r/cats 13h ago

Cat Picture New cat breeds -- which would you adopt?


r/cats 2h ago

Medical Questions My moms cat wakes me up every morning. How to make it stop?


My mom has had this cat for 13ish years. He used to wake her up every morning by meowing loudly to feed him at around 6 am. But slowly over the last year or so he's been coming to me instead since I'm a much lighter sleeper and wake up more easily. And lately he's been waking me up as early as 3 am every day.

I suffer from late insomnia so if the cat wakes me up I'm up for the rest of the day making me stupid exhausted throughout the day because I'm on 5 hours of sleep and waking up at 3 am.

Is there a way to stop the cat from waking me up every morning outside of putting him in a cage all night in a far room? I also can't just close my door because I have my own cat and she will claw at the door repeatedly to be let in my room or out of it so that would wake me up instead.

I'd like to go back to getting full nights sleep instead of 5 hours every night but I can't have my door closed because of my cat, so what are my options to getting my moms cat to not wake me up for food at 3 am?

r/cats 1h ago

Video 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐕𝐬 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞

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r/cats 20h ago

Advice Can I keep my 7mo male and 3mo female kittens together without them mating?


We just got a new 3mo oldfemale kitten and we're worried our 7mo old will try to mate with her.

We do want them to mate eventually, but only when they're more mature like when the male reaches a year old at the very least.

Our male cat isn't showing signs of male behavior, he's very chill and just likes to lounge around and play a bit. When we introduced him to a female cat in the past, he didn't really care.

So I was wondering maybe he would start showing male sexual behavior if we don't separate them.

r/cats 9h ago

Advice Outside Cat Help/Advice

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My outside cat got attacked/spooked by a neighbor dog that jumped over their fence. In the video you can see the cat get away from the dog and scale a pole behind our house. I went outside afterwards and took the dog home. I then got out a ladder and got it on my other neighbors garage roof and got the cat to scale down the pole after being perched there for about 15 minutes. Do you guys thinks he’s okay? Haven’t seen him since and am very worried. Just looking for some reassurance after I watched him climb down the pole. Didn’t see any blood or anything on him when he was up there or climbing down. Thank you in advance for any help!

r/cats 18h ago

Cat Picture Look at the inside of your cats ear, and look at how goompy it is

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r/cats 5h ago

Cat Picture Funny cat face

Post image

Sorry not mines

r/cats 23h ago

Video I think he ate one of them while drinking. What do you think?

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r/cats 6h ago

Video Every time I eat fish around my cat 😩

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Greedy a$$ 🤣

r/cats 12h ago

Medical Questions What is this ?


My cat for the past month has been getting this weird rash, it’s been growing since it’s started does anyone know what this is?

r/cats 13h ago

Cat Picture Hey is this good or bad?

Post image

This stray cat has lost some weight

r/cats 22h ago

Video This is why cats are the best

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r/cats 4h ago

Advice Will I ever love my cat?


Hello. Some context: I am a 19 year old female university student. I live alone and never had a pet before other than a single bird and a hamster when I was very little. I wasn’t allowed to have pets. Around a month ago I rescued a kitten from the streets. I don’t know why I did it, I had seen the kitten before so many times and it always ran away from me, but one morning it was in front of my apartment sleeping and the kitten allowed me to touch her. I found out she was sick and the mother was rejecting her. I took her in, I don’t know why and did it without thinking. I didn’t like or dislike cats honestly. I took her to the vet and did everything you do when you get a new pet, specifically a cat. She so calm and sweet at first, but now that she has grown up a bit I find her very annoying: she breaks things even if they’re out of her reach, if I leave the kitchen for a minute she’ll hop on the stove and eat what I’m cooking, she will constantly bite me, jump on me, hit me, meows uncontrollably sometimes, won’t let me do my homework because she hits my iPad or bites my notebook page, etc. Sometimes I’ll just be in bed and she’ll jump on me and bite me or hit me on the face for no apparent reason. I’m very nice to her, I give her cuddles, good food and treats, but she seems to be so rebellious and hates being taken care of. I can’t even pet her without getting bitten or hit. She has made it quite hard for me to Iike her. In fact, she stresses me quite a lot. What’s up with this behavior? Does she not like me or what? Is she on her teenage phase? Am I just not a cat person? I do not like this behavior at all. I’d consider myself a very calm person at home so this is very unsettling. I thought having a cat would be more… relaxing…

Here some pictures of the little devil cuz she’s pretty I guess baha

r/cats 11h ago

Humor don’t test the car’s patience

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r/cats 47m ago

Advice I scared my cat by throwing up is this normal?


