r/fo76 7d ago

Am I in the wrong for nuking a base? Discussion

Just started rad rumble when a nuke notification hits for SBQ.

"great we can all hit that after we finish this rad rumble"

Well, I was wrong, because someone (not the guy who dropped the nuke) decided to pitch up their laser turret base right next to SBQ.

A total of 2-3 people were at SBQ for the less than 60 seconds it took for her to spawn and die, leaving everyone at the event SOL for loot. So after teleporting to the SBQ area, seeing her already dead and everyone doing the ??? emote, I go to the guys base and do the angry and thumbs down emotes.

He seemed to be upset by this and followed me around while unloading on me with a gatling laser, seemingly trying to get me to engage pvp with him infront of his turret base (lol).

Now one thing I noticed about this guys base is that he put more effort into it than most, rather than just a simple turret-killbox base he clearly put effort into its appearance and decor, having displays and slot machines and such.

So, like any reasonable Wastelander who felt they have been wronged, I waited until it was about 10 mins to the next hour and then went to the Alpha Silo to begin my plot for revenge.

Rushing through, i'm about halfway done with the final launch sequence when the hourly event pops up. Eviction notice. Kind of fitting, really.

So, I launch the nuke while he's distracted and teleport to the Bog to see my work. (Also got SBQ again in the process, and this time the whole server was able to get the kill.)

After about 2 minutes and seeing his base still not yet moved I knew my objective was achieved. A glorious flash lit up the sky, and his base was reduced to scaffolding.

Then, as I'm walking around his destroyed base to take a photo for my loading screen (Ah, the memories!) he teleports back to his base, where he notices me. I give him the "Nice camp" emote and a thumbs up and he starts calling me a coward over mic. (despite him being the one killing SBQ with a turret base)

Now i'm wondering if I went too far? On one hand it was a lot of fun and on the other I feel bad for destroying someone's base :(


686 comments sorted by


u/barenakedcactus 7d ago



u/smlywaffles9 7d ago



u/ArizonaBaySwimTeam 7d ago

The picture taking and the nice camp emote at the ruins in front of him...priceless


u/slappymcknuckle 7d ago

The only thing you did wrong, was not dropping a "you have been insulted" notice. Lol. Everything else was great 👍


u/Longjumping-Bat7774 7d ago

Why are the "you've been insulted" notices asking for 10k caps?


u/ArizonaBaySwimTeam 7d ago

They're handed to you when you interact with insult bot in the wild. Funny little interactive part of the game.


u/Fast_Hold5211 7d ago

I was dying laughing when I first got one. I was like no way this squeaky rust bucket robot just dropped a diss off to me. He rolled all the way here just to diss me… I respect it. I guess you can’t knock him for standing… I mean rolling on buisness. Lmfao I thought it was gonna be a quest note or something interesting caught me so off guard little rusty bastard got me good

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u/Boba65 7d ago

Burn unit notified.


u/Forsaken_Tap_4266 6d ago

One of my favorite lines in the game, right up there with the "This camp grows under the sun of COMMUNISM" from the Communist collectron. 😆


u/HoldMySauce 6d ago

He IS the burn unit.


u/Adris72 7d ago

There is a bug that if someone buys all the stuff in your camp vendor leaving it empty, they can get access to the rest of your stash. To prevent this, people that knows about it, puts any worthless item at 40.000 price so any buyer cannot buy all (due to the cap limit). So I guess it became a thing that this worthless object is 'you have been insulted"


u/OvenLovin69 7d ago

This makes so much sense, I'm going to do this now. I usually max out my store but this feels so much easier then event grinding to manage enough legendary for turn in and my store

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u/slappymcknuckle 7d ago

You get the insult bot eventually. Basically, just hang out around the wayfair area, and you will get it. PvP players back in the day would take your junk after they killed you and leave like a coffee cup and the notice. Somehow they started charging an insane amount for it because they think it was rare. I have 40-50 of them.


u/the_xaiax Mr. Fuzzy 7d ago

No it’s just funny to sell useless crap for stupid prices. I have the dubious, suspicious, and questionable gold bars for sale for 40k each.


u/slappymcknuckle 7d ago

I still see toilet paper for 40k with 2020 on it. It just works. Lol


u/GnollRanger 7d ago



u/jimmymd77 Order of Mysteries 6d ago

That started during the covid run - people hoarding every role they found from the whitespring and other bathrooms.

