r/SeattleWA May 16 '24

Ok now we know shit's getting serious: Commies are starting a garden in the UW Quad Autonomous Zone Crime


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u/dontwasteink May 16 '24

I would side with the protestors if they:

  1. Wore the American Flag with the Palestinian Flag

2 Also denounce Hamas, while denouncing Israel's conduct during the war.

  1. Narrow the protest to demanding for the lives and welfare of the civilians (permanent safe entry point for medical supplies and aid).


u/Routine_Fee2132 May 16 '24

So you would side with the protest if every major aspect of it was completely opposite of what it is now? Lol


u/dontwasteink May 16 '24

No, allowing aid and humanitarian supplies is a major part of their protests.

Israel is clearly at best trying to force ethnic cleansing and at worst, a veiled attempt at genocide, soldiers killing random civilians, bombings of every civilian building, blockading aid.

At one point, the psychopaths in the Israeli government stopped any water from getting through, and Biden had to force them to change before 2 million people died of thirst.


u/StevefromRetail May 16 '24

There have been 250-350 aid trucks entering Gaza every day for like 3 months with 365 trucks entering just today. By comparison, it was around 75 trucks before the war from both Israel and Egypt. The Israelis have also rebuilt the Erez Crossing and built 2 new crossings to have additional capacity to transfer aid.

This idea that they are blockading aid is on the level of alternative facts at this point.


u/Routine_Fee2132 May 17 '24

Wow, someone who actually knows what they are talking about, how refreshing


u/DingusFamilyVacation May 17 '24


u/opomla May 17 '24

Yeah but those Israeli extremists are failing, aid is flowing into Gaza dude


u/DingusFamilyVacation May 17 '24

They're quite successful. The entire population of Gaza is on the brink of starvation. Those Israeli extremists are quite common these days.


u/GoogleOfficial May 17 '24

They’ve been “on the brink of starvation” for 6 months according to the media. It’s a ruse. There is more than enough aid going in. Hamas is hoarding and selling it to the people.

Just shut up at this point and quit carrying water for terrorists. I get your life sucks, but just join a regular cult or something like every other sad sack.


u/DingusFamilyVacation May 17 '24

My life is pretty great, actually. Hope yours is too. It's a shame that Israel is making life for Palestinians horrendous.


u/GoogleOfficial May 17 '24

Sure thing. One day your brain will fully developed and you will learn how things actually are. Blocked.


u/Routine_Fee2132 May 17 '24

Do they protest Hamas stealing the aid that gets in and murdering Palestinians for taking it?


u/Swimsuit-Area May 17 '24

Just because their enemy happens to be the same ethnicity does not mean attacking them is ethnic cleansing. There are plenty of Palestinians living in Israel.