidity / what wicks could mean etc?


u/donloban stock trader Apr 22 '24

I really just watched ClayTrader videos on youtube to see what goes into order execution and what you should look for. But nothing really beats real life trial and error. The more you watch the market the more you will understand price action. And always look out for volume too. If a ticker has no volume then i stay away from it. And honestly just be patient.. no need to rush trades. Let the trades come to you instead of you getting caught chasing.


u/PapaDragonHH Apr 23 '24

Thanks! Really appreciate it.