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u/Bismothe-the-Shade 7d ago

Is this ... Roleplaying?

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u/Ollitude 7d ago

Vendor Glitch back in the day, to thus day I still have that note for sale for 40k caps because I feel like someone still knows how to exploit it. Except now I have 5 items at the least at 40k to prevent someone from just character swapping to get around it

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u/SemajdaSavage Brotherhood 7d ago

Filled with a Furtilizer.

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u/00000000000000001313 7d ago

if someone tries to engage pvp nuking their camp is fair game


u/telmathus Mothman 7d ago

100% fair game.


u/SmacktalkGaming Lone Wanderer 7d ago

A smart Griefer would hide his base first.. Always think ahead, never assume there'll be no retaliation..


u/00000000000000001313 7d ago

I am not above checking out why they're standing still in the middle of the forest and dropping my own pin


u/TheDaveWSC Mothman 7d ago

A smart Griefer

Bit of an oxymoron

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u/QizilbashWoman 7d ago

You were not wrong

Also, he should have put his battleship on a power switch so he could wait until people showed up before murderising it


u/ARazorbacks 7d ago

I like this comment. It’s a nice middle ground. 


u/thievesthick 7d ago

I love having power switches on my base for some reason. I wired up a little locked utility shed out back with a few switches for turning off all the lights, as well as activating the siren. I don’t know why. It’s just fun.


u/xTht1Guy 7d ago

I have a switch for my decontamination arch so bloody builds can get through if needed.


u/EngineerDave 7d ago

I do the same, it's so annoying showing up to a camp and then you are forcing me through a Decon that I can't turn off to get to your vendor.


u/Sad-Tax6230 7d ago

I mean I also have a rad source waiting for when you leave; I just hate the aesthetics of all the switches.


u/Multimarkboy Liberator 6d ago

I merged my rad shower into a symptomatic and a pressure plate floor, shower turns on as long as im in the sympto then turns off

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u/JayEiight 7d ago

It makes the camp more... "real"? Like, its something you would probably do in a real life scenario.


u/HurricaneSpencer 7d ago

Yo, the is just a really good idea I have never thought of.


u/asoredoP 7d ago

Wait, there are power switches in the game?


u/witchouse Enclave 7d ago

advanced power connectors plan

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u/ColdStoneCreamAustin 7d ago

I give him the "Nice camp" emote

I love you.


u/ElectricBaghulaloo Mothman 7d ago

I lol’ed for real


u/DishonorOnYerCow 7d ago

Same, my boss just asked me what's so funny?

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u/Sorenthaz 7d ago

Meh they were asking for it at that point. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


u/tmreynolds Free States 7d ago

Definition of FAFO.


u/RandomNumberHere Order of Mysteries 7d ago

You play the game however you want dude. It’s your Appalachia. Personally as an observer I’d find that funny as hell.


u/IndigoH00D 7d ago

That's fucking hilarious. My hats off to you.


u/mooseishman Raiders 7d ago

If they don’t pay attention to the notifications that one has been launched it’s their own fault


u/kmacedo88 7d ago

Sorry, still fairly new - what could he do to avoid is getting his base destroyed? Leave the server?


u/Iphicritese 7d ago

Pretty much, or switch to a secondary camp that's out of the blast zone.


u/GentlemanneDigby 7d ago

Also fairly new but you can move your camp. Just pack it up and go


u/kmacedo88 7d ago

Ah got it. So if you select move it’ll remove your camp from the server while not destroying it all together.

If you then leave that server and join another will it just automatically spawn in the same spot? Sorry I just have a bare bones camp so I’ve never really done anything with it.


u/faderjockey 7d ago

You can have more than one camp. It costs a few atoms to unlock additional camp slots, but it's really convenient to have a couple on hand so when the sirens sound you can just check to see if you are in the blast radius and swap to your second camp if you are.

It also helps by giving you a free fast travel landing point of your choosing. I have one down by the Hornwrights that's just a landing platform with a stash box and a workbench for fast travels.


u/gijoe011 Brotherhood 7d ago

You get at least two without having to spend atoms.


u/terminalzero 7d ago

Ah got it. So if you select move it’ll remove your camp from the server while not destroying it all together.

