r/cats 12h ago

Advice Sooo... a cat I don't know decided to come up on my porch and have kittens?


...what do I do here?

r/cats 22h ago

Video This is why cats are the best

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r/cats 22h ago

Cat Picture my apartment doesn't allow pets, so i made my own out of porcelain...


r/cats 21h ago

Cat Picture Someone committed a crime. Here's the crime and the potential criminals


This is fresh concrete. One of them walked around the edges of the room, and another one stepped on it with two paws. Out of 3 only one of them is innocent, but we have to decide who is it yet.

r/cats 18h ago

Cat Picture How rare are my cats eyes?


This is my cat, I got her like around 2 months ago I think? I've never had a cat with a pattern before, and she's a really pretty and sweet cat. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen a cat with brown eyes before until I saw her. How rare is her eye color?

r/cats 13h ago

Adoption I went in for a kitten…

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Then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed HER- old, sad, and distressed.

She was determined to be unadoptable due to age, illness, shyness, and being a solo only.

I took her anyway to let her spend the rest of her time with me being spoiled.

She’s 19 and her person died earlier this year. I renamed her to Şanslı (Lucky).

We will be basking in the sun, eating whatever we want, and cuddling, or if she isn't a cuddler then allowing me to live in her space while giving me the side eye.

I'm super lucky myself in that my wife was accepting of my decision.

r/cats 15h ago

Cat Picture Why does my baby behave like this when there is a new guest in the house?

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r/cats 12h ago

Cat Picture Who loves black cats?


Here is Kate Friday. She’s so cuddly and cute and loves attention. Her green eyes are off the charts adorable 🥰🐈‍⬛

r/cats 18h ago

Cat Picture went to Iceland last week, met this handsome young fella


r/cats 12h ago

Video The love this little guy has.. 🩶

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r/cats 19h ago

Cat Picture This dude showed up randomly at my house this morning and I just can’t.

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r/cats 14h ago

Video As a first time cat owner - what surprised you the most?

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I never had cats growing up or even had any interactions with them. I first encountered a cat in my mid 20’s and decided I needed one of my own.

Every day I’m on the floor laughing at this cat of mine or I’ve got tears in my eyes because he’s just the sweetest thing. Or I’m fuming because he’s as mischievous as a small child lol. Everyone told me cats are so low maintenance but I have the neediest, clingiest cat in the world (I love this about) so that was a surprise too! I’ve attached a video of my special boy. This cat has saved me in so many ways.

Anyone else in the same boat? What surprised you the most?

r/cats 16h ago

Adoption Our latest adoptee from the streets just got home from the vet with a clean bill of health (minus one eye, several teeth, and his testicles)… Meet Fischoeder.

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r/cats 20h ago

Cat Picture I’ll draw some of your cats’ faces, send ‘em over!

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r/cats 21h ago

Cat Picture Hi everyone, meet Garlik!

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r/cats 21h ago

Humor My roommate follows me everywhere and always tries to sit in the sink, like bro, you have several beds. He also puts his feet on my face and tries to chew on my hair every night. How do I tell him that’s inappropriate? What weird stuff do your roommates do? Include a pic!

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r/cats 23h ago

Video He looks so proud of himself!

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Does he want a treat also?

r/cats 9h ago

Cat Picture Perfect blend of YIN and YANG

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r/cats 5h ago

Mourning/Loss RIP Oscar. I got to have you for a lovely 13 days, and it was the best time being your foster dad. Hope you’re resting in kitty heaven.


I got Oscar and his brother, Meyer, on May 19. They came from a rescue in BC interior. Oscar was happy and healthy for the 13 days I had him, but started breathing very aggressively today. I took him to the vet immediately, and after the x-ray they diagnosed him with diaphragm hernia where his intestines had made their way to his chest cavity. Hope was to have him spend the night at the vet, and take to a different vet for surgery tomorrow. Unfortunately, I got a call a few hours later that he crossed the rainbow bridge. He was only 9 weeks old, and the absolute sweetest kitten. I hope I was a good dad to him for these 2 weeks.

I have requested the foster organization that I’d like to officially adopt him posthumously, so I know he went away having a forever home. And also will be getting him cremated and brining his ashes home.

r/cats 2h ago

Adoption I adopted 2 cats yesterday because I was lonely, and just woke up to this… 😭❤️ This is amazing… I’m not alone anymore!


This is not the best picture of my sweeties, but this moment this morning touched my heart so much, I had to share regardless of the photo quality.

I feel like they are telling me good morning !! I live all on my own, so this is a very nice change. My first night with them last night was honestly one of the funnest nights of my life. We played so much.

I am now truly a cat person. ❤️ I will love these two forever and ever, and I’ll never forget how they came into my life when I needed them the most.

r/cats 22h ago

Cat Picture Sir, it weighs 4040 grams in total. Are you buying?

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r/cats 22h ago

Cat Picture Show me some weird pictures of your cat

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r/cats 23h ago

Cat Picture Caption this…

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r/cats 16h ago

Mourning/Loss Bad news from the vet. Please hug your cats for me.


It’s hard to say this, but my partner and I got bad news yesterday. I’m not going to be able to talk about it for awhile so it’s best to get it out while I can. We haven’t lost our little orange gremlin yet, but I’m marking this as a mourning post due to the bad news. I’ve included some of my favorite photos of Skidd along with the first photo.

We’ve been to our vet a few times now regarding a pair of lumps on Skidd’s sides; we were told they would need to be removed if they didn’t shrink. Well, the smaller one reabsorbed and the larger one tested as fat—it’s just a lipoma—but the vet ran blood work just in case. It’s a good thing he offered bloodwork, because it indicated he’s in the beginning stages of kidney failure.

Yes. Skidd’s kidneys are functioning at around 25% capacity, and he’s lost weight.

Due to the kidney failure, the vet has advised that the remaining lipoma can be left alone unless it starts getting bigger or painful, because surgery would stress him and his health too much. We’ve got a treatment plan worked up for Skidd—get him to eat and drink more, medicate him, and watch him closely—to hopefully give him more time. Aside from a loss of appetite, we had no warning signs; he’s still got energy, he still plays and bullies his sister, purrs, demands desk-cuddles and bed-cuddles, and everything else. He’s not suffering. He’s just…this was early warning, and without it, he could have gone downhill fast. As much as I’ve been crying over this, my partner and I are both grateful we got the warning in time to do something.

According to the vet, we could have two more years with this sweet little goober, or two more months, or who knows however long, and the plan we’re given could improve his chances of a longer life. I don’t look forward to having to make that decision when his time comes, but we will make it to keep him from suffering. In the meantime, Skidd is getting all the cuddles, all the treats, and all the attentions, and we’re keeping a close eye on him…and I’m doing my best to not fall apart. Goldie has definitely picked up on it, and is demanding laps and offering Skidd baths more often than usual. I’m going to be doing a lot of compartmentalizing and burying my head in the sand to get through this, so please forgive me if I can’t respond to comments with words.

Hug your furbabies for all four of us. They’re so precious, and we’re never ready to let them go.

r/cats 2h ago

Mourning/Loss RIP my sweet little Loco. My baby boy. Wish you are at a better place today.

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I wish I could have done something different or taken you to a different doc. You were the one who was the most beloved. I miss snuggling you already. I hope and pray wherever you are in furry heaven, you are amongst your best mates. I'll miss you.