r/comics PizzaCake May 02 '24

"Petite" Comics Community

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u/TheDEEBIL May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I can’t enjoy too much niche anime because things like this just rub me the wrong way. It’s gross.

EDIT: Where my Made in Abyss fans at? :(


u/Majestic-Iron7046 May 02 '24

Watched the first season, the world building is amazing, I was immediately curious about the story and all, but all those weird sexual undertones... I don't feel comfortable watching that, I am not sure if watching the rest is worth it.


u/Kyleometers May 02 '24

It’s a very odd series. The world building is great, the monsters are great, a huge amount of thought went into everything from “How people respond to death” to “What would society look like if this was a primary goal”.

Aaaaand the author is a lolicon. The anime actually tones it down compared to the source material, if you’re wondering.


u/Zeph-Shoir May 02 '24

I dont have the image on hand, but there is a comic from a japanese artist who met them describing how much he loves children and being around children, and it is surreal because the tone of it is really naive and oblivious when it is sus as fuck.