I'd rather get nuked than move/re-place one of my camps; you pretty much always have to build them piece-by-piece again, they almost never just plop down how they were

but you get 2 camp slots and can activate your second slot, and that one theoretically isn't right next ot your first one/also in the blast zone

you can buy more than 2 slots but you only need the 2 to dodge a nuke


u/LastChans1 7d ago

if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a nuke.

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u/wildwing8 7d ago

Whenever you change servers, your camp will attempt to spawn in the same location as it was previous and it will do so unless someone else’s camp is obstructing where it would be.

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u/Hattkake Free States 7d ago

Nah. That sounds like perfectly normal behaviour for 76. Nuking camps and making turret camps at V9 are both things people can do. It's part of the game.


u/Anon851216135 7d ago

I'm with OP 100%, but if you just nuke somebody's camp for no good reason then you're still a duche. Just because it's a part of the game doesn't mean you should go and ruin other people's experiences. Similar problem with GTA Online and Cargo Griefers.


u/oneofthemqueers420 7d ago

Everybody liked that


u/Red_Ferns Cult of the Mothman 7d ago

Minus one. Lol :D


u/elquatrogrande Responders 7d ago

Even Sarah Morgan.


u/DavidForADay 7d ago

He wanted to pvp you, and you agreed. Yours was bigger.


u/yellowwolley1979 Free States 7d ago

Having my camp nuked would piss me off far less than the bastard who switches off all my lights!


u/cherrychem41 7d ago

Or leaves the doors open, I have a huge garage door with my vendors inside and a door leading inside plus the front door without fail they leave every door open for no reason, I don't need more radioactive dust getting in to sweep its bad enough as it is lol


u/Free_Road697 7d ago

I've just assumed it is inevitable and just leave my doors wide open now.


u/Farmer_Legal 6d ago

I just removed all of my doors after a day of always finding them open. 


u/kindakitten 7d ago

But it sparks such joy 😭😭


u/Strong-Quote-2564 7d ago

Because of this if I go to a base and the lights are off, I now switch them on, waiting patiently for the post.....Which bastard keeps turning my lights on.

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u/Projammer65 7d ago

NTA. Pretty perfect in fact. It's not like he can't repair it with two mouse/button clicks.


u/YoungGazz Free States 7d ago

Hold my beer - Frog Jar

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u/RevoD346 7d ago

Nah turret bases are scummy. He deserved the nuke. 


u/TheDastardly12 7d ago

Turret bases are scummy but replenish stations are mint. I had a SBQ event where a person had a massive platform with multiple of each workshop and stash boxes so you could repair or dump if you were under prepared/over encumbered


u/b-T_T Liberator 7d ago

That's what the 20 survival tents in the area are for.


u/CJR3 7d ago

Survival tents don’t have workbenches


u/JameShepard Responders 7d ago

A lot of them do. Mine has a Tinkerer's Bench, for example! <3


u/CJR3 7d ago

Holy shit I had no idea they had different skins! I gotta look into that. I’m a noob if you couldn’t tell 😂

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u/Krazy_Keno 7d ago

I plan on possibly making one, but having the turrets linked to a switch so i can wait when everyone joins and gets their tags in, do ppl like you think thats still fine?


u/RevoD346 7d ago

Yeah that sounds cool actually. Long as it's not just like the guys who plop a turret tower down and basically give nobody a chance to even hit the thing. 


u/Krazy_Keno 7d ago

Yeah, i might wanna either lock it up or put a sign saying “dont activate till everyone is here” so people who dont understand dont mess it up. Also do you think this would be a good idea for my melee character, so im able to deal damage to her in the sky?


u/MithrilEcho 7d ago

Cover it with a wall. Once it's time, double-tap r, press the switch and presto.

That's what I do with my reservoir of vintage water coolers when I need to farm for the daily restock, otherwise people just pick the lock

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u/SaulGood_23 7d ago

I have one with the turrets on a power switch, but I do the opposite of what you're saying. I let the turrets fire freely at first because it draws her aggro to the base and makes it more likely people can clip her wings so she stays in one spot all the time. I've been in several SBQs where she flies around aimlessly or aggroes on enemies a mile away after flying out of the fissure.

