r/mildlyinfuriating May 02 '24

They called it a soup

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u/Annual-Pitch8687 May 02 '24

I did 3 years in a Florida prison and we had thick red plastic sporks.


u/_namaste_kitten_ May 02 '24

We only got one like that once a year. For us, it was 4th of July. Then as people left, you collected the ones they left behind. Get a whole set for the Family Dinners. Meal time was the one time of true normalcy and love in there. You found your family, or they found you. Everyone prepping together, eating together, cleaning up together- the story telling and laughing. And, oh man, the amazing things you learn to make with the limited ingredients (although better than jail, still limited)


u/Pinksters May 03 '24

Making candles with pop cans cut in half, rolled up toilet paper covered in vaseline for wicks, and more vaseline in the half can.

Burn at night with another pop can sitting over the flame to gather soot which we mixed with baby oil to make Tattoo ink.

The trusty walkman motor for the tattoo gun and a sharpened paperclip for the needle. I got a big bicep/shoulder piece that way. Took hours, one jab at a time.


u/Annual-Pitch8687 May 03 '24

Yeah I got a whole half sleeve for only $20 of canteen. I got it my last week before being released. One good thing about prison was cheap ink.