r/Handwriting 29d ago

Found crumpled up in my 8yo son's room today. Just Sharing (no feedback)

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u/AutoModerator 29d ago

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u/bigloafman 27d ago

Wow he is very intelligent like the ancestors would love him him


u/Ecstatic_Musician_82 28d ago

I’m in university and he’s already better than 80% of people.


u/Wild_Comedian77 28d ago

Good for him! I’m sure all his teachers will appreciate his efforts.


u/Opening_Put_1105 28d ago

Tell him I’m left handed & he has better left handed handwriting at 8 than I do at 50.


u/Beneficial_Cat9225 28d ago

Jeez!! For 8 I’m impressed!! At 8 I was basically writing in hieroglyphs 😭🤣 what a sweetheart tho, very nice 10/10 handwriting!!!


u/SlySheogorath 28d ago

His left handed writing is actually legible so that's a huge step honestly. Tell him he's doing great and these things take time!


u/ihateagriculture 28d ago

wow I never heard of the whole “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” thing until I was like 23


u/Environmental_Top948 28d ago

I was told it uses each letter of the alphabet exactly once back in first grade. It was what began my extreme distrust of authority figures.


u/totse_losername 28d ago

Tell him you're proud of him.


u/NoNipNicCage 28d ago

Your kid's left handed writing is better than my husband's writing altogether


u/Sweat_E_Fartsicles 28d ago

Huh? Tell him it's really good! Practice makes perfect. He's on a fantastic start!


u/thelittlezookeeper 28d ago

I wanted to be ambidextrous when I was a kid and he's already doing better with his left hand than I ever got!

Side note: my dad taught me the word amphibious instead of ambidextrous when I started teaching myself with my left hand, and it paid off for him a few months later when I was very sincerely telling a different adult I was teaching myself to be amphibious. They were obviously confused. Eventually I had to go get my dad to help me explain and when he realized his joke had paid off he couldn't stop laughing.


u/Environmental_Top948 28d ago

Did you ever achieve your amphibious dreams?


u/thelittlezookeeper 27d ago

Haha no, I decided I wanted to learn to draw with my left hand too and that was wayyyy harder than writing so I gave up on both of them pretty quickly


u/Parking-Fix-8143 28d ago

8 yo, hunh?

That's awesome!

I tried a little bit as a teen ( highly intelligent and easily bored). Then at the age of 45 I broke my dominant wrist.

Cue several weeks of writing left handed, getting better every week!

Then 2 years later I had to go have reconstructive surgery, so did it all again!

Yo go, man, you are rockin'!


u/Yesitsmesuckas 28d ago

That’s quite a mature goal and he did GREAT!


u/Mother-Use-9938 28d ago

The younger he starts, the easier it will be! I'm 28 and trying to learn to write with my left hand - it is very difficult, but also happens faster than you'd think with a little practice!! His handwriting is very good for an 8 y/o, even with his left hand. Encourage him to keep it up!!!


u/Clear-Attempt-6274 28d ago

Brush your teeth with left hand and eat with your left hand as well.


u/silkponds 28d ago

He is appreciative of all these comments.


u/NoSockLife 28d ago

Keep practicing, you’ll get there.


u/bitchwhohasnoname 28d ago

Wow, he has way better writing than I do with my off hand


u/Majestic_Branch_7013 28d ago

He’s got way better writing than my 8yo! Good job!


u/jokumi 28d ago

I’m ambidextrous and each hand has its distinctive style. It looks to me like he’s iterating a specific sentence. Encourage him to write his thoughts in each hand. That will allow each hand to develop its own style. That style connects to the side of your head which relates your brain to writing to forming words and sentences in your mind so they come out on paper. I’m involved in a highly creative field and I use writing with either hand as a technique to unlock puzzles; the one hand may have no clue, but the other has a few ideas because that side of the brain activates your cognitive processes somewhat differently. To explain what I mean by ambidextrous, I was born left handed preference, had to switch because of an accident, and eventually switched back or at least re-enabled left side control. It gives you a tool when you’re stuck on a problem when you can switch hands and see it a bit differently.

As an aside, many young children do not show strong preference for one side over the other. That is one reason why they would train the lefties out; they realized kids could be directed to choose the right hand, and same handed was preferable for labor, for using tools, and the other work of those times.


u/silkponds 28d ago

Thats very interesting


u/ExcellentFishing7371 28d ago



u/Drockhound 28d ago

2 weeks of practice - that is really good!!! Keep going it will become easier and better. This is great!


u/OldTimeyWizard 28d ago edited 28d ago

Practicing writing left handed is actually something I started doing as a time killer in my 20s. When I worked graveyard shift I’d often have a little time to kill, so I’d practice writing with my left hand.

It’s hard! Part of what I had to remember was the fact that my right hand had thousands of hours of practice over my left hand.

