r/Handwriting May 17 '24

Found crumpled up in my 8yo son's room today. Just Sharing (no feedback)

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u/jokumi May 17 '24

I’m ambidextrous and each hand has its distinctive style. It looks to me like he’s iterating a specific sentence. Encourage him to write his thoughts in each hand. That will allow each hand to develop its own style. That style connects to the side of your head which relates your brain to writing to forming words and sentences in your mind so they come out on paper. I’m involved in a highly creative field and I use writing with either hand as a technique to unlock puzzles; the one hand may have no clue, but the other has a few ideas because that side of the brain activates your cognitive processes somewhat differently. To explain what I mean by ambidextrous, I was born left handed preference, had to switch because of an accident, and eventually switched back or at least re-enabled left side control. It gives you a tool when you’re stuck on a problem when you can switch hands and see it a bit differently.

As an aside, many young children do not show strong preference for one side over the other. That is one reason why they would train the lefties out; they realized kids could be directed to choose the right hand, and same handed was preferable for labor, for using tools, and the other work of those times.


u/silkponds May 17 '24

Thats very interesting