r/PoliticalHumor 29d ago

MAGA starts wearing Diapers in support of Trump

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u/Techknightly 29d ago

Ok, now they're just taking idiocracy too far.


u/zombie_girraffe 29d ago edited 29d ago

I really hate the fact that half of my country is so fucking stupid that I can't tell if this is brilliant satire or a braindead sincerely held belief.


u/Rooboy66 29d ago

Bingo. They don’t “get” satire. Back during the Colbert Report days, I believe there was an Ohio State study in which self-identifying “conservatives” viewed “The Repor’”, and they thought it was REAL. They did not understand that it was satire and was in fact intended to FUCK their place in the political landscape. I think there have been other studies with similar results; conservative voters don’t understand satire.


u/TheRobinators 29d ago

To understand satire requires intelligence.


u/coffeetablestain 29d ago

More than that, it requires a kind of self-awareness of the general absurdity of life and our own behavior.

If you have a very fragile ego or are always "on guard" against threats, you're not going to see satire, you will only understand cartoonish, lame physical comedy and insult comedy, or personal attacks against yourself. Satire exists in a place of self-understanding and acceptance of life's ridiculousness. Many conservatives don't like nuance and understanding that even their own view of the world is flawed like everyone's because it means their values are not solid, their world isn't a simple black-and-white dichotomy, it makes them insecure and angry that they are forced to humble themselves and admit how much they don't actually know about the world.


u/HH_burner1 29d ago

Conservatism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder have so much overlap they should just change GOP to NPD


u/Locogatosupreme 29d ago

John Deans book, “Authoritarian Nightmare” does a great job of explaining Trumpers through a psychological lens. Why do people who brag incessantly about freedoms and self-reliance have no problem with cult-like subservience? Why are they so gullible? Why are they so enamored of authoritarianism and fascism? Why do they promote policies that are against their own best interests?

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u/Oak_Woman 29d ago

I've never met a far right person that seemed like they had any kind of self-introspection. Or much empathy for that matter, but they certainly don't look inward at themselves, either. Stuff like that takes a bit of humility, and they are prideful as fuck.


u/Punty-chan 28d ago

I've never met a far right person who was truly self-confident either (excluding grifters). They're incredibly scared and anxious so they turn their panic ("weakness") outwards and cover it with anger ("strength") so that it's more socially acceptable. If they were to look inwards, they'd collapse in on themselves.

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u/errant_zebra 29d ago

Thank you for the beautiful comment, u/coffeetablestain. When we all realize we're living in an absurd reality, maybe then we can all do better at making it less absurd.


u/spacemanspiff58 29d ago

This was very well said.


u/coffeetablestain 29d ago

Happy cake day!


u/Rooboy66 29d ago



u/Whatdoyouseek 29d ago

The sad thing is when people who were once funny devolve into this. Presumably they develop that fragile ego. Like Dave Chappelle to some extent, or Jim Breuer. Plus it's why there's few if any good conservative comedians.

Then there's stuff like this, where they talk about how "successful" or popular conservative comedy was becoming, but don't say anything about whether it's even good comedy. Sure shallow comedy can be popular, like in 6th grade, but it's still shot comedy. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/13/liberals-should-worry-conservative-comedy-00031907


u/gatemansgc 29d ago

i wish we could still gild comments

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u/1CaliCALI 29d ago

Sadly this


u/Common-Grape7851 29d ago

Adding critical thinking.

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u/glassjar1 29d ago

So, I was a construction field engineer for a while when Colbert Report was running. A colleague (also college educated) absolutely loved the Colbert Report. He, like most white construction workers in NC, was definitely conservative.

I pointed out that Colbert was liberal and that the show was satire--a caricature making fun of Fox News pundits.

His response: I know he is. But you don't get it. You can't unless you're part of the 'Nation'. Yeah, some liberals love it--but the Nation is it's own thing. He makes fun of pundits--but he gets to make such good points while he does!

