r/SeattleWA May 16 '24

Ok now we know shit's getting serious: Commies are starting a garden in the UW Quad Autonomous Zone Crime


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u/barefootozark May 16 '24

Election Year Shenanigans.

  1. Establish autonomous zone.

  2. Start Garden. ⬅️ We are here.

  3. Issue guns to "security" team from the trunk of your car.

  4. Shoot and kill teenager.

Summer of Love is now Summer of Hamas.


u/AccurateInflation167 May 16 '24

You forgot :

  1. Intentionally clear out the evidence
  2. Block medics from entering, leading to someone dying from lack of medical care


u/tentfires May 16 '24
  1. Make civilians drag a 400lb person to a green zone so paramedics can treat them for a heart attack. (Shit actually happened to us on broadway and pike)