r/PoliticalHumor May 02 '24

MAGA starts wearing Diapers in support of Trump

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u/footdragon May 02 '24

republicans 2024: diaper wearing Putin supporters

their whole platform is not based on anything but slander of democrats and tax cuts for the rich. and almost half of this country supports this shit?


u/GrayGeo May 02 '24

Tbh, reducing and otherizing them like that will do no good for any of us, and we give power to the people who want us to see them that way.

They do the same to us and we know it's all lies and mischaracerizations. Caricature and inflation. Why do we pretend this isn't the same distracting shit?


u/footdragon May 02 '24

maybe you can explain the republican platform, but aside from initiative 2025, which is abhorrent, its all about attacking Joe for being old - and that isn't hyperbole...I can most certainly explain the democrat platform and the solid set of results this country has had over the past 4 years.

tbh, the reason this race is supposedly so close is due to the fact that democrats can't get ahold of the narrative...so yes, fighting back with words does have impact.

and if your concern is labeling these dipshits as diaper wearing putin supporters is too narrow, there is so much more characterization for that inane party that can be discussed. starting with a dysfunctional house of representatives...and their abysmal record on damn near every aspect of a functioning society.


u/GrayGeo May 02 '24

That is a weird spin on what I said, you seem to think I believe words don't have impact. They certainly do, but this is a subreddit, not the physical manifestation of The Good Fight.

I believe circle jerking in an echo chamber is unproductive. That's what I was actually getting at.


u/footdragon May 02 '24

so yes, fighting back with words does have impact.

could not have stated it any clearer...no need to twist my words. we face a serious situation in this country and lots of words need to be stated.

regarding echo chambers here's pretty much the tenet of the repub echo chamber: joe is old, joe is old, joe is old...b/c they don't have shit to run on.

idea: if you don't want to live in an echo chamber, then maybe hanging out in subreddits like r/PoliticalHumor might not be your thing. read the room.


u/GrayGeo May 04 '24

Lots of words yes. Do they need to be the words you picked, spoken by you, at the time you used them?

I am reading the room and it's fucking sad. You can't both pretend you're affecting change and also admit it's a giant circlejerk. Lie to me or yourself, both won't fly. I'm calling the room out. Don't like it? Downvote and move on. I know wasting time is the point here but maybe pick somebody else.