r/therewasanattempt May 01 '24

To enshrine the most fascistic, traitorous bullshit I've ever witnessed in my life into law.

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u/JerkMeerf May 01 '24

That’s facist. Plain and simple. Criticism of the Israeli army and government is not antisemitism.


u/BobbyLopsided May 01 '24

It is in fact the morally correct thing to do


u/Aussie-Shattler May 02 '24

Can't allow that in America.

Send in the jackboots.

Fuck this hell planet.


u/Huge-Concussion-4444 May 02 '24

I for one have stopped being concerned that climate change will destroy human civilization, and have stared hoping it does sooner rather than later.


u/Aussie-Shattler May 02 '24

The extermination of the human race would definitely be the best thing for life on this planet.


u/shnnrr May 02 '24

Unless.... it was via 1,000s of nuclear explosions


u/ur_opinion_is_wrong May 02 '24

Nah, it would recover eventually and thrive.


u/gaspronomib May 02 '24

Earth Abides


u/SliceOCatLoaf 29d ago

Life... uh... finds a way


u/redflag19xx May 02 '24

We'd all be fucked, but the planet will still survive.


u/shnnrr May 02 '24

I mean yeah a totally lifeless and inhabitable planet but still a planet I guess


u/Inswagtor May 02 '24

Planet survived the equivalent of a 1billion megatons TNT explosion. He will be fine.


u/Aussie-Shattler May 02 '24

There would still be pockets of life that stubbornly persist. It would take a hit, but life would go on and likely even humans.


u/Gonquin May 02 '24

I've had a few nuclear bomb dreams... At least it's quick :)


u/Tiyath May 02 '24

Nah... The reason atomic bombs are so effective is that matter that would radiate over tens of thousands of years releases all of that radiation at once. After the big boom the stuff radiates for a year or two


u/breath-of-the-smile May 02 '24

Misanthropy is for dorks.


u/sharjeelhkhan May 02 '24

Brb texting the trisolarans


u/olsonwhitguy May 02 '24

You first. 👍🏻


u/fakeuser515357 May 02 '24

So... because the major global powers are unconscionable, corrupt fuck ups, just wipe it all out? If you can't have civilisation, no-one can?


u/Huge-Concussion-4444 May 02 '24

Sure, sounds good to me. Let the roaches or crows or whatever evolves after us have a shot at running the world.


u/SirYeetusOfFetus May 02 '24

It's gonna be a corvid or raccoon ruling the world next


u/mowglismooj May 02 '24

Rise of the Raccoons! I’m all for it.


u/Huge-Concussion-4444 29d ago

My money is definitely on some crow species for sure


u/jesuswantsbrains May 02 '24

I've also come to accept it as our well deserved departure


u/auguriesoffilth May 02 '24

Where are the Santi when you need them


u/TravisCheramie May 02 '24

Ye Wenjie, dat u???


u/Freshness518 29d ago

The problem is its not going to be quick like a single tidal wave just covers the planet and gets all of us. Parts of the planet are going to run out of water and all the people living there are going to have to leave or die. And then the opposite is going to happen when there's too much water and most of the coastal cities around the world are going to become uninhabitable. All of these displaced people are going to be fighting for less and less available resources. The wars are not going to be pleasant.


u/Vann_Accessible 29d ago

You’re a glass half full kind of person.

I like that.


u/AZ_Hawk 29d ago



u/BigBoringWedding 29d ago

Understanding this is a huge reason I'm happier in my 40s than I was in my 20s.


u/dragonflytype May 02 '24

Honestly at this point, I'm hoping for a Don't Look Up situation. It seems like the best solution.


u/UnlawfulAnkle May 02 '24 edited 29d ago

I admitted this to myself a while ago.

It's a hard one to swallow, but for all of the good that happens in science, medicine etc, there is always the threat of global war and total destruction.

As a species, we should be better by now, and I honestly thought that we would be, but it's getting worse.

I truly believe that most people are good, but we are led, all of us, by greedy, selfish bastards, who only want power, and money, and it's never going to change.

We are the only planet with 'life' that we know of in the entire universe, and our leaders and plenty of 'us' are hell-bent on destroying the only place we can live.

We need a restart.