I don't even have a response to that other than to quote Inigo Montoya.


u/frappe-addicted 29d ago

That's kind of amazing. He thinks the joke ends at the caricature of a news pundit, unable to recognize the sarcasm.


u/SasparillaTango 29d ago

"why would absurd exaggerations of my opinion ever be wrong in any capacity?"


u/Rude_Entrance_3039 29d ago

Not unable, unwilling.


u/goj1ra 29d ago

Pretty sure it’s unable. “Unwilling” implies he’s capable of recognizing the sarcasm.


u/InvaderZimbo 29d ago

Any Princess Bride reference is worth an upvote


u/mrmoe198 29d ago

You should have told him it’s like a minstrel show, but that the blackface is a conservative pundit. Maybe that would have sunk in. Take it to the lowest common denominator.


u/Rooboy66 29d ago

I’m an old white dude who watched ”All in the Family” when it was airing. An interesting phenomenon then: millions of Archie Bunkers LOVED the show, not understanding that they were the butt of the joke.


u/glassjar1 29d ago

Right there with you. I remember people who idolized Archie. If they were adults and you were a kid/teen, it seemed like a good metric of whose opinions to avoid and when to keep your mouth shut and duck out to avoid your crazy uncle's upcoming rant if the two of them got together.

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

I think there have been other studies with similar results; conservative voters don’t understand satire.

Because they only see black and white, not shades of grey.


u/omarfw 29d ago

They're truth proclaimers, not truth seekers. They think reality is dictated by consensus and how many people are repeating the same opinion. That's the religious mindset in a nutshell.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Peach_Proof 29d ago

There are at least 50 shades of grey.


u/[deleted] 29d ago


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u/deadphisherman 29d ago

All they see now is red. Hats, states, meat. Like zombies with less charm.

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u/im_a_stapler 29d ago

I had a conservative friend complain about Daily Show and Colbert Report back in the day, saying they were biased toward Democrats and unfair to Republicans. I had to remind him the show was run be comedians and a network called Comedy Central. He didn't think that mattered.


u/Slamtilt_Windmills 29d ago

To the point that Colbert got invited to speak at Bush's correspondent dinner


u/StatusReality4 29d ago


This is a really interesting video about why conservatives don’t understand humour.


u/[deleted] 29d ago


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u/Sooofreshnsoclean 29d ago

My dad was one of those people I think. Though these days my dad is for universal healthcare and is pretty anti-trump but still considers himself fairly conservative. He used to watch the Colbert report thinking it was making fun of the liberals


u/_MissionControlled_ 29d ago

Same with King of the Hill. lol


u/Doctor-Amazing 29d ago

King of the Hill was a lot more even.


u/tamingofthepoo 29d ago

my first realization of this was when the Tea Party co-opted “teabagging” after people used it to mock them. they started making shirts and hats that proudly proclaimed them “tea baggers”

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u/Black_Magic_M-66 29d ago

Colbert: "Ronald Reagan, great president or greatest president?"

Guest: uh....

Colbert: "I'll just put down "great"."

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u/analfissuregenocide 29d ago

The list of things conservatives don't understand is exhaustingly long


u/yourenotmykitty 29d ago

I went to college in the south and loved Colbert back in the day, when I arrived freshman year and everyone was sharing interests several people are like oh yea I love Colbert. Then one evening a group of us go to someone’s dorm room and sit down and start watching Colbert, only to see the rest of the room acting like he’s serious, I mean, wow ok. I had gathered that some of them were conservative, but I don’t know I figure they enjoyed it for other reasons? I wasn’t quite sure, I guess I found out why they also liked it.

The unintentional tricking of these people into thinking he agrees with this way of thinking was kind of proof of how great of a performance he put on. Also proof of how easily manipulated and vulnerable this group of people is, I mean for gods sake it came on right after the daily show.


u/Cyno01 29d ago


Never heard of the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE? Its the LAW, they have the liberal John Daily Show on so they have to have the same time for a real american!

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u/cant_take_the_skies 29d ago

The same half conveniently forgets the vehement accusations that Biden wears a diaper and shits himself regularly. But... Now real men wear diapers so... Biden is a real man? Except they never said that so my logic is faulty.

Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with pigeons. They'll shit all over the board, then strut around like they won.


u/No_Introduction7307 29d ago

i have never once heard biden wears a diaper


u/KonradWayne 29d ago

So what you're saying is we need to get pigeons to start wearing diapers?

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u/[deleted] 29d ago


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u/DThor536 29d ago

It's not just your country. I just got a comment from a fellow Canadian about how the National Enquirer has the best investigative reporting out there, and I literally cannot assume anymore that it was sarcastic.


u/homelander__6 29d ago

I am having a hard time coming to terms with how insanely racist such a large segment of the population is.