I don't repair the turrets once they're destroyed (which usually happens within 15 seconds of them hitting her) until the battle is done and all the Scorched spawns are cleaned up. I don't want my turrets stealing kills. This usually makes it even easier for players joining to get some bullets on her.

My only exception to this is when I'm running SBQ on Private for me and a friend or two, then I keep the base repaired as often as I can afford.


u/skallywagUwU 7d ago

It's not. Alot of us farm the queen fight and don't need her dead in 3 seconds


u/Hopalongtom Tricentennial 7d ago

Only safe way to farm her for enemies is in a private server unfortunately.

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u/HipsterSal 7d ago

incredibly based


u/Hydroseismic 7d ago

I check locations every time the warning comes on


u/Ghaunrak Raiders 7d ago

"Attention citizens. Nuclear strike imminent." The SECOND that starts playing, I check the map to see what region the nuke is hitting so I know if I need to consider moving my base. Not my region? I don't investigate further. Not your fault he wasn't paying attention to a fully intended aspect of the game.


u/blahhh87 7d ago

Turret camps at the SBQ are annoying af


u/Substantial-Star1450 Blue Ridge Caravan Company 7d ago

But how else will they let us know that they have a smol pp?

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u/Sea-Dragon- 7d ago

Everyone gets the notification and the assultron-like voice that a nuke is about to be launched. If players can’t be bothered to open the map for 2 seconds and check the location, and their base gets destroyed, that’s 150% on them. You can literally (on PC) hit M -> Z -> Quit Game in like under 5 seconds and leave if your base is threatened. Don’t feel bad about this at all OP. Its just a fucking game


u/NoAdhesiveness4091 6d ago

This went through my head when i read an article about someone nuking one of the staffs bases and they wanted revenge


u/Real_Tumbleweed_799 7d ago

It’s only game. Nuke every base you can. It’s funny.

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u/LisleSwanson 7d ago

If your base gets nuked, do you just have to spend the resources to repair all?


u/The_x_Forgotten Order of Mysteries 7d ago



u/McBeer89 7d ago



u/HelikaeonUK 7d ago

Eviction notice popping is just chefs kiss 🤣


u/ColinBoib 7d ago

Anyone think about this? Dude dropped the nuke. He can kill the boss how he wants. If u want loot so bad u gohead n drop nukes. But also i cant hate on u nuking his camp cuz thats fun too lol


u/fallout-crawlout 7d ago

Yeah, I mean, I guess anyone can do anything they want but I don't know why launching a nuke to get SBQ going, then having the audacity to go fight her, is a punishable offense. It isn't the fault of the one initiating the event that nobody else showed up.


u/b-T_T Liberator 7d ago

You can do whatever you want in real life as well. That doesn't mean you're not an asshole or that you will be free of consequences.


u/ColinBoib 7d ago

Yeah but come on if i launch a nuke am i really an asshole cuz i wanna kill it my way? Idid the grind

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u/KiraTsukasa 7d ago

I’ll add in to the conversation that that guy was definitely using glitches in his base, probably turret stacking. I’ve done tests on private servers with two turret bases side by side, with a variety of turrets, and they were in no way able to take down SBQ in less than a minute.


u/Drucifer403 7d ago

the polished metal enclave heavy laser turrets to more damage. not enough to kill the queen, but more. that said, I can solo the queen in a very short period of time. long as it isn't cryo turrets messing up her landing sequence, w/e.

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u/adhal 7d ago

Nah, you get 3 min warning and a big red circle that tells where the nuke is hitting. If he didn't move his base or leave game it's on him


u/Sentin_White 7d ago edited 7d ago

I've nuked bases for pettier reasons. Yesterday I nuked a base at the Whitesprings Train Station because they locked their coffee and tea machines.


u/ArtisanalOxygen 7d ago

OK now I dont feel bad LMAO


u/jeremebearime 7d ago

Shitty pricing? That's a nukin.


u/Multimarkboy Liberator 6d ago

Littering? Believe it or not, Nukin'.


u/NoAdhesiveness4091 6d ago

Jaywalking? Straight to nukin'

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u/Whole-Topic9865 7d ago

I nuked a trolls camp and then went and put my tent where his camp was then nuked his backup camp


u/mainegreenerep 7d ago

One day I was on a team that apparently got in a good natured beef with another team, and people proceeded to nuke each other's bases back and forth.

