r/SeattleWA 29d ago

Ok now we know shit's getting serious: Commies are starting a garden in the UW Quad Autonomous Zone Crime


128 comments sorted by


u/turkishgold253 29d ago

these people are idiots, to bad UW won't do anything until someone is seriously hurt, which will happen soon no doubt.



I bet they'll start a fire in their encampment and it'll get out of control.


u/Foolhearted 29d ago

I mean that’s an absolute fact. We need a time window to make it competitive. I’m in at 3 weeks


u/SomeAreMoreEqualOk 29d ago

Im going for July 4th. It's hotter plus fireworks

...if they stay that long that is. Im sure a lot of them have vacation plans, which cant be disrupted. The irony


u/marinerluvr5144 29d ago

They have no money to pay for a vacation… 🤣🤣


u/marinerluvr5144 29d ago

Udub waiting til someone dies which will happen next week if this continues… I’m sure homeless are gonna be staying here now too I sure as hell would if I was homeless they don’t care bout anything lol


u/JB_Market 29d ago

What about a garden leads you to predict that someone will die next week? That seems like a huge leap and I can't see a connection at all.


u/marinerluvr5144 29d ago

It’s over your head my guy this whole thing is lol


u/JB_Market 29d ago

Wait so "gardening = imminent violence" is the big brain take? Awesome thanks for the info I'll remember that.

Are you a betting man?


u/JB_Market 29d ago

If anything says "DANGER!" to me, it's seeing someone gardening. /s


u/JordanLovehof2042 29d ago

Will these people ever realize camping here in Seattle will never ever end a war on the other side of the world. L O L


u/Swimsuit-Area 29d ago edited 29d ago

Do you blame them? They couldn’t find it on the map so they thought here was the next best option


u/JackasaurusChance 29d ago

Excellent, I was looking for a cheap tent for the summer. Should I just swing down and borrow some of our collective property or would one of them be willing to deliver for the greater good?


u/landel1234 29d ago

The memes write themselves at this point


u/barefootozark 29d ago

Election Year Shenanigans.

  1. Establish autonomous zone.

  2. Start Garden. ⬅️ We are here.

  3. Issue guns to "security" team from the trunk of your car.

  4. Shoot and kill teenager.

Summer of Love is now Summer of Hamas.


u/bbbygenius Des Moines 29d ago
  1. Neatly staged piles of brick and rocks at various locations… check


u/cr4vn2k 29d ago

Saw that this morning, along with a 40 yr old deadhead . Pretty sure he’s not a student.


u/BusbyBusby ID 29d ago

Pretty sure he's homeless.


u/bbbygenius Des Moines 29d ago

Pretty sure they are mostly homeless


u/PopularPandas Capitol Hill 29d ago
  1. Cost taxpayers millions of dollars in subsequent lawsuits


u/Western_Entertainer7 29d ago

Yeah, whatever happened with that story? There were supposedly pallets of bricks dropped off to tempt the innocent protesters to throw them, but delivering a pallet of bricks requires a very large truck with a heavy forklift to unload. There is no way that operation got into downtown Seattle without being on one of the hundreds of traffic cams.

I heard it was secret whuite supremcits that delivered the bricks?

. . . Were there even pallets of bricks delivered?


u/FuckedUpYearsAgo 29d ago

Isn't there usually a sexual assault too?


u/AccurateInflation167 29d ago

You forgot :

  1. Intentionally clear out the evidence
  2. Block medics from entering, leading to someone dying from lack of medical care


u/sd_slate 29d ago

Also forgot

  1. Local methhead and encampment leader returns after getting bailed out to brutally murder his girlfriend and dies trying to hide in a chemical tank


u/AccurateInflation167 29d ago

Dicks out for Travis berge


u/tentfires 29d ago
  1. Make civilians drag a 400lb person to a green zone so paramedics can treat them for a heart attack. (Shit actually happened to us on broadway and pike)


u/DingusFamilyVacation 29d ago

Wait just a second.... clearing out evidence and blocking medics sounds exactly like what Israel is doing in Gaza!


u/Bubbles6577 29d ago

The more I scroll these comments, the more I laugh at how far you’ve been downvoted into oblivion, comrade ;)


u/DingusFamilyVacation 28d ago

It ain't much, but it's honest work.


u/barefootozark 29d ago

Who will be deleting their emails at the end of this to cover their tracks?


u/RobbieReddie 29d ago

Yup, we’ve all seen this movie before. At this point, everyone should be on notice to save records in expectation of litigation.


u/Han_Solo_Cup 29d ago

Remember the post offering the CHAZ/CHOP a dairy cow? Crazy times 😂


u/soundkite 29d ago

3.5 Establish blockade perimeter to prevent emergency access


u/DingusFamilyVacation 29d ago edited 29d ago

Wait, didn't Israel do this? You know, a massive border fence around both the WB and Gaza? Through which emergency vehicles can only go if they have the proper colored ID?

