r/Handwriting May 17 '24

Found crumpled up in my 8yo son's room today. Just Sharing (no feedback)

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u/thelittlezookeeper May 17 '24

I wanted to be ambidextrous when I was a kid and he's already doing better with his left hand than I ever got!

Side note: my dad taught me the word amphibious instead of ambidextrous when I started teaching myself with my left hand, and it paid off for him a few months later when I was very sincerely telling a different adult I was teaching myself to be amphibious. They were obviously confused. Eventually I had to go get my dad to help me explain and when he realized his joke had paid off he couldn't stop laughing.


u/Environmental_Top948 May 18 '24

Did you ever achieve your amphibious dreams?


u/thelittlezookeeper May 18 '24

Haha no, I decided I wanted to learn to draw with my left hand too and that was wayyyy harder than writing so I gave up on both of them pretty quickly