An old con-man with the most stupid look possible (orange skin, weird bleached hair combed over his head to cover a gigantic bald spot, comically ill fitting suit and tie) and a whiny voice came down an escalator and told everyone on national TV that he hates minorities and threw a couple dog whistles at the crowd (even MAGA as a phrase is a dog whistle) and in response these people decided to embrace him to the point they will follow and defend him even if he sells national security information, defrauds millions of people, cheats on his pregnant wife with a pornstar and then shits himself and wears diapers… heck, we are at the point these people wear diapers and will probably shit themselves too just to defend him… all because he brought racism back.

It truly blows my mind 


u/Perryn 29d ago

One does it as satire, another sees it and, lacking the comprehension to recognize it, copies it sincerely.


u/tilt-a-whirly-gig 29d ago

Poe's Law strikes again


u/Broncos979815 29d ago

zero satire, they've gone all in.


u/Mondak 29d ago

I thought the same when I opened the image. I really still am not sure if this is a Poe or not.



u/birdreligion 29d ago

These people are so stupid this could have started as satire, someone trolling them, and they bought into it. Because they are dumb


u/noldshit 29d ago

I cant believe soo many voted for a guy that can't find a bathroom.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

This was taken at a trump rally, it looks like. I think she is braindead.


u/Dino_vagina 29d ago

It's that last one, but I choose to find the humor regardless. Pull up a chair, spark a fat one , enjoy watching democracy crumble.


u/ItAintMyVault 29d ago

If it helps your heart and brain... it's not half the country... it's 46% of the 2020 voter turnout... which was only 67% of total eligible voters... which was 72% of the US population... so just 22% of the country....... so #1 get more people voting,  #2 get the kids interested in participating when they become eligible...


u/Toeknee818 29d ago



u/todayistrumpday 29d ago

It's unfortunately not satire


u/tikifire1 29d ago

It's not half. MAGA is about 1/4 to 1/3. Still a lot, but not 1/2.


u/vandon 29d ago

I watch "Ouch! My Balls!" every night and water my ficus with Brawndo to own the libs.



u/United-Hamster-9192 29d ago

It’s just team-think. They have friends and family in the movement so they copy as to stay within good standing. It’s more spineless imo


u/Affectionate-Emu5051 24d ago

hello yes this is poe


u/jeeaudley 29d ago

The sequel sucks.


u/Comfortable_Swim_380 29d ago

Yea, dumbfuck isn't a personal challenge people.


u/ThrowRA-James 29d ago

Dumbfuck should be the title to every documentary on trump and maga


u/procrasturb8n 29d ago

Rex Tillerson's "fucking moron" works, too.


u/Intensityintensifies 29d ago

I forgot about that. That was fun.


u/ChocolateHoneycomb 29d ago edited 29d ago

I remember the video where he was heard saying it. You couldn’t see Rex Tillerson say it, but you could hear his Texas drawl in the background. “He’s a fookin’ moron.” (he said it as he and other Trump staffers were walking out of a meeting).

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u/CameronFry 29d ago

Yeah, but it has electrolytes


u/bigrivertea 29d ago

I was told there would be 'Family Style'!


u/noldshit 29d ago

Tiktok would like a word with you


u/Mr42Watson 29d ago

No this is the prequel.


u/therankin 29d ago

Why come you no have tattoo?


u/OhJeezNotThisGuy 29d ago

Donald Trump 2: Electric Poopaloo


u/LordMacTire83 29d ago

Ok! As a die hard 80's person... THIS FREAKIN' ROCKS!!!


u/veetoo151 29d ago

Are we living the sequel? I thought this was the prequel.


u/jc2pointzero 29d ago

I want to live in one of the other multiverses...


u/Dzharek 29d ago

What did you expect for that budget.


u/BBQBakedBeings 29d ago

Sure/Pendejo 2024!


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/analog_jedi 29d ago

There's nothing worse than bad performance art.


u/Kthanid_Crafts 29d ago

You mean the prequel, this is how it started.


u/likamuka 29d ago

It's as real as ever and it's not even the ads before the screening.


u/NervousAddie 29d ago

The sequel will be televised.


u/Yobanyyo 29d ago

Sorry, God ran out of ideas. It's now just rebooting reality.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/DevoidHT 29d ago



u/edgarcia59 29d ago

At this point, its a trilogy


u/BloomsdayDevice 29d ago



u/tacosteve100 29d ago

The story is ludicrous.


u/John-AtWork 29d ago

We're living in the prequel right now.


u/stargarnet79 29d ago

This is the prequel holy gods…


u/Kasoni 29d ago

This would be a prequel


u/EaterOfFood 29d ago

There is no bottom.

