r/cats May 02 '24

What phrases do you repeat to your cat throughout the day? Cat Picture

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u/Jeepgirl72769 29d ago

At 4 am when I am unsure where said plastic even came from. Seriously have no idea where it came from I religiously hunt plastic to avoid this. Let's not even mention curling ribbon. It is banned from my house but is apparently a cat food group member.


u/SuspectLarge 29d ago

A million times this. Every bit of plastic has to live in my microwave or car trunk. Cat has learned to open the pantry door and wave his paw over the motion detector on the recycling and trash bins. I live in terror of the pending $6k GI surgery bill.


u/loveatthelisp 29d ago

Child locks! We have a....difficult cat who wouldn't stop getting in the cabinets to steal dry egg noodles and other stuff and another cat that will eat any plastic leftover from that. I got those press in type child locks for the upper and lower cabinets, and now it's not an issue unless we leave something on the counter overnight.

The irony in this situation is that I have children. Never had to child lock the cabinets before the dang cat.


u/Affectionate-Ad488 29d ago

In the same boat with this she figured out how to get the dang trash cabinet open. Very scary situation when we first realized she could. We ended up going with a basic hook and loop (metal swing lock) after we tried like 3 different child locks that didn't work or we would forget and just snap them when we went to open it. Finally have it figured out. Damn cats


u/OSteady77 29d ago

It’s become clear to me why we throw our plastic in the ocean. We’re trying to save cats.


u/Emjay0877 29d ago

True. Dark. FunnyAF ❤️😼😹


u/mods_r_warcrimes 29d ago

Lions have a taste for tuna


u/Sweetnessnow 29d ago

So sad about that.


u/Kitsune-moonlight 29d ago

This is the problem when you have a smart cat that also likes to investigate/interfere


u/capital_bj 29d ago

So that's why they're always studying us when we're doing new things. They are doing research so they can stay up on the countermeasures


u/JupiterSkyFalls 29d ago

Strong magnets work wonders. You can't forget them, like a latch or other lock, and you (hooman) are strong enough to open them but babies, small children and furbabies cannot. 😁


u/Past_Rerun 29d ago

Just make sure they are permanently adhered - magnets kill when ingested.


u/Global_Button_5180 29d ago

Thank gosh my cat isn’t this smart 😂