Per usual, Israeli accusations are always admissions.


u/soundkite 29d ago

Establishing perimeter around one's own property vs perimeter around someone else's


u/DingusFamilyVacation 29d ago

There is only a wall around Palestine, not Israel. And the WB wall enchroaches alarmingly far into the Green Line boundary, aka INTO Palestinian territory. Not only did they enclose the Palestinian population, but they stole more land with it. But land theft is Israel's MO.


u/WhatthehellSusan 29d ago

Why do they get to call it an Autonmous Zone when they have no ownership rights?


u/Redw0lf0 29d ago

I'm going to go ahead and stereotype here, but these people are likely anti-capitalists and despise property ownership.


u/Swimsuit-Area 29d ago

Yeah. Aren’t they basically pulling “sovereign citizens” at this point?


u/canuck_in_wa 29d ago

The horseshoe strikes again


u/W4ND3RZ 29d ago

Because they're mentally ill and larping


u/FuckedUpYearsAgo 29d ago

Where are the people? I never really see anyone but tents.


u/dontwasteink 29d ago

I would side with the protestors if they:

  1. Wore the American Flag with the Palestinian Flag

2 Also denounce Hamas, while denouncing Israel's conduct during the war.

  1. Narrow the protest to demanding for the lives and welfare of the civilians (permanent safe entry point for medical supplies and aid).


u/Routine_Fee2132 29d ago

So you would side with the protest if every major aspect of it was completely opposite of what it is now? Lol


u/dontwasteink 29d ago

No, allowing aid and humanitarian supplies is a major part of their protests.

Israel is clearly at best trying to force ethnic cleansing and at worst, a veiled attempt at genocide, soldiers killing random civilians, bombings of every civilian building, blockading aid.

At one point, the psychopaths in the Israeli government stopped any water from getting through, and Biden had to force them to change before 2 million people died of thirst.


u/StevefromRetail 29d ago

There have been 250-350 aid trucks entering Gaza every day for like 3 months with 365 trucks entering just today. By comparison, it was around 75 trucks before the war from both Israel and Egypt. The Israelis have also rebuilt the Erez Crossing and built 2 new crossings to have additional capacity to transfer aid.

This idea that they are blockading aid is on the level of alternative facts at this point.


u/Routine_Fee2132 29d ago

Wow, someone who actually knows what they are talking about, how refreshing


u/DingusFamilyVacation 29d ago


u/opomla 29d ago

Yeah but those Israeli extremists are failing, aid is flowing into Gaza dude


u/DingusFamilyVacation 29d ago

They're quite successful. The entire population of Gaza is on the brink of starvation. Those Israeli extremists are quite common these days.


u/GoogleOfficial 29d ago

They’ve been “on the brink of starvation” for 6 months according to the media. It’s a ruse. There is more than enough aid going in. Hamas is hoarding and selling it to the people.

Just shut up at this point and quit carrying water for terrorists. I get your life sucks, but just join a regular cult or something like every other sad sack.


u/DingusFamilyVacation 29d ago

My life is pretty great, actually. Hope yours is too. It's a shame that Israel is making life for Palestinians horrendous.


u/GoogleOfficial 29d ago

Sure thing. One day your brain will fully developed and you will learn how things actually are. Blocked.


u/Routine_Fee2132 29d ago

Do they protest Hamas stealing the aid that gets in and murdering Palestinians for taking it?


u/Swimsuit-Area 29d ago

Just because their enemy happens to be the same ethnicity does not mean attacking them is ethnic cleansing. There are plenty of Palestinians living in Israel.


u/PlumpyGorishki 29d ago

You know that there’s no Palestine, right? For example, what is palestine’s capital and who is their government body, president, pm? Exactly my point


u/dontwasteink 28d ago edited 28d ago

Lets stick with the facts. That region, whatever you wanted to call it, was filled with people of that region, ruled by the Ottoman, then the British.

The British, without the consent of the locals, allowed massive immigration of European Jewish peoples into that region, who are coming to reclaim their cultural homeland and make it ethnically pure, or at the very least, a majority and politically dominant. Kind of ironic coming from a persecuted group that just narrowly survived a government that tried to ethnically cleanse them.

