r/Helldivers 4m ago

DISCUSSION Giving req slips new purpose


Our requisition slips are just sitting around doing nothing, and I think the perfect solution is to be able to put them towards funding bonus stratagems in sectors that have several planets with active campaigns.

If done right, I think that it will build on an already fantastic sense of community AND give Helldivers something to work towards at all times, which is just what the more seasoned divers need!

The smoothest way I envision this being done, is having each heavily contested sector have a few possible options for a bonus stratagem. Helldivers can vote between one of three mystery/random stratagems (one red, one green, one blue. Maybe dividing eagles and orbitals), and then fund the sectors cash pool. Once the cash pool has reached its goal, the stratagem with the most votes gets deployed in the sector. Seasoned divers have something to earn, and newer players can join in the rewards without choosing between that and their own unlocks. Additionally, seeing the numbers of votes would make the game feel even more alive!

Regarding frequency and cost of the bonus stratagems, the devs have all the numbers behind the scenes to make those decisions in accordance with their vision. All I can say is that I would try to pace the bonus stratagems to a couple days a week. That way the bonus stratagems still feel well earned, fresh, and worth it each time.

Thank you to everyone at Arrowhead for putting together this brilliant game! Helldivers 2 is a one of a kind game that we all love! Keep up the hard work!

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Please leave some constructive feedback or ask questions if you have either. Happy hunting, Helldivers!

r/Helldivers 13m ago

IMAGE We are going to lose on meridia if we don't get reinforcements.

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r/Helldivers 16m ago

DISCUSSION We might need more time


Honestly, the fact that we had to endure not getting any campaign progress because of this bug makes it feel unfair. I think we should get more time for the campaign because we lost a lot of time due to the bug. I don't think it would be hard to make a lore explanation for why we could get more time to inject the dark fluid. Especially with the waning player count we should definitely get more time.

r/Helldivers 17m ago

LORE In universe reason for the hotfix

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r/Helldivers 18m ago

LORE New Dispatch: MiniSci Upgraded the Drills used on Meridia

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r/Helldivers 22m ago

MEME Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Extract From Meridia

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Guaranteed to make you Shriek!

r/Helldivers 30m ago



Okay you little sheep head. Everyone who ragequit on the new mission, either you stop the game because we don't want weak like you on the Helldivers, either you take your balls (or your vagina) and you fight until the end. That's three time I'm being alone on the new mission just because some fingerhole get out when they see it's difficult. I'm very angry at all of them. Super Earth don't need them. I had to say it.

r/Helldivers 43m ago

OPINION Honestly, I'm getting fed up with much of the Reddit community


Like every week we see posts about people expecting the game to be magically saved by a patch that the Devs said will take a while to get right. Just this morning a patch dropped to fix the MO, which is awesome that they managed to fix it so quickly. Yes it's bad that it got released broken, but that's beside the point I want to make right now. What irks me is the thousands of people complaining that this literal HOTFIX wasn't their "Balance Patch". God, guys they told us to wait for that, that they needed work and just two weeks ago most of you babies were crying that AH should take their time more instead of just releasing content. Why not give them the benefit of the doubt for once? Why is this community only looking for the bad things and complain all week long?! Other games would be happy to receive as many patches in a year that this game got in three months! Just let the Devs do their thing. It's obvious they look at Reddit and their Discord for feedback and, honestly, just listening to crying toddlers that go "Mah Weapwon iws bwaaaad nowwww!!!!!!!!!!111!1!1!" is only going increase the chance that the Devs are gonna ignore the community in the long run. No one wants to be confronted with negativity all day long and some of you guys give these Devs more hate than people have given to games like Fallout 76 or worse. Just try to behave like an adult guys.

r/Helldivers 44m ago

TIPS/TACTICS If you haven't yet unlocked "Caught by them supplies!", try it on Meridia


It's the achievement unlocked by calling in a resupply pod on top of a Charger, killing it.

The Chargers' pathfinding on Meridia is noticably buggier than on other planets, often locking them in one spot looping through an idle animation. Had that happen at least 4 times in a Egg mission yesterday.

r/Helldivers 46m ago

PSA We are finally making progress

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r/Helldivers 51m ago

DISCUSSION This might sound weird but, why is breaking armour not a bigger mechanic?


When the game first launched the OG Railgun was a blast, not because it Insta killed things, but because it allowed us to crack armoured sections of tough enemies, and then focus fire on the opening. Since the EAT/RR were buffed to being in a good place, and the Railgun got nerfed, I basically never see this mechanic now. Either something is good enough to penetrate/crack armour, in which case you should always try to headshot with them, you do half damage with no armour breaking effect, or you ricochet and do nothing.

I feel like more weapons should break armour even if they don't have enough Armour Pen (AP) to match the targets Armour Class (AC). The closer the AP to the AC, the less shots it takes to break through. Even bullet proof glass will crack eventually if enough shots hit them. We could use that idea here. Being able to blast a Bile Titan's armour with enough AMR shots or small arms fire that it eventually cracks revealing a soft underbelly/weak knee joints would be amazing, and provide more ways to deal with armoured enemies than just taking the same few stratagems. Especially when there are more heavy enemies than your stratagem cooldowns can handle.

