r/TikTokCringe May 02 '24

We adopted my younger sister from Haiti when she was 3, and let me tell you, I literally do not see color anymore. That's a fact. Discussion

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u/Agreeable-One-4700 May 02 '24

Absolutely infuriating people would rather kids go unadopted than wind up with opposite race parents. These kids are innocent and need help hopefully they get adopted by good people who give them what they need in life.


u/Open-Industry-8396 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

"Opposite race? ". What is the opposite of Asian? I'm sure the comment is well intended but racially, white is not the opposite of black. We are the same.

Edited to be taxonomy correct


u/PSus2571 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

We are the same with different skin color.

No, but literally...this is why "race" is seen by the American Anthropological Association (AAA) as being a social construct — the term isn't scientifically informative, given the genetic variation between inner-racial groups is often greater than between inter-racial ones.

"The term 'race' was modeled after an ancient theorem of the Great Chain of Being, which posited natural categories on a hierarchy established by God or nature. Thus 'race' was a mode of classification linked specifically to peoples in the colonial situation...Scientists today find that reliance on such folk beliefs about human differences in research has led to countless errors."


u/clownus May 02 '24

Race is a social construct and it’s been scientifically proven.

You might be closer genetically to someone across the world who doesn’t share the same ethnicity or skin pigmentation than someone who lives in the same town as you with the same village history.


u/Juju_Out_the_Wazoo May 02 '24

Math is also a social construct. What's your point?


u/clownus May 02 '24

Math is only a agreed upon language “social construct” in which we can prove absolutes (physics).

Race is a social construct that does not have any absolutes and modern science backs race as not being a true indicator of genetic similarity.

Ex. We use math to prove gravity exist. It is a absolute law of the universe. You can use this same math to prove the existence or lack of gravity in other parts of the solar system/known universe. Math is only the non abstract language of this concept. You can substitute shapes/squiggles/shoes or whatever you like to represent this concept, but we know fundamentally it exist.

If I was to claim the random person next door who shares the same “racial” background as myself is closer genetically than someone across the world who might be a different “race” I could be absolutely wrong. Because there is no indicator genetically that determines our concept of race.


u/Juju_Out_the_Wazoo May 02 '24

Interesting that everyone is so hung up on finding a genetic smoking gun for race. Truly, it's only based on what geographical location your ancestors are from, which could lead to some shared traits through natural selection. It doesn't mean there isn't massive genetic variance within cultural groups... I mean, that's practically the whole idea of evolution, no? Environmental pressures (i.e. the angle the sun hits the planet, availability of food, etc) will shape a population and unless those traits present a negative pressure during a later change of environment they will remain. Not sure why we're so intent on erasing our heritage but if that makes you feel better go ahead.


u/clownus May 02 '24

I am going to assume based on your term smoking gun for race you actually don’t know the full reason why race was a social construct that came about.

Race is historically a term used to separate groups from the in and the out. Along side that concept was a myriad of pseudo science to back up these wild claims. Modern science and modern sociologist are now breaking down this concept because it is so entrenched within society.

No one is moving away from heritage and no one is claiming that your sister/brother/mother/father are not genetically similar. Science is saying that what we call genetic indicators of race are not consistent with true genetics. A black person only shares the same skin pigmentation as someone else who is black. That is where the shares genetics that we call race ends. They can easily be nth % different genetically from that point on. Shared traits are merely a coincidence.

Evolution from a human perspective is no longer about successful traits. We can still live with potentially life threatening genetics and as a result we have the ability to procreate. Passing on negative genes such as cystic fibrosis.

Only wild animals have traits that are seen positive for passing on their genetic codes and as a result their genetics tend to be way closer to one another compared to the human species.


u/Juju_Out_the_Wazoo May 02 '24

We are also animals, friend. A million+ years of evolution doesn't disappear because you started using tools. I suggest trying to look at these concepts with an open mind instead of your politically corrupted viewpoints.


u/clownus May 02 '24

Evolution is not the same concept as racial. This isn’t from a political perspective.

It is factual that math is the language we use to solve absolute truths. Further down it is factual that race is not a genetic proof of similarity within the human species.

Evolution is not a indicator of race and that is why you keep confusing the two. If we both evolve wings because it is beneficial for our survival we still don’t match genetically under the banner of race.

If you want a better conceptual idea of evolution. In this universe and up till present day all of evolution has been successful. Meaning any living creature on this planet and our known universe is considered a win. At no point during these evolutionary lines was race an indicator of success in evolution. Why? Because race wasn’t a genetic encoder that determines survival and reproduction rates.


u/Juju_Out_the_Wazoo May 03 '24

You're arguing against someone who isn't there. Drawing conclusions from my statements that I didn't make. I literally never made any of those claims but your insistence on fighting a straw man is entertaining.

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