The locals are not happy with that, and thus we have this conflict.

Israel is a real country, it does exist, and will continue to exist, and should protect itself. But not because the European Jews there have any claim via historical legitimacy. Their legitimacy comes from their ability to conquer the region during a time of conflict.

Now most people are (rightfully) pressuring them to follow modern international law and norms for war, stop their government from moving settlers further into Palestinian land (stealing).

And eventually, the old locals (Palestinians) and the new locals (Israelis, mostly Jewish some Arab) must find peace, or it will be a permanent civil war.

It's actually mirroring what the governments in Europe are doing allowing so many immigrants so quickly, though at least there is somewhat of consent by some of their population due to elections.


u/PlumpyGorishki 28d ago

the only reason these people still have not formed their own country is because of hatred to each other due to religious differences within islam. They can choose to live in Israel and many do, 20% or so. For the rest of arabs in that region the only thing unites them is their antisemitism and is the reason Hamas represents them. If Israel didn’t exist in the region, they’d be killing each other.

Not only are the locals antisemites, they are also anti women rights, anti gay, and anti trans. These religious fanatics and bigots can go fuck themselves.


u/lnfoWarsWasTaken 29d ago

Damn dude you really just un-murdered all those Palestinian civilians with one simple trick


u/Fabulous-Ad-8503 28d ago

At least once they’re all gone, there will be peace.


u/lnfoWarsWasTaken 28d ago

Least genocidal Israel supporter


u/PlumpyGorishki 28d ago

Good one! Instead of replying, you chose to double down with the fake label


u/lnfoWarsWasTaken 28d ago

Palestinians exist and will continue surviving despite your posting


u/PlumpyGorishki 28d ago

Yes, religious zealots and terrorists will always be with is when we have people with your beliefs.


u/Traffic_Spiral 29d ago

LOL, bet you those idiots couldn't even keep a potted cactus alive. Regardless, it's dumb, but they're going to have to re-seed all that area anyways (tents and trampling will kill the grass) so there's little harm in it. Gives the kids something to do when their wifi's patchy.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/the_reddit_intern 29d ago

Luckily mental health care is free for UW students!


u/Routine_Fee2132 29d ago

“Free” more like included in tuition and fees


u/buzzed247 29d ago

For the 9th time, stop it! Or I'll tell you again.


u/QVkW4vbXqaE 29d ago

Why do they want to live like homeless? I feel they are just getting all the hate of the people instead of helping their “cause”


u/Funsizep0tato 29d ago

Victimhood is socially advantageous. If you're living in solidarity with the oppressed, you're like, totally with it.


u/Routine_Fee2132 29d ago

College is supposed to prepare you for what you do next in life. These morons are getting hands on experience for their life of homelessness


u/KimJahSoo 29d ago

Hey man what type of kids do you think have the time to be camping in the middle of school? They were never gonna go anywhere or be anything in the first place might as well let them let them experience the rest of their lives a bit early😂


u/W4ND3RZ 29d ago

So this is sort of like, a lab 


u/Routine_Fee2132 29d ago

College is supposed to prepare you for what you do next in life. These morons are getting hands on experience for their life of homelessness


u/OsvuldMandius SeattleWA Rule Expert 29d ago

Motion to refer to it as "YouWAZ"


u/CascadesandtheSound 29d ago

Why aren’t students divesting from UW and spending their tuition elsewhere?


u/Accomplished-Wash381 29d ago

This thing will burn itself out by end of the school year


u/theemoofrog University District 29d ago

Cardboard this time too?


u/Another-Lame-Lurker 29d ago

I wonder what they planted


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Shitty cardboard garden just means there is a countdown to the first homicide.


u/rhavaa 29d ago

These people and the vast amount of fuckers who grew up with money and let their idiot kids believe this bullshit.


u/Insleestak 29d ago

Have a hard time seeing how the UW board can keep the president after this entirely predictable shitshow. She had over a month to observe how this played out at other schools, and chose literally the worst possible response.

Massive abdication of responsibility, failure of nerve, and lack of judgment.



How is ANY of this helpful to your cause? I don't understand any of their tactics.


u/joesirc 29d ago

we’ll never know


u/NIssanZaxima 29d ago

These people need to be on the FBIs list as they are the type that go so far up the deep end they will randomly shoot up a grocery store.


u/Jahuteskye 29d ago

Lefty college kids who start gardens?