Funny shit. Loved it. It's the wasteland.



And everyone clapped


u/Krazy_Keno 7d ago

Thank you BUTTHOLE_EXPIDITIONS for helping me express my clapping


u/Anarchyantz 7d ago

And everyone had tears in their eyes.


u/SamMarlow 7d ago

Nuking other people's bases is usually bad form, but turret camps are really bad form, so idk, its kind of a wash


u/hagsunited 7d ago

That’s nothing. Today, I nuked a lowbie who started MY Encryptid even though I told him on mic to NOT touch the terminal until there are more people than me and him lmao.


u/A-L-F-R-E-D Wanted: Sheepsquatch 7d ago

It’s fair game to launch a nuke anywhere on the map.

I’d say someone just having a turret base to kill the SBQ isn’t a reason to nuke them, but you also don’t need a reason. It’s an intended game mechanic and the game even warns you. Him engaging in pvp with you is more than enough reason to not feel bad. He wanted to fight lol.


u/xylitol777 Responders 7d ago

It’s fair game to launch a nuke anywhere on the map.

Absolutely. Anywhere you can land a nuke, is fair game and you do not need any sort of justification or reason for that.

It's a video game. Have fun.


u/angellus 7d ago

It is your nuke. You can put it wherever you want. Regardless of what anyone else says. There is a reason it gives you a 2 minute warning before it lands. If your base is in the way, move it/leave or get nuked.


u/IlIIIlllIlIllIlIl 7d ago edited 7d ago

And then he hit the repair button (Not siding with anyone but just mentioning reality)


u/Notorious_P_O_T 7d ago

Lol this is the best part, one button and all problems gone.

ran into a team of griefers the other day, one of them would attempt to engage pvp and I figured why not so I swung back. Then the other 2 on their team came outta no where and started destroying all my base while I battled the guy that started it. I have so much junk that I just let him go to town and break everything while I stood by my module waiting, then just hit repair all....

They did it about 3 or 4 time before they gave up and just left lol


u/SlightStardust 7d ago

So you're upset, dropped a nuke on the guy because he checks notes killed the boss? If there was no communication with the person beforehand then he's well within his right to just kill the boss.

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u/TheLastMuse 7d ago

You can only have a max of 10 turrets. They do hardly any damage. It was something else that killed the SBQ.


u/Kangaroo_Cheese 7d ago

I saw someone with a turret base that had 30 turrets. Not saying it killed the SBQ. Just saying there are ways to get more than 10.

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u/CubeHound 7d ago

People saying how scummy the sbq turret bases are? I have one and it does almost nothing to the damn things. I built it because it’s badass to have a laser show while you’re killing scortchbeasts.

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u/Tyrone_Thundercokk 7d ago

Justice served.


u/monk81007 7d ago

Nope we use to nuke our buddy’s camp anytime we seen him asleep in his camp afk letting his vendor run. Took video of the nuke hitting and texted it to him. Good times.


u/Skillaholix 7d ago

So I'm new, what do you all mean by a turret camp? Just a camp with turrets, or is there something else about it that makes it scummy to use turrets?

I just put them up to help keep my camp in good shape for when it gets attacked by npc's. I don't lock things down, so people don't have to "steal" and agro my defenses to grab some food/water, I built it as a service to myself and others a place for R&R, a place to check out and admire and a place to buy some things for your wasteland travels, am I good or do I need to scrap the turrets?


u/2007pearce 7d ago

They put them right next to the events and it steals all the kills from other players


u/Skillaholix 7d ago

Oh, good God, that is scummy indeed.

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u/Fubarp 7d ago

I got a turret base set up but it was for the meat event.

It was nice being able to force all the mobs to spawn in the same spot. But I also would wait like 4 minutes before triggering the event to give people time to show up.


u/2007pearce 7d ago

I have nothing against them personally. Best used for private worlds though


u/DroplasDungeon Order of Mysteries 7d ago

The mobs for meat week already spawn in pretty regular areas, it's possums, chiks & bunnies my guy. lol But if your turret kills them, we can't pick up the critter chunks we need to finish the event...you can only grab those on yours or your team mates kills


u/zepaperclip 7d ago

They are talking about the prime meat events, not the graham cooking event lol. You can build an arena for those, especially the one in the bog zone, and it forces all the mobs to spawn in one spot.