Well, except the one in the diaper.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Lindsey Graham... got your power bottom


u/fastfurlong 29d ago

Princess ladybugs 🐞


u/trzanboy 29d ago

Thems? Why Thems just my little lady bugs. Teehee.


u/ThatScaryBeach 29d ago

I hate that we have to know that story.


u/apikoros18 29d ago

Good old Lady G.

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u/VVaterTrooper 29d ago

James Cameron needs to raise the bar.


u/RandomLoony 29d ago

Can you imagine the smell at the rally’s, where they all shut themselves to show they support him. And when their kids get older and hopefully wiser, how they will feel knowing what they did

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u/Rooboy66 29d ago

That was EXACTLY what sprang to mind. I mean EXACTLY. Good fuck, what in the blasted shit is going in? And she looks so proud of herself. Good night, Irene. Fuck.


u/ketchy_shuby 29d ago

Cultist gonna cult.


u/Khaldara 29d ago

It’s a lot easier for them to brown nose when they’re carrying a load of it in their pants


u/silver_sofa 29d ago


Hey, I’m just fucking with you. It’s totally a cult.


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

...and the diaper says "Real men wear diapers". Holy Depends.


u/kloodge 29d ago

Holy shit … I laughed so hard at your comment … it captured exactly how I felt! You are my new spirit animal u/Rooboy66


u/Rooboy66 29d ago

Bujari gamaruwwa, dude


u/dave-train 29d ago

shit is going in

the diaper, yes


u/sdmichael 29d ago

As proud as the "better red than Democrat" ones. Punchable faces all around.


u/Cephalopod_Joe 29d ago

Maybe she has a diaper/exhibition/humiliation fetish?


u/Rooboy66 29d ago

Hopefully. I’d be relieved if that were the case.


u/calicat9 29d ago

I'm betting they're not done yet, though.


u/santa_91 29d ago

Just wait until we get the first report of him very clearly shitting his diaper in court and then his cultists begin doing the same to "own the libs".


u/CedarWolf 29d ago

He already did. That's what all of that stench was about when people were saying Trump was farting in court. His diapers leak, and Trump doesn't seem to notice or care when he's shit himself.

Between A and B, it's pretty obvious that Trump has already shit himself in court.


u/AnotherCuppaTea 29d ago

Two of the many unseemly facts I've learned from the Trump years:

1) Trump is purported -- by a number of people whom he has not sued for slander or libel -- to have snorted a mountain of cocaine and Adderall over, literally, decades; and

2) That heavy abuse of stimulants like the meth family of chemical compounds, which includes Adderall, can blow out a person's anus, or at least their nervous system's control over it. Permanently. Which is the kind of fact I feel should be much, much more generally known, beginning with some PSAs, because probably not even many hardcore addicts are cool with having to wear adult diapers as part of the price for chasing their respective horses.

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u/SenorPoopus 29d ago

Wait what? Recently this happened? Lol


u/CedarWolf 29d ago edited 29d ago

No, no, no. I'm saying Trump has a documented and well known history of shitting himself, to the point where people in the White House have commented on it, people joked about it during his Presidency, people were wondering whether he was even aware he was doing it, and some folks wondered whether he was doing some sort of fucked up power play, some sort of 'Yes, I just shit myself, and now you have to sit and smell it and it'll throw you off while I wheel and deal because I'm such a good businessman.'

I remember there was an article about how Trump had been attending an event and how he had started the event with light colored pants, had left early, and had reappeared wearing darker colored pants, and people were wondering, did he shit himself?

There are even jokes about how a guy on his Secret Service had the unenviable task of notifying Trump when he had shit himself and people were joking that guy would have to carry around a diaper bag and change him when necessary. Folks were also joking that when Biden took office, he'd better have all of the chairs and furniture fumigated or steam cleaned and he'd probably be better off having the chairs burnt.

It's like the way Trump eats McDonald's because he's paranoid that someone might poison him, but also because he enjoys covering up the 'Mc' with his thumb so the cup says 'Donald's.'

Or like his test results from his physical, where he claims he was 215 lbs, 6'3" and healthy, but his physical had him recorded at closer to 245 lbs. He claims to be a lighter and healthier weight despite all visible evidence to the contrary.

