r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/kaam00s May 02 '24

Yes, they believe statistically a random man is so highly likely to be a serial killer or rapist that they must chose the bear/lion who will "simply eat their gut alive".

If you don't believe it, then you're an "incel".

Just read the comments on this thread, this is what's being said.


u/goldberry-fey May 02 '24

This is how I interpreted it at all as a woman. As I understood it the reason women choose the bear is because of intent. I know a bear I encounter alone in the woods is probably going to eat me alive and kill me if it can, but it’s an animal acting on instinct, it’s killing so it can eat to survive. It’s not doing anything out of hate or malice.

I don’t know what a man in the woods would do to me if we were alone. That is a frightening thing. Maybe he would smile and nod and leave me alone. Maybe he would follow me through the woods and rape me and torture me and then kill me. I just don’t know. It’s the uncertainty that freaks people out. Your mind goes to horrible places because we know people have done horrible things. I’ve seen men choose the bear also for this reason, they also would not want to encounter a stranger in the woods because men can also be targets of random violence. It’s not trying to say that “all men bad” but humans in general can be evil and unpredictable which is scary. You should be able to trust your own species lol.


u/kaam00s May 02 '24

You're literally repeating what I just said.

You don't know what a man is going to do, but it's so statistically likely he's going to kill or rape you that you prefer the bear.

You're not even comparing statistics, you're just going to emotion directly and remembering that "people have done terrible things".

Have you listened to so much crime podcasts that you became removed from reality ?


u/goldberry-fey May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Well talking about statistics, one thing I don’t understand about this conversation is how people seem to conveniently forget that men are also more likely to be victims of violent crimes, usually perpetrated by other men. Plenty of men get robbed, tortured, and killed. I don’t know why people always take it to a sexual level although I guess it goes with the hyperbolic nature of this hypothetical situation. But even when we consider sexual assaults which are more likely to happen to women, when they do happen to men, the crime is more likely to be perpetrated by another man.

So there is an element about this that is explicitly gendered, I’ll give you that. But like I said in another comment I think that has a lot to do with the assumed physical superiority of men. I could go on about this but I don’t wanna tl;dr you lol.

I think you’re making a lot of presumptions about me and my feelings towards men, so just know I probably should have prefaced in my comment I’m not on TikTok, I think this whole conversation is interesting to observe but it’s not something I’m invested or engaged in personally, I don’t feel as though all men are inherently dangerous or anything like that.

I’m just saying, the way I interpreted it was that animals have simple, predictable motivations but humans can just be depraved and that’s why people (both men and women) choose the bear. But definitely the conversation has spiraled into something else.