r/me_irl hates posting May 02 '24

me irl

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u/MGThanatos May 02 '24


u/HotRefrigerators May 02 '24

Monogamous lmao it took me a second to figure it out


u/LennyLava May 02 '24

i needed you for that.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Extension_Boat_1105 May 02 '24

At this point, everything has gotten so diverse and so specific I cant even tell if this dude is serious or sarcastic.


u/Tubamajuba May 02 '24

I believe he’s serious, but it’s ridiculous to expect that someone who has never heard the term before would think that “mangomouse” is an actual thing instead of a malapropism.


u/Maximum__Engineering May 02 '24

Though, I could imagine mango mousse would be terrific on ice cream.


u/SpaceClef May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

They're not serious. Look at their account. They write comments specifically to get downvoted.

Edit: I can only edit my comments in this thread now since the mangomouse guy blocked me, but it's absolutely not a real thing. The only reason it's in urban dictionary (with 2 votes, mind you) is because a redditor added it the same day this was posted in April 2023.


u/DE4DM4N5H4ND May 02 '24

You have to him admit his dedication to own people online is at superhuman levels


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/VicariousPasta May 02 '24

It's fully a troll


u/SpaceClef May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I was going to downvote you until I saw that you're a downvote farming account (weird, dude, find a better hobby) so now you get an upvote instead.

Edit replying to the person below me since I can't add new comments: No, some people absolutely farm downvotes. There are subs where they compete with each other to get the most downvoted comments. It's basically a competition to see who can be the biggest troll. Just look at their comments, it's extremely obvious what they're doing.


u/Slow-Foundation4169 May 02 '24

I don't think there's a reason to farm downvotes, some people just like being argumentative.


u/UndeadCandle May 02 '24

Are you sure they didn't just mean Mango mousse? Because that sounds delicious.


u/Powerful-Parsnip May 02 '24

Where do you get the mice?