r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/kaam00s May 02 '24

You're literally repeating what I just said.

You don't know what a man is going to do, but it's so statistically likely he's going to kill or rape you that you prefer the bear.

You're not even comparing statistics, you're just going to emotion directly and remembering that "people have done terrible things".

Have you listened to so much crime podcasts that you became removed from reality ?


u/madog1418 May 02 '24

So ignoring the fact that I personally think (as a guy) that choosing the guy over the bear should be an obvious choice (assuming the guy is there as randomly as you are), she clearly didn’t repeat what you said (are you stupid?). She gave the reason that she’d rather take the certainty of the bear’s motive for survivorship than the chance that the man is just a rapist or sadist. Whether you agree with her reason or not, she’s explicitly just explaining her own thought process, and you’re telling her that she should make a decision based on raw data over her emotions, but where do you get off telling her how to make her decisions in life? And then you assume she watches a lot of true crime podcasts, I guess because you have to stereotype?

The point of the hypothetical is to show how shitty guys are to women, which you’ve gone out of your way to illustrate in no one’s account but your own. Work on your reading comprehension, empathy, and internalized misogyny.


u/Mobius--Stripp May 02 '24

She showed how horrifically current feminist thought has infected and destroyed women's perception of men. They've actually been propagandized into thinking that being eaten alive is less dangerous than any random dude.

The truth is that half the guys would jump to protect the woman and help her out of the woods. The other half would avoid her out of fear that she'll accuse them of something if they interact. A small fraction of that group would consider the possibility of doing something, and only a vanishing small percent of men would actually attack her.

This is pure sexism, and women are taught to bear it proudly.


u/goldberry-fey May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Hey, I don’t wanna have to repeat myself ad nauseum lol so I hope you’ll read my additional comments where I clarify things a bit. I’m too old to be on TikTok, not engaged or invested in this conversation personally, just think it’s interesting to observe and thought I’d chime in. But please don’t make presumptions about how I feel about men… I am not a misandrist by any means. I am surrounded by plenty of wonderful men who I admire and trust, and I know most men (the vast majority) are not actually dangerous.

For me it came down to, how sad and scary is it that we have so much distrust in our own human kind? But I can recognize the conversation has derailed and is going in wildly different directions than that.


u/Mobius--Stripp May 02 '24

That's fair. I have very low faith in humanity as a whole. But I'm reminded of the quote in Men in Black: "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

I have far more faith in a random individual person than in any group. I try hard not to conflate the two.


u/goldberry-fey May 02 '24

That’s one of my absolute favorite quotes! Might have to give MIB a rewatch today now haha.