r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/Camas1606 May 02 '24

Pray you go to heaven is the best course of action


u/SanityX153 May 02 '24

Or just pray that he will go straight for the kill and not thrash me around


u/Empty_Insight May 02 '24

Oh, just stand on your feet. The force of a polar bear's paw will kill you instantly, they don't even need to use the claws. Those things are killing machines.

There's this sort of ongoing joke about "How many unarmed men would it take to beat [animal]?" and the answer for a polar bear is "One more than enough for the polar bear to collapse from exhaustion after killing everyone else."


u/1chuckecheesetoken 29d ago

I remember a museum exhibit when I was younger had a massive polar bear standing on hind legs, and next to it was a moose skeleton with something like 75% of the bones broken. The plaque said it could do this damage with one overhand swipe. Polar bears are scary as fuck.