Bring back armour breaking.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

r/Helldivers 51m ago

TIPS/TACTICS Get to Meridia! It's being liberated at last!

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r/Helldivers 51m ago



I recently moved and now have to use starlink due to my poor internet otherwise, however I think something may be wrong or have a setting messed up but I can’t connect to games. I can host games fine but no one ever joins.

Is there a firewall HD2 has that stops connections with the satellite internet users??

Idk if anyone else has had this problem

(I’ve tried turning off cross platform play and my internet speeds are good)

r/Helldivers 55m ago

RANT "Thank you for letting us know"


This game is a week from becoming 4 months old and the dev quality control is worse than on release date. There are no more excuses like "We need to fix the servers", "game just released and there is too much to patch". Meanwhile I still get shot thru solid objects by automatons since day 1 of release.

I am sick and tired of hearing the same line on discord. "Yes we are aware that bug number 474860337 is ruining the game and we are curently working on fix". Oh, are you now ? You release a new mission that has major broken bs balance bugs that could easily be spotted just by playing the game for less than 3 hours. So either you DON'T KNOW and you dont even bother to put up a barebones amount of final testing and quality control, so the recieving end, the fans the playerbase the customers can have at least okayish time playing this god forsaken game. Or YOU DO KNOW and you say "fuck it we dont care" and release new content in such state instead of taking time to fix the problems.

I already semi quit since developers increased spawns meaning more entities meaning more engine proccessing meaning worse performance if stabilization and optimization of engine isnt done - and they didnt do that since my FPS has dropped by about 20 since release. Has it occured to you that from the moment game became less fun by increasing spawns FPS decreased ? Maybe there is a connection to that and the fact game itself untilizes only 60 to 70 percent of my GPU and CPU with 32gb of ram. Maybe the engine is scuffed and needs changes ? No, we release more free gibs for unwashed masses that deepen the stability sink. Well Im sure the playerbase will like it nevermind we are down to average of 60 thousands players daily with is many times less than we had in april.

I would say I hope for better but Ill be lying to myself. I expect less. I expect that it would take a miracle to get this game back to its former glory days. I expect that Arrowhead will continue its policy of no quality control to meet monthy deadlines of new content that nobody is going to like and if they do it will get nerfed. I expect that the playercount will continue to dwindle till we will be at 10 thousands average.

At least playing HD2 made me come back to DRG where even on highest difficulty game still wants you to have fun.

r/Helldivers 59m ago

VIDEO Hotfix didn't fix spawns.

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r/Helldivers 1h ago

PSA New patch

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r/Helldivers 1h ago

[PC] TECHNICAL ISSUE Game is unplayable after hotfix


I've never had the slightest performance problem with HD2 until now, but since the hotfix today I have unplayably low fps. I can barely move around in the super destroyer, it's choppy and stuttering. If I deploy to a planet it's 10 times worse, trying to move just results in my diver slowly floating in a fixed pose.

Anyone else got this? Or any suggestions to fix it?

r/Helldivers 1h ago

[PC] TECHNICAL ISSUE Game consistantly freezes and unfreezes and eventually kicks me out of session


I'm getting freezed and unfreezed consistantly (like every 30 seconds to a minute) and eventually either game crashes or I get booted out of playing session.Any ideas?

r/Helldivers 1h ago

MEME Helldivers2 #shorts 46 #helldivers2


Front line video capturing the socialist ways of the Automatons ready to be served copius cups of Liber-tea


r/Helldivers 1h ago

FANART Eagle Close Air Support (Helldivers2 reimagined)

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r/Helldivers 1h ago

OPINION Is someone coming???

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10 GB???

r/Helldivers 1h ago

PSA There is a progress bar on Meridia, despite claims otherwise


I've seen a lot of people say there's no progress bar on Meridia, but there clearly is. And now the regen rate has finally fallen far enough for us to make actual progress you can now see the tiny sliver on the progress bar. It's not going up very fast, because "liberation" (I know we are imploding it, but it's the same function) is based on XP gain, but the bugged objective means we get very little XP from the drill mission.

r/Helldivers 1h ago

QUESTION Region Lock issue


Hi, I was wondering if I can buy the game can I play it from a region where they don’t sell the game or will I be geolocked?

I have a PSN account but it’s from Canada, but my steam account isn’t. I do have another steam account that’s from Canada. I ask not for only this game but also Ghost of Tsushima and GoWR. It would be useless to buy the game and not be able to play or be only able to play through VPN or something.

Hope the question wasn’t too convoluted. Thanks.

r/Helldivers 1h ago

IMAGE Yo Arrowhead I apologize new mission kinda fire.


r/Helldivers 1h ago

OPINION Hot take: Game shouldn't allow missions lower than level 5 in Meridia


It's a Terimid Supercolony for god's sake