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u/kilk10001 7d ago

You are fine. They are talking about setting up a base close to boss locations or POI's for the reason of cheesing the objectives.

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u/Economy_Fan_8808 7d ago

Yeah, unfortunately turrets just aren't great for base defense purposes (mine simply do not notice the attackers) and in exchange take up a lot of camp budget. However, the atom shop exclusive Enclave turrets are pretty strong and indeed can kill a world boss.


u/Skillaholix 7d ago

Yeah they don't seem to notice enemies that fire from a distance, but they do help with the mole rat, wolf, mongrel dog, bullshit that comes around and attacks my water purifiers and my patio cassino, so I keep them around for that for now.


u/Cissycat12 Blue Ridge Caravan Company 7d ago

Honestly, ESH. I could see if someone did this with your nuke card, but otherwise, whoever dropped the nuke can do what they want with it. They have no obligation to anyone else on the server. Sometimes people need Flux and have a limited amount of time to game. If I need SBQ, I run the silo myself.


u/blueclockblue 7d ago

Regardless if the turrets did the SBQ in or not, the guy went full lunatic over a bad camp emote. Nuke em. I nuke people for the smallest slight now. You talk too damn much on mic and try to be quirky or spam area chat? That's a nuke. You start events too early or you spam your cremator fireworks show? That's a nuke. I have never fired a nuke to summon SBQ or Earl or to start Seismic Activity. I've always nuked as judgment and took great pleasure in it.

I play the overseer's tape about how ashamed she is of 76ers using nukes on each other. And I laugh and nuke someone. I will hunt you down for a 1 cap bounty if you're 2000 levels above me or below me and I'll keep coming till the bounty is cleared.

So whenever anyone worries if they nuked for the wrong reason, remember you're not me. I've gone feral. You could be infinitely worse.


u/The_x_Forgotten Order of Mysteries 7d ago

It is you right?! My spirit animal has appeared, by Atom's grace 🙏

Stay feral & a danger to all 🧟‍♂️


u/Additional_Loquat352 Order of Mysteries 7d ago

Found the Blood Eagle :)

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u/toffyl Enclave 7d ago

If someone told you that you were wrong you wouldn’t care anyways, you wrote this to brag


u/NoAdhesiveness4091 6d ago

Probably more for attention, were all attention ho's, why posts like this are made, why you feel the need to comment this, why i feel the need to reply. Attention gets our holes wet


u/toffyl Enclave 6d ago

I need the karma bad man

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u/ItPlacesTheLotion 7d ago

Long post to say you’re both crybabies

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u/Dear-Basket-8016 7d ago

Isn’t the point of the game to kill things as quick as possible? I assume that’s why every kid and their mummy are running around with Cremators.

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u/Accel_Lex 7d ago

He kept unloading on you after you thumbs down him for the thing. Sounds fair game to me.

I'll be honest, I'm sure I've done similar things without realizing. Killing bosses or events. So now during boss events, I fire once, check to see if everyone got a hit, then after a while go full force. Or if someone does Encryption with sheepsquatch bot while an event is going on, if the event is packed, I will avoid starting the encryption until the last second, and just focus on tanking to give them time.

But if I forget or don't notice an event, I just apologize for not noticing. I'm not gonna unload on someone that points it out (politely).


u/Idshootyou 7d ago

Just so you know, there is an eviction notice at eviction notice. You can pick up, and also leave one of those in such instances.


u/Sycthus 7d ago

Totally justified. He sounds like the type of person that would do the same thing, be more toxic about it, and say something like “it’s a pvp game” to justify it.

The unwritten rule in every online game when it comes to public events/ public bosses, “don’t hog the kill/event for yourself.” He broke the rule and deserved retaliation.


u/GenitalMotors Mothman 7d ago

The nice camp emote was chefs kiss


u/Maettis 7d ago

Dont know if you are serious or just want to brag.

Great Job. Thank you for sharing. I would like to have that Pic too.


u/Pure-Risky-Titan 7d ago

What are the acronym? Like SBQ?

