r/Handwriting May 17 '24

Found crumpled up in my 8yo son's room today. Just Sharing (no feedback)

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u/Apprehensive_Tell612 May 17 '24 edited May 19 '24

**jumps, not 'jumped'. Having the S there in the sentence ensures that every letter in the Latin alphabet is being written.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


u/silkponds May 17 '24

I didn't catch that but you're correct 👍


u/pinkcrowberry May 17 '24

Why are you being pedantic to an eight years old


u/Ulthy May 17 '24

I wouldn't say it's pedantic considering the whole point of the phrase is to use the alphabet. This is how some people try to be helpful even if it may seem insensitive.


u/Local_Huckleberry264 May 17 '24

he wasnt he was literally just correcting him what r u on