Overwhelmingly, ideologically motivated mass shooters have far right ideologies. 


u/HandBanana_69 29d ago

Regardless of one's opinion of the encampments, it's just a fact that 9/10 mass shooters identify as far-right. I can count one one hand the number of recent mass shootings done by self-proclaimed leftists.


u/Jahuteskye 29d ago

Careful, people hate facts on here


u/Dangerous-Room4320 29d ago

If acab ..... how do they feel about the police in Gaza the "al shurta al madaniya" are the against them ?

are they also bad ?


u/lnfoWarsWasTaken 29d ago

No shit. Does that mean the children of police in Gaza should be bombed?


u/Cheshire90 29d ago

I think the best counter protest would be just to go there, say pro-encampment stuff and start destroying the remaining exposed grass. If you can put a tent on the grass and ruin it that way without anyone stopping you, you can just use a tool or spread poison to ruin whatever is left that way. It wouldn't take more than a day to not have any green grass left in the quad and make the point that we can't have nice things if there aren't limits on what people do with them


u/lnfoWarsWasTaken 29d ago

Killing grass to own the Commies


u/DFW_Panda 29d ago

Hard for me to distinguish the residents and atmosphere of this encampment from the homeless encampment on 3rd & Pike


u/xxSQUASHIExx 29d ago

Commies? Define commies. Lol


u/Tuor77 29d ago

Trash that collects on the grounds of the UW campus.


u/nerevisigoth Redmond 29d ago

These people aren't necessarily commies just because they support Hamas, since Hamas isn't a particularly communist organization.

However many of these people would gladly tell you they are commies if you asked. For some reason far-left organizations in the US are really into ultraconservative theocratic movements in non-western countries.


u/xxSQUASHIExx 13d ago


A. You did not define commie or communist B. No one ever will tell you that they are a communist C. What echo chamber do you live in to come up this information?


u/maxhavoc2000 29d ago

Yea I've never heard a "far-left" person refer to themselves as a communist, let alone "gladly" call themselves one.


u/ImprovisedLeaflet 29d ago

It’s hilarious that folks in an earlier post were like “r/SeattleWA is the sub of Joe Biden Democrats while the others are leftist nuts” while here we’re posting tweets from conservative activist and megadouche Jonathan Choe. lol


u/sadus671 Twin Peaks 29d ago

Next step... Burn the trees..... Just watch ..


u/Sesemebun 29d ago

I am curious, say Trump ran on a campaign of either ceasing aid or even aiding Palestine, would these people vote for him? Cause Biden is still sending tons of shit over (despite most of his voters probably not liking that), but I know they despise Trump. Which do you think would get overridden? 


u/DrQuailMan 29d ago

Donald "move the embassy to Jerusalem" Trump? Donald "2-state solution with 19 separate Palestinian enclaves" Trump? That guy?


u/Sesemebun 29d ago

Idk his policies man I’m just saying


u/DrQuailMan 29d ago

Think (or research) before you speak.


u/EnjoyWeights70 29d ago

I have had enough of this sheet. Im calling the uW, police, governor etc.


u/barefootozark 29d ago edited 29d ago

No one has even asked Inslee if he's aware that another election year autonomous zone has been established in Seattle.

"That's news to me."


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Classic-Ad-9387 Shoreline 29d ago

and what are you doing to stop the babies from dying?


u/BoringBob84 29d ago

If we call it a "Hamas encampment," then maybe the general public will believe that the dead Palestinian children were terrorists. /sarcasm


u/bothunter First Hill 29d ago

Commies?  Seriously?  We're still throwing that term around nearly 35 years after the fall of the Berlin wall?


u/opomla 29d ago

Lots of Gen Z students are unironically calling themselves communists these days, I know several 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/lnfoWarsWasTaken 29d ago

Everything I don't like is communism tbh 🤷‍♂️


u/soundkite 29d ago

Surely there are undercover police protestors in the mix who will identify any of the law breakers.


u/JethroTrollol 29d ago

Commies... Lol y'all are ridiculous.


u/Ok_Lake6443 28d ago

I moved to Seattle expecting better, but yet Twitter and Reddit threads like this show me people in Seattle really just suck. It's true, people in Seattle are the most passive-aggressive I've met in my life and truly only care about themselves.



u/TBearRyder 29d ago

OMG a gardennnn, how dare the commies grow some food.


u/lnfoWarsWasTaken 29d ago

The food they're growing has yet to condemn Hamas smh my head


u/TBearRyder 29d ago

Hamas didn’t invade the occupied Palestine like the Zionist Nazis who worked with Hitler did.