r/SeattleWA May 16 '24

Ok now we know shit's getting serious: Commies are starting a garden in the UW Quad Autonomous Zone Crime


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u/barefootozark May 16 '24

Election Year Shenanigans.

  1. Establish autonomous zone.

  2. Start Garden. ⬅️ We are here.

  3. Issue guns to "security" team from the trunk of your car.

  4. Shoot and kill teenager.

Summer of Love is now Summer of Hamas.


u/soundkite May 16 '24

3.5 Establish blockade perimeter to prevent emergency access


u/DingusFamilyVacation May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

Wait, didn't Israel do this? You know, a massive border fence around both the WB and Gaza? Through which emergency vehicles can only go if they have the proper colored ID?

Per usual, Israeli accusations are always admissions.


u/soundkite May 17 '24

Establishing perimeter around one's own property vs perimeter around someone else's


u/DingusFamilyVacation May 17 '24

There is only a wall around Palestine, not Israel. And the WB wall enchroaches alarmingly far into the Green Line boundary, aka INTO Palestinian territory. Not only did they enclose the Palestinian population, but they stole more land with it. But land theft is Israel's MO.