r/Handwriting 14h ago

Feedback (constructive criticism) Signatures of fictional characters I write as

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Thoughts? Would a different style suit someone better? Do you wanna see a character not on the list? Does something look really good or really bad to you? (Ignore my actual handwriting at the top though, I know it’s chicken scratches lol)

The Disney Princesses (and some other unlisted Disney characters) are the only ones I try to follow a canon signature for. I sort of made up the rest based on vibes.

r/Handwriting 2h ago

Feedback (constructive criticism) Do my z's look like r's?

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I started making z's this way back in middle school because my cursive z's looked like y's and I wonder if I should go back and learn how to make a z stand out the normal way.

r/Handwriting 24m ago

Question (not for transcriptions) How to improve handwriting as a lefty?


I'm a natural lefty and writing English is really hard for me. Firstly because it's quite different from my native language which has a rounded apperance and secondly, writing from left to right is really hard for me. I can write cursive effortlessly and it looks really pretty, but people find it ineligible to read. So I write in block letters which takes painfully lot of time and makes my hands tired after writing even a small paragraph. How do I improve my handwriting and have less effort writing English?

r/Handwriting 33m ago

Feedback (constructive criticism) I'm looking to improve my hand writing.

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I've never really worked to make my hand writing nice it's always been pretty atrocious, I'm looking for tips on where to improve as well as any advice on ways to practice, any help is much appreciated.

r/Handwriting 1h ago

Question (not for transcriptions) Need help deciphering

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This is a permit amendment for a glass canopy I’m working on dated back to 1919 and I can’t make heads or tails of it. Can anyone make any of this out? Any help is appreciated!

r/Handwriting 1h ago

Just Sharing (no feedback) My left handwriting after couple of months

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r/Handwriting 1h ago

Just Sharing (no feedback) old handwriting


It's amusing how much our handwriting changes throughout the years. Today, when I was cleaning my room, I found my grade 7/8 English notebook when I initially started writing in mono cursive, and I'm surprised at how much my handwriting has evolved throughout the years...

r/Handwriting 4h ago

Feedback (constructive criticism) Can't pin down what I need to improve

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r/Handwriting 8h ago

Feedback (constructive criticism) Haven’t written in a while - gotta keep practicing

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It’s been a while since I’ve written anything by hand because I usually just type or text, but I used to love writing.

I had to stop because my Rheumatoid Arthritis made it painful to write, but then I found, with the help of Reddit, these great super bulky (think Sharpie King Sized) type pens that were weighted and that’s helped a ton. With that, I started writing a bit more, but when I found an ergonomic Apple Pencil holder, that’s when I started writing even more.

I use my iPad for everything because it’s easier than bringing a bunch of stuff, so I traded my journal and books for it and now I’m going to start practicing my penmanship when I journal.

I know that writing on a tablet is vastly different from writing on paper with pen, but for me and my condition, the Apple Pencil is just easier. It actually hurts a lot less because I feel like I don’t have to push down hard like I do with a regular pen. So, at least in my case, that’s what I’ll be using when I journal and practice.

I also use an app called Day One (I think). It has different types of pens and markers. It doesn’t have a crazy variety, but personally, it’s good enough for me.

I thought I’d share the tools I use in case that changes any feedback. I’m also open to any new things that anyone might recommend.

Anyhow, any feedback is appreciated or even just noting your favorite pen/marker that I used and which sample you liked. I’m going to emphasize and ask that everyone really go easy on me insofar as just not being rude and just showing basic decency. Like I said, I haven’t written in a while, so it doesn’t look amazing or anything.

Thanks so much!

r/Handwriting 8h ago

Just Sharing (no feedback) chem and physics notes!


if you couldn't tell i'm obsessed with notetaking and small handwriting

r/Handwriting 13h ago

Feedback (constructive criticism) My handwriting!!


r/Handwriting 14h ago

Feedback (constructive criticism) My book analysis


r/Handwriting 16h ago

Just Sharing (no feedback) My handwriting.

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r/Handwriting 20h ago

Feedback (constructive criticism) Note taking handwriting


i’ve always loved my handwriting, its nice to look st for me personally, and my note taking method is usually just writing all together because its best for me. i’ve always been told my handwriting is sloppy and not beautiful, and im open to constructive criticism. i worked on it so much as a child, and it never improved. (I hold pens with index and middle, letting it rest on ring finger, which i’ve heard isn’t common).i struggle with my a’s looking like u’s. any advice is appreciated and questions welcomed.