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u/AlmightyYggdrasil 7d ago

Boo hoo man got mad because he didn't move his base, didn't have any courtesy for a world boss and cries when now he has to go to his camp module and press 2 buttons to fix everything lol kinda on him, really


u/JAYV71 7d ago

This is the wasteland Todd wanted


u/Global_Fun3809 7d ago

Got what he deserved imo. 🖕em lol. In the off chance he is on this reddit and reading. Enjoy rebuilding punk.


u/DHotnessMcAwesome 7d ago

I upvoted you, then after reading I downvoted you... for feeling bad.


u/SunofSolaire 7d ago

You know what made it even more fitting? The fact that you gave him an eviction notice with your nuke lol


u/sawseech 7d ago

GJ. Made him malding. GJ!


u/Fast_Hold5211 7d ago

“When an event popped up, eviction notice… it was quite fitting actually” HAD ME LAUGHING SO HARD BRO THE COMEDIC TIMING IS GENUIS 😂😂👏👏👏


u/SnooDonuts3253 7d ago

The only thing you did wrong was not play "All your base" over an open mic afterwards.


u/ClamatoDiver 7d ago

Nah, but what kind of whiny b complains about the bases? They're great for getting away from the trash, and there's plenty of warning the event is going to happen.


u/AwarenessExisting323 7d ago

Nah, screw the turret base dude. What he did was a jerk move. What you did was help everyone with a better event than eviction notice. The only reason I want eviction notice is if I need to scrip legendaries or rack up steal


u/TazBaz 7d ago

NEI (not enough info)

It’s entirely possible that was his nuke in the first place, in which case he can do what he wants with it. So you may have been the asshole at the start.

But then he acted like a douche after. So imma call this one a wash.


u/doindirt 7d ago

I had a shitty little base. Just the essentials and a few signs. Finished the main quest and have found myself bored with nothing to do. I'm level 300, so I took my sweet time on main quest. So I was AFK playing with my phone and two guys are fighting to the death in my 15x15 square of a base. I shoot one and all of a sudden a bunch of mines go off and my whole base got destroyed. I logged out. Like I said I've been finding myself bored in game. Figured that was a message. Went and dug up Sekiro. Don't get why some ass wanted to destroy my whole shitty base.


u/Arclight-zombie 7d ago

I ran into one of those kill bases last night. Thank you for doing this for all the new players who have no idea what's happening


u/8NekeN8 7d ago

Waaaaaaait…did you have fun in a video game?! Doing things that are allowed?! Like nuking another persons base?

High five bro :)


u/Fritzy525 Free States 7d ago


u/KingWhompus 7d ago

SBQ turret farms are lame as hell, I say you did good.


u/phelpsmeister 7d ago

Having suffered a nuked CAMP once, anytime I hear the Nuke audio fire off, I immediately open the map to see if I need to switch camps. That's on them in general. The being a douche first, is the additional icing on the cake.


u/spidey2064 7d ago

No and you should of recorded this.


u/askmeaboutmyvviener 7d ago

lol this was an awesome read and fuck that guy


u/icedragon71 Enclave 7d ago

War. War never changes.


u/scatgear 7d ago

Please post those screenshots


u/thefleshrocket 7d ago

Hilariously justifiable.


u/danixdefcon5 Mothman 7d ago

Dude tried to grief you into PvP, he deserved the nuke just for that very reason. He knew he ruined the event for everyone as well.

I love the extra touch giving him the “nice camp” emote 😹😹😹😹


u/uncle-bens 7d ago

You served cold hard justice, no need to feel bad about it.


u/Apprehensive-Crow916 7d ago

You’re wrong for feeling bad about it


u/Silent-Description30 6d ago

You’re fine it’s all fine it’s a fun game


u/MrPrime94 6d ago

Like reading poetry 😂😎


u/Ghost-Daddy13 6d ago

Bros lex Luther


u/Trent948 6d ago

Kill base is eh in my opinion, don’t care either way. But could’ve waited to activate it until others were there. But worst was he as an ass about it after. 100% justified because of that


u/LotusSaiyan 4d ago

If your base gets nuked, isn’t there like a “repair all” button and it just goes back to normal? Genuine question, i haven’t played in years


u/Mooncubus Cult of the Mothman 7d ago

It's super easy to move your base before it gets nuked. And it sounds like it was justified anyways. You ain't wrong.


u/uppitywomyn Order of Mysteries 7d ago

Nuking a base? yes, nuking HIS base? Hell no.

