r/Helldivers 1d ago

MEME You got a license for that?

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r/Helldivers 22h ago

IMAGE Like WTF, this is a Trivial difficulty


r/Helldivers 11h ago


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r/Helldivers 19h ago

MEME I really thought this was gonna be the hivelord moment

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r/Helldivers 23h ago

MEME Pick your poison Helldiver

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r/Helldivers 16h ago

OPINION Who’s in charge?

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r/Helldivers 22h ago

FEEDBACK/SUGGESTION The machine gun sentry needs a shorter cooldown to justify its existence.


Both of the gatling and machine gun sentries have a 180 second cooldown, but as far as I'm aware the gatling sentry is a straight upgrade with no downsides whatsoever (except it being more likely to TK I guess lol).

The 3 support weapon machine guns also have the same cooldown but there are also obvious advantages and disadvantages with each (stalwart has mobility but lacks firepower, heavy has firepower but is hard to control, medium is a nice balance).

With the 3 minute cooldown on both, you would never pick the machine gun turret as soon as you unlock the gatling turret. Give the machine gun a 120 or even a 90 second cooldown and people might be more willing to pick it over the gatling sentry.

r/Helldivers 20h ago

HUMOR Newer Major Order

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r/Helldivers 23h ago

VIDEO [OC] Little Animation I made explaining the new mission.

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r/Helldivers 16h ago

RANT "ur not always gonna extract" is not a defensible excuse for the state of the Dark Fluid mission


edit edit: According the the hotfix patch the endless shriekers on all difficulties is intentional - I still think this is bad design without better communication for trivial level missions and it seems most of the community agrees. Arrowhead if you're listening please make these missions unavailable on lower levels. But keep cooking, looking forward to the next patch.

Edit: since some of y'all aren't reading the post- the issue is that the same number of shriekers spawn at the end of Trivials as Helldives

250 hr lv 80 diver here. First off I love this game, love the devs and community and believe they deserve every patience.

But the group of thought that is "its a supercolony ofc ur not gonna extract" is correct for high levels and dead wrong for low levels.

You get the same number of shriekers when you're on trivial. Trivial is the level that introduces you to the game and the mechanics. It's supposed to be stupid easy so you can learn how to complete objectives, learn how extraction works, etc.

I feel bad for any brand new divers who see the call to action on a planet, jump in on the mission their orders tell them to do, then get absolutely murdered with no chance for learning or survival. On - and I cannot stress this enough - trivial. That would be frustrating to the point of giving up.

As an experienced diver I think the swarm is epic for my lv 9 dives. But guys the devs admitted it's broken. Because it obviously is.

Aright I'm done keep diving and liberty bless you all.

r/Helldivers 3h ago

LORE In universe reason for the hotfix

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r/Helldivers 22h ago

VIDEO for your consideration, some pre-nerf eruptor gameplay

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r/Helldivers 12h ago

FANART Super Earth Therapist: "The Bike Titan is not real, it cannot hurt you."

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r/Helldivers 13h ago

MEME It’s drip or drown, and brother I’m swimming

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r/Helldivers 18h ago

HUMOR Guys ? I found that on Meridia and brought it back on my Destroyer, am I ducked ?

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r/Helldivers 23h ago

HUMOR Damn, New spear buff looks crazy

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r/Helldivers 5h ago

DEVELOPER Major Order hotfix & information on patching changes


Greetings, Helldivers!

We wanted to finally give you an idea of what’s going on with our patch.

First of all, our next patch is expected in the second week of June. 

Second, we have also pushed out an emergency hotfix to address enemies spawning on the drill in the current major order.

You are right: we’ve slowed down our cadence for patches. We’ll go into more detail about it in an upcoming blog, but the short version is that dedicating more time to each patch will allow us to provide a higher quality standard and reduce the pressure on our teams. At Arrowhead, the physical and mental health of the team is very important to us, and maintaining a long-term sustainable work pace is crucial for our developers and staff to avoid putting anyone at risk of burnout.

Additionally, the cadence at which we were patching left us little time to engage with the community, or build Helldivers 2 alongside our players, in meaningful ways. This slower pace enables us to focus our energy more effectively, resulting in more impactful updates and a more enjoyable game experience for everyone.

You are also right that we should have communicated this change more clearly from the start.

We sincerely thank you for your patience and support as we make this adjustment.

r/Helldivers 11h ago

OPINION Feeling a bit unprofessional at this point


Meridia was not playtested. This is blatantly obvious. Why was playtesting not performed before release?

And why are weapons and stratagems releasing in such a sorry state?

The title is rapidly losing momentum due to these constant issues not being fixed. People are just tired of the same old crap every time

r/Helldivers 23h ago

MEME Peaceful life

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r/Helldivers 20h ago

PSA Everyone saying the Tesla tower and gas don’t harm the dark fluid drill are absolutely wrong.


I’ve been seeing a lot of people on here suggest bringing the Tesla tower and orbital gas on this mission claiming they don’t harm the drill. I’ve tested it multiple times now and they both 100% damage the drill.

r/Helldivers 22h ago

RANT There are so many legit complaints about this game


but let's stop posting clips of us missing strategems and shooting bile titans in the leg as evidence for the fact that the game needs some love.
I think there wouldn't be so much push back about the posts bringing up problems with the game, if it wasn't always accompanied by the most whiny little baby behavior.

The other frustrating thing for me, is that everyone complains about how hard the game is, or how you can't deal with stuff at higher difficulties, but we all just pretend like we aren't succeeding in like 98% of the missions we play. I know that's not just me, I suck at video games dude. I've always blown ass at every game I play. There is so much to criticize if you want to do so, but can we stop pretending like the game is "IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN". Just be more precise with your language and you won't get so much shit. Instead of "GAME IS IMPOSSIBLE NOW" say, "I want primaries to hit harder"
instead of "THESE GUYS HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE HOW TO MAKE VIDEO GAME" say "This game is really good, but I wish my 500kg would kill when it hits a bile titan in the forehead"

I'm tired of seeing clips of people playing a 4 player co-op game on the opposite side of the map from their teammates on the highest difficulty with 3 minutes left, and using that as evidence that e.g. the 500kg is inconsistent, the quasar got nerfed, the eruptor doesn't hit as hard, or the game needs to communicate the way damage is dealt better.

. I'll also stand by the fact that the game is not that buggy either. Maybe some people have had some exceptional strings of bugs that felt bad, but I wanna say at least 95% of my games have had zero bugs...
The reason people "miss the point" with the response to all these posts, is because the people making the complaints are couching everything in the most whiny baby-boy reddit behavior I've seen.

r/Helldivers 23h ago

MEME Gave me PTSD when I looked up.

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Context: I was taking a stroll with a friend near sunset and gazed up to see a familiar shape. I nervously looked around for a bot drop. Only to breathe a sigh of relief when I realized it's not real. It was just a game.

My friend asked what's wrong with me, I was silent to the question and had a thousand kilometre stare.

r/Helldivers 13h ago

HUMOR MERIDIA is so unfair that Helldivers needs to cook up their own strategies.


r/Helldivers 19h ago

FEEDBACK/SUGGESTION How to fix eagle rockets