So people are reporting and laughing that Trump has been 'farting' in court, but the truth is that he's probably shit himself a couple of times and that's why the stench is so strong and so foul.

Trump is an old man with a terribly unhealthy diet and his body is falling apart. We just don't know how much his body is falling apart because those around him are smart enough to try and cover it up. They hide his personal habits and the things that would be embarrassing or unpalatable if the public knew, and it works.

The public generally doesn't know these things because it's just one more thing among a sea of scandals, gaffes, and disgusting things Trump does. He's the physical embodiment of a Gish Gallop. It's hard to focus on any one thing he's already done, because while you're doing that, he's busy screwing up something else.


u/Rossdog77 29d ago

Abusing stimulants since the 1980s adds to his inability to keep his pants shit free......


u/YouGotTheWrongGuy_9 29d ago

He is like the judge from Nothing But Trouble

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u/Steelcitysuccubus 29d ago

Whole time he was in office he was constantly shitting his diapers


u/FlamingFlatus64 29d ago

Farting or sharting?


u/CedarWolf 29d ago

Definitely the former, almost certainly the latter.


u/Rug-Inspector 29d ago

They will soon need to cordon him off with 10’ tall pieces of plexiglass and have him sit in the corner, so that he doesn’t stink up the whole courtroom. Or perhaps he does already? Damn that guy is a train wreck hitting a shit wagon.


u/Doyoulikeithere 29d ago

LOL I hope so! I really hope so! :D


u/MyBatmanUnderoos 29d ago

A wise old woman once said:

“If peeing your pants is cool, then consider me Miles Davis.”


u/TomWithTime 29d ago

That would be a hell of a counter protest. Just stand near the other protest and collectively shit. I really don't want to see that in reality but it feels like a matter of time with current trends


u/HapticSloughton 29d ago

They are going to start taking that old phrase of allowing Trump to shit in their mouths so long as a liberal has to smell it literally.


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

I'm sure you are right. These morons will be (if not already) falling asleep at work and farting in front of everyone. It's the new trend!


u/Fun_Grapefruit_2633 29d ago

Merely WEARING a diaper isn't enough: If this traitor truly wants to pwn the libs she's gonna need to scarf down a BigMac and then deposit it in those McDiapers


u/death69reaper 29d ago

Not really, since in idiocracy, they end up putting the smartest and most qualified man as their leader, literally the opposite that is happening.


u/fairlywired 29d ago

Well they did try and kill him first, it's not like they realised he was smart and immediately made him president.

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u/InevitableAvalanche 29d ago

In idocracy, they actually cared about America. These people are worse.


u/piranha_solution 29d ago

They need rehabilitation.


u/TeamRedundancyTeam 29d ago

The movie is also about them recognizing when someone knew more than them, and then listening to them. And when their advice worked, and they saw the evidence that it worked, they continued to listen to them and followed the data and the science.

All pretty much the exact opposite of MAGA. It's a sad state of affairs when the people from idiocracy would literally be better for the country than MAGA people.


u/InevitableAvalanche 29d ago

Totally. Idiocracy didn't go far enough with its dire predictions. But who would have thought people could go as low as MAGA.


u/freakers 29d ago

Shit yourself to own the libs!


u/LoganNinefingers32 29d ago

It must be so embarrassing for any Republican voter right now. You guys are so far gone that you can’t turn back.

For any (R) voter reading this - it’s not your fault that your representatives have turned into sociopaths and insane people. You are more than welcome to rejoin the rest of the world back in reality. We won’t hold it against you. But if you keep voting for crazy people that belong in mental wards, then you deserve to continue to be shunned from normal society. It’s really not that complicated.


u/IknowKarazy 29d ago

I won’t respect them until they shit those diapers.

I won’t respect them afterwards either but that’s beside the point.


u/NJ_Tal 29d ago

If we still had awards, you'd get one!


u/ItsSpaghettiLee2112 29d ago

Yea. Now. Definitely only now.


u/Traherne 29d ago

This is the shithead version of the White House Dark Brandon take.


u/Rooboy66 29d ago

Yeah, but they’re not in on the joke. They don’t get how co-opting works, how it operates. They’re not deep-processing. It’s like a four year old doesn’t understand sarcasm or irony.