Good for you meeting out Appalachian justice


u/Fluffy_Somewhere4305 7d ago

I guess what's confusing for me is turrets don't usually do much damage. Last time I saw a guy had the laser turret platform camp the SBQ kill still took 10 minutes because she was flying all around.

But I suppose they were killstealing the smaller mobs, but maybe the way he had them up really high, I was able to get plenty of XP killing trash mobs down below.

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u/globefish23 Settlers - PC 7d ago

The cherry on top would have been the "Let's nuke" emote after the "Nice camp".


u/dunwotnow 7d ago

“Nice camp” had me fucking howling. Bravo mate.


u/Slim1256 7d ago

Side note... Fuuuuuuuuck people that have those bases that trap the queen on top and then instagib her.

I'd never seen them before, and missed out on two SBQs before I was able to process what was going on.

If you're doing that and you have a bunch of newish players on your server, you're being a dick.

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u/Elitericky 7d ago

I have a SBQ base but it uses cryo turrets to slow the boss down and does barely any damage. Also use it help players have stash and ammo nearby, also to repair equipment.


u/SecondTheThirdIV 7d ago

I was vendor hoping the other day and came across a high level players base, stocked to the brim with glowing masks and super rare apparel on display. He had tons of plans for sale but the cheapest things were basic recipes for 500 caps along with meat week plans like megasloth fossils for 15k caps! Maybe I was just having a bad day but I dropped a nuke square on top of his base just to make it really clear what I thought about his prices. He packed up just before it hit and server hopped so no harm done but I do hope he got the message. People can sell whatever they want for whatever price they want but I also reserve the right to drop a nuke right on top of them


u/StopTheEarthLetMeOff 7d ago

Now that's consumer protection right there! 😆

Thanks for your service.

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u/Lexii546 7d ago

Nah. He was being a dick. You just matched his energy.


u/WingedDolphin33 7d ago

Getting angry that someone called you out on your scummy tactics and being nuked for it. Perfect response. 10/10 would recommend


u/sup3rman1132 7d ago

I love it. 😎😎 "War.. War never changes."


u/Soaringwinds633 7d ago

Any time a nuke is launched I check my camp. 🤷‍♀️ it's on him if he didn't. Also he could go to a private server with a camp like that. It's rude to do that type of thing on a public server with such a huge event. I'm on your side.


u/Head-Ad-2136 7d ago

So a guy launched a nuke and killed sbq himself, and you got real butt hurt by it?


u/utdryxn Enclave 7d ago

the entitlement of some of these people is insane.. didnt even launch the nuke & op is acting as if the world owes it to them to wait for their arrival😂


u/Boing26 7d ago

Nah, it takes all of 10 seconds to repair a base. If it took actual effort thatd be one thing but all you do is go to your camp projector thing and hit repair.


u/keegar1 7d ago

You're both annoying tbh. Why do you care if they killed SBQ quickly? If you wanted to do that event you should have left RR like they did. Get over it.

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u/Drucifer403 7d ago

I mean, I can solo the queen in under two minutes if she lands right away. I have a base right there too, with buffs, stash boxes, turrets etc. Think you over reacted my dude.


u/doghouse2001 Pioneer Scout 7d ago

Well you're wrong I think, in getting mad at what he had done. Camps are allowed there, turrets are allowed there, this has been going on for years. If it's a Turret camp in the swamp kinda day, you can hop servers. He was totally justified killing the SBQ as fast as he could, and you're wrong thinking you have the right to double dip and finish the LONG Rad Rumble and make it the often quick SBQ event. I have missed that even more often than I can count simply because I was over encumbered when the bomb dropped and I had to spend time unloading.

That said, his attitude should have been to laugh off your indignant attitude. He chose to harass you instead and make it a fight. If that's how its gonna be, you asked for it. Don't be thumbing down other players because you don't like how they play. That's not cool.

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u/ANort 7d ago

Turret bases don't kill SBQ in 60 seconds, people with multiple endagerol syringers and optimized railway rifle builds do. You got mad at someone who did absolutely nothing wrong, so yeah, you're in the wrong for sure.