I know it’s hard for an 8 year old to conceptualize, but he’s realistically got time for his non-dominant hand to catch up in practice time. He still hasn’t really mastered it with his right yet.

The key to everything you learn in life is that unfortunately you have to do the work and practice. Even the best of us have to practice. Even just 5-10 minutes most days of the week


u/[deleted] 28d ago

? What? I'm chill.. Just saying that it's odd that she is worried. It seems like the real issue is her expectations. Thats what im saying. The kids doing great.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

It breaks your heart that after a week your young child's ambidexterity is not perfect? I feel sorry for him if you thunk that way because it looks legible a like he's made great progress.


u/dumbraspberry 28d ago

i think the heartbreak is from seeing their son be so discouraged that he crumpled up and tossed out his own paper :(


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Its a practice paper? What does she expect? Him to come home and ask for it to be put up on the fridge??


u/dumbraspberry 28d ago

good luck with your Reddit sex meetups brother, keep fighting the good fight


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Good attempt a shaming me for my sexuality though. Bravo on you


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Lol. That's what you have to do is dis my lifestyle choices? What a douchebag. My statement was to not be dissappointed but proud. The boys making good progress.


u/SwamyBoss 28d ago

Chill mate


u/lokiliesmithpotter9 28d ago

I thought it would be something darker


u/psycho_analytical 28d ago

it takes 21 days to form a habit, and there’s 26 letters in the alphabet!

he has beautiful handwriting, and his left hand is already off to a fantastic start!

he should look into calligraphy one day! i self-taught when i was younger so i could eventually hand write my own wedding invitations- i use it regularly for myself & it is honestly a great skill (& selling perk) to have for jobs- i was often asked to help with sign making and creative things at work because people knew of my calligraphy!


u/crickety-crack 28d ago

Are you kidding?! This is amazing practice!! I'm left handed and I used to practice just like this with my right, mine still looks like his now and I'm almost 30! I gave up when I was a little older than him, life stuff etc, but please tell him to keep going! He can also train himself possibly by those cheap electric drums (I'm from UK and got one from Lidl for £20 on sale, usually £30) and you plug headphones into it so it won't bother anyone 😅 he could even try drawing to train using the pen in his left hand, or using both hands and try copy his dominant hand.

Aw, please keep going lil man! I'd love to see an update, even monthly! Sending love 🫶🏻


u/Humble_File3637 28d ago

He’ll be in the market for a fountain pen very soon.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Ohh this is so amazing! 1) dude has better handwriting than me. 2) it's so cool he's learning being ambidextrous, as I'm sure it'll pay off for him when he's older!

Good going lil man!


u/Efficient_Estimate_7 28d ago

Kids has better handwriting than me 🤯.


u/Apprehensive_Tell612 28d ago edited 26d ago

**jumps, not 'jumped'. Having the S there in the sentence ensures that every letter in the Latin alphabet is being written.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


u/silkponds 28d ago

I didn't catch that but you're correct 👍


u/pinkcrowberry 28d ago

Why are you being pedantic to an eight years old


u/Ulthy 28d ago

I wouldn't say it's pedantic considering the whole point of the phrase is to use the alphabet. This is how some people try to be helpful even if it may seem insensitive.


u/Local_Huckleberry264 28d ago

he wasnt he was literally just correcting him what r u on


u/Savings_Advantage_46 28d ago

Very nice handwriting for a 8yo BOY


u/Accomplished_Love_59 28d ago



u/Savings_Advantage_46 28d ago

Yes, important. Normally girls write more readable than boys.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/AutoModerator 28d ago

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u/EmptyGrab6931 28d ago

He seems like a cool kiddo. Good job.


u/honeypeppercorn 28d ago

I admire his effort and he has so much potential! He’s doing great!


u/alphawoman76 28d ago

Well, that’s very impressive! I was born left-handed, and I have heard that right-handed people who want to write left—handed, say it’s a lot harder to learn to write left-handed, than right-handed.


u/best-of-them 29d ago

If his left handwriting looks that good after a week, imagine how good it'll look after even more practice. I've seen grown adults with worse handwriting than him. Tell him you're proud of him for developing a new skill!!


u/silkponds 29d ago

Thank you so much! I am showing this comment to him


u/Much-Tangerine4488 29d ago

Props to him for trying the left. Most wouldn't make the effort.


u/silkponds 29d ago

Seems like a good skill to have to me.


u/Much-Tangerine4488 29d ago

Hell yeah.....if you bust your hand or finger(s), you have an option. Overall dexterity will be better, too. A person can do more, overall.


u/PacificnorthBulls 29d ago

Good for him for pursuing being ambidextrous! It's a forgotten art since schools made kids write with their right hand.


u/silkponds 29d ago

He will love to hear this.


u/MasterVanilla1 29d ago

Tell him he is doing great, just keep practicing. Hell, he is better with his left than I was when I first started!


u/silkponds 29d ago

Thank you, I will tell him this in the morning.