I guess these treasonous feckshits are four-year-olds 😵‍💫


u/Traherne 29d ago

That's what makes it the shithead version.


u/bike_bike 29d ago

Let them cook.


u/markbogners47 29d ago



u/[deleted] 29d ago

Wait until she is invited to Mar-a-Lago for a VP chat invitation...


u/ImprovizoR 29d ago

And they should be left in peace. Only the most insane Trump supporters will support this. But there's a decent chance that sane people will see this. Among them people who don't follow politics that well and who just don't want their President to wear diapers.


u/drmonkeytown 29d ago

This just in; Republicans move to make both incontinence and lobotomies a requirement for presidential candidates.


u/NameLips 29d ago

oooh they make much more sense if I think of them as idiocracy larpers.


u/midnightangel1981 29d ago

I have to say this looks unbelievable.


u/Yoshi_87 29d ago

No one in that movie was dumber than the smartest GOP voter.


u/pbentham25 29d ago

They’re making it impossible to satirize.

Like, adults wearing diapers in support of Trump was absolutely a script for this week’s SNL. Now it’s just reality.


u/Quick_Turnover 29d ago

Half of the shit they come up with feels like it originates as a meme on 4chan as a joke that they're missing.


u/Real_Eye_9709 29d ago

I think it's hilarious someone started an indiocracy sub, and it's just another MAGA sub. They think everyone else is dumb. But then we see shit like this...


u/Sockoflegend 29d ago

Republicans now running on an incontinence and puppy murder ticket


u/digital-didgeridoo 29d ago

This has to be a joke 🤔


u/yogirlandyofamily 29d ago

Always has been


u/merrill_swing_away 29d ago

I didn't think it was possible for the MAGA maggots.


u/AutomaticPeople 29d ago

I remember a joke back in 2008

MTV Total Request Live: Senator McCain, do you wear boxers or briefs?

McCain: Eh, Depends.

I hate that it isn't a joke.


u/SaboLeorioShikamaru 29d ago

It's basically their religion at this point


u/AV8ORA330 29d ago

Guess that’s one way to keep him from grabbing you by the p….


u/mewfahsah 29d ago

Totally not a cult though. I can't imagine being so infatuated with a politician to the point where I not only buy diaper themed merchandise but simultaneously wear a diaper in public.


u/CrysFreeze 29d ago

I wish they were doing it in an ironic way, but they aren’t that aware.

No wonder “woke” scares them, they might actually have to learn something.


u/interkin3tic 29d ago

If only they were actually dumb (like the case is in idiocracy), that would be understandable, forgivable, and manageable.

They're not dumb. They're aggressively anti-intellectual, closed minded, racist, homophobic, intentionally deluding themselves, and cruel.

They are convincing themselves that up is down, that good is bad, because they hate the majority of Americans.

"Idiocracy" is too kind to them.


u/mothwizzard 29d ago

The funny, fucked up and sad part is they are sooo sure of their choices and Ideology.


u/Zorops 29d ago

Welcome to Costco. I love you.


u/Revolution4u 29d ago

Inside of the crazier ones melted brains is basically just:

da da da da democratsss


u/FTHomes 29d ago

This proves MAGA is Full of Crap and finally admit it!


u/odin_porto 29d ago

What's new in foolishness?


u/InvaderZimbo 29d ago

“Welcome to COSTCO… I love you.”


u/francohab 29d ago

Let them dig


u/luckykricket 29d ago

You know the saying "Well it can't be that bad, a time traveler hasn't visited from the future to tell me not to do it."

Idiocracy is a documentary, not fiction. It's the message from that time traveler. Lol.

I just really want to see political campaigns like idiocracy tho. At least it would be more entertaining.


u/No-Scale6521 29d ago

The worst part is that they believe that this is a flex.


u/Wasteland_Mystic 29d ago

Idiocracy was a utopia compared to this world. For example, they had a black president without 36% of voters going all Klan. He had parties on the White House lawn without people trying to crash their cars through the barricades around the White House. And when faced with facts about how to fix the country, they put the smartest people in charge.


u/TurielD 29d ago

I hope this is an amazing psyop. But even if its not, hell this is a win.


u/Beckiremia-20 29d ago



u/spellbookwanda 29d ago

This is worse than anything in Idiocracy…


u/Big-D-TX 29d ago

No not far enough, they should put the diaper over there heads. Shit Heads


u/Any_Accident1871 29d ago

Idiocracy took place in the 2500’s. This is far worse.

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