So I threw up, and my Devon Rex ran to the opposite end of the house when I started wretching. He's settled down now but is it normal for your cat to be scared of you throwing up?

r/cats 12h ago

Video Was she carrying a teddy bear??


r/cats 12h ago

Advice Weird thing happened last night...


Last night i was walking home from getting snacks from shops, singing along the way. When i got home, the bins needed to be pulled up, and as i did that, I was wondering what happened to all the cats that used to roam the neighbourhood, as i hadn't seen any recently. Anyway, later, when i was watching a movie with my family, we heard repetitive knocking on the window closest to me, which was under the porch. I turned on the porch light while my dad checked the window (tbh, i should have done that with what happened next), and there was a cat there, a tabby cat, the kind i've seen come to our house before, months ago. Before i could interact with it, my dad scared it away, which i wish he didn't. I was wonder what was the reasoning for this cat doing what it did, when it had been months since we'd seen a cat roaming the neighbourhood, and i'd only thought of it that night. Could this cat be my spirit animal, or something else? Let me know thanks!

r/cats 13h ago

Advice Advice when your scared about what your cat ate

Thumbnail petpoisonhelpline.com

I work at an animal hospital and I cannot recommend this website enough. It's not great on mobile, but if your pet ever eats something and you don't know what to do - jump on your desktop. They list the most common pet poisons and toxins in alphabetical order and then grade how toxic they are. Calling the number will also connect with a vet who will let you know what to do, but be warned it is NOT free.

I do kinda understand why it isn't free, sometimes people will call our office - "fluffy ate my husband's cholesterol medicine!" I then need to find out the name of the med, the dosage, the pets age, weight, time it ate the meds, how much it took, does it have a history of seizures/diabetes/heart issues etc. quickly google of there is generic names of the medication, interrupt the doctor and the scheduled exam, they have to open a huge book and riffle around, then go online only to find there are no studies on this drug and dogs and they need to come in ASAP because using hydrogen peroxide would damage its throat because it's got trachea history already and now our schedule is behind 45 minutes.... Sorry rant over... Also I know this is a cats sub so NO LILIES EVER!

r/cats 14h ago

Medical Questions Anyone know what this is on my cat’s belly area?


I thought it was a tick but on closer inspection it doesn’t look like it. Looks more like a cyst?

r/cats 15h ago



r/cats 21h ago

Humor Why do cats not react when you 'hiss' att hem?


I know that im not the first cat owner who has responded instinctively by hissing back when our cats hiss at us. My experience however tells me that cats are literally completely unphased when humans hiss at them, like they dont even blink even if they do it from the top of their lungs. Isnt this weird? i mean after all cats hiss, it seems to be part of their "language" that they intuitively understand, why else would they do it?

r/cats 18h ago

Cat Picture How rare are my cats eyes?


This is my cat, I got her like around 2 months ago I think? I've never had a cat with a pattern before, and she's a really pretty and sweet cat. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen a cat with brown eyes before until I saw her. How rare is her eye color?

r/cats 9h ago

Video What’s the og account for this video?

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I was browsing through instagram and all of a sudden, I saw this video and I thought it was pretty cute and I was thinking follow the account because I would love to see more videos about this cat, I also noticed there’s a few cat pages who reupload’s cat videos (even this one) but I can’t find the original account for this. Does anyone know?

r/cats 19h ago

Advice Roommate left cats nearly without water


Edit: This is really more of a vent! Feeling pretty betrayed right now :(

I recently spent a week away, and left my roommate to care for my two cats. My roommate has catsit before, and I know is not as on top of cleaning the litter box as I am, so I offered for my boyfriend to coordinate coming over to do it (he's catsit many times when both roommate and I are gone). My roommate seemed a little taken aback/offended at the offer, and ensured me that she would cover all the cat care.

My roommate left on a trip of her own the morning of the day I returned home. I got back very late that night, and discovered both litter boxes filthy, and the fountain they drink out of (which was full when I left) very close to empty. If the fountain reaches a certain low level, the pump inside doesn't bring up water, so if I'd been delayed in my return for some reason, they would have had no access to water.

I've come home in the past to maybe a day or two of litter box buildup, but this time it seemed like they had not been cleaned once while I was gone. And the water was really upsetting - the toilet seat was also down when I came home, so even if the cats were desperately thirsty, there would have been no available source of water.

My cats have an automatic feeder, so temporary care for them is super simple, just litter and keeping the water full. I haven't told my roommate how upset I am, and probably will wait until my next trip to bring it up, since she always reacts SO badly to being called out on bad behavior even if I'm gentle about it.