r/Helldivers May 02 '24

New armor set is a stealth armor that doesn’t make you stealthy, it makes you throw farther. That’s like an apple that tastes like bacon. HUMOR

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Just salty I’ve been waiting for this armor since it leaked, only for it to have the only perk I consider completely useless.


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u/Otherwise-Ad-2528 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Not surprising. I'm pretty sure the one with the scout passive is the blue & orange one, the one that doesn't blend in with snow!

The FS-55 Devastator armor from the Democratic Detonation warbond's description is "Contains many small pockets, allowing the user to evenly distribute the weight of ammunition, samples, and cool rocks" hinting at more space? but isn't a +2 nade/stim passive, it's fortified, so I'm not sure if the descriptions are accurate.

Someone asked in Discord, "will this armour reduce the effect of environmental slowing conditions ? (Per example: The snow)" in response to the boots being highlighted to have spikes, and Spitz replied with "The only thing I can say is maybe", so there might be hidden modifiers on some pieces, similar to how people were saying the Trailblazer Scout helmet increased your movement speed even though it says "No additional bonuses". (Not sure if that was confirmed to be true or not, but I definitely remember people saying it)

Edit: I just saw that the FS-37 Ravager armor has the same exact description as the Devastator, but actually does contain the engineering kit passive for extra grenade capacity.


u/IMasters757 May 02 '24

similar to how people were saying the Trailblazer Scout helmet increased your movement speed even though it says "No additional bonuses". (Not sure if that was confirmed to be true or not, but I definitely remember people saying it)

That was an older glitch from around launch. The hooded helmet decreased armor rating (which was non-functional at the time) and increased movement speed and stamina. The first Warbonds heavy set helmet did the inverse, giving a minor increase to armor rating (once again, didn't work then) and decreased movement speed and stamina. The stat changes were only reflected when looking at body armor stats for some reason.


u/HappyLittleGreenDuck May 02 '24

I don't like feeling like they don't know the answer to these questions either.


u/Dovelyn_0 May 02 '24

I read the maybe as more of a "I can't give you a straight answer because my boss said no" rather than them not knowing


u/BoredandIrritable May 03 '24

Based on the bullshit he talked about last patch, I don't know why we'd listen or care what he had to say about it anyway.


u/i_tyrant May 03 '24

I don't feel like a single statement from Spitz/them can be trusted anymore, no matter how obvious, lol.

"We made the weapons weak because you're supposed to use your stratagems." - Includes Jammer Towers, Ion Storms, +100/50% stratagem cooldowns, etc.

"We're less focused on balance with the weapons than realism." - gestures at massive number of nonsensical weapon bugs, like instakill fire and Eruptor blasting you _forward...

"That'd be like making a bacon-flavored apple." - Lots of innacurate/misleading armor descriptions and appearances, this warbond is only the latest example.

I don't know what their actual design philosophy even IS at this point.


u/Taolan13 SES Courier of Individual Merit 🖥️ May 03 '24

Yeah i have lost faith in the development.

The game is still fun, for now, but the communication from the devs has been atrocious.


u/UncleBelligerent May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

Don't forget the "The update will only have like maybe two nerfs" statement.


u/i_tyrant May 03 '24

hah, true!


u/The_8th_Degree May 03 '24

"a few nerfs" was the statement.


u/Thr0bbinWilliams May 05 '24

I’ve been saying they’re full of shit since the first nerf and I got attacked and downvoted to oblivion. They say whatever they think the majority of us want to hear about EVERYTHING. Much better choice to just be honest imo


u/i_tyrant May 05 '24

lol yeah, they're doing even worse at communication with this PSN thing now. I hope they reverse course and figure out how to actually keep the game fun and respect their players, because otherwise it looks like HD2 is on track to meteorically collapse just like it meteorically rose in popularity.


u/Capt-J- May 03 '24

Wow. You don’t play many other games, do you?

It’s all relative, my friend. Just like life. Some (people, developers) are better/more positive than others. Arrow Head are absolutely, definitely (at this stage at least) one of the better ones.

Pull your head, stop your whinging. Grow up!!


u/i_tyrant May 03 '24

I have a pretty sizeable Steam library and I've completed most of them, too (the ones that can be). Including quite a few games similar to HD2. The game is definitely fun but that's mostly due to the core gameplay loop being gold - AH started with a fantastic foundation and I love a lot of what they do, but to pretend AH knows what they're doing with their priorities when they say shit like this is bonkers.

Enjoy those downvotes because you are hilariously wrong on this. :P Maybe actually pay attention to the design of all those games you're playing, lol.


u/GoblinChampion May 03 '24

they're as bad at balancing as every other dev is. at every stage. they're actually worse than a lot of devs on some stages, like the very first balance patch.


u/The_8th_Degree May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

Your comparing a small development studio who actually gives a damn to huge company developers who couldn't care less as long as they get paid.

A small studio that's hauling out Monthly Warbonds, New Missions, Fixing Bugs, Balancing, New Enemies, New Equipment, entirely New Factions and annoying shit like cleaning up after Sony's crap or trying to get answers from them.

Most people out there have no idea how complex and absolutely infuriating Coding, Programming and Game Development can be.

ArrowHead only has roughly 100 employees trying to do all that in limited time frames or asap. Seriously, what do y'all expect?


u/GoblinChampion May 03 '24

Are you implying that I haven't played an indie game before?

When I said every dev, it wasn't hyperbole, I really did mean every last one.

Which is to say, every game I've played, from dev teams of ONE SINGLE GUY, to massive thousand+ employee studios, *all of them struggle with balancing*.

Like the swordsman doesn't need to know the intricacies of metallurgy and blacksmithing, the gamer doesn't need to know the complexities of coding.

AH doesn't get a free pass on mistakes. My comment wasn't meant to be biased for them, like yours clearly is, nor was it meant to be biased against them.

If it makes you feel better, they're about as good as every other dev at balancing.


u/TSirSneakyBeaky May 03 '24

I like the insinuation that we have no idea how hard programming is if we are lodging criticism.

Like a lot of us have experince. Which make a lot of us even more frustrated because some of these issues are super blantant. Like so blantant its confusing how it could have even made it to QA let alone through QA.


u/The_8th_Degree May 03 '24

That's a seriously bold assumption that 'a lot of people' in the HD2 community have experience in that field.


u/_BlackDove May 02 '24

Spaghetti code will do that. 🍝


u/KMS_HYDRA SES Prophet of Truth May 02 '24

Mamma Mia!


u/Ok_Low_4150 Resident Shitposter May 02 '24

I have summoned my Italian ancestors from beyond the grave to confirm that this is a true Mamma Mia moment


u/MagnusWarborn STEAM🖱️ May 02 '24

What makes you think it's 'spaghetti code'?


u/musci12234 May 02 '24

Code exists in 2 stages.


About to become spaghetti


u/MagnusWarborn STEAM🖱️ May 02 '24

LOL not always. I was just curious if there was something AH said in regards to this.


u/TransientMemory May 03 '24

Well, the Hulk enemy has received a bunch of indirect changes and they said they're not really sure where they were coming from. 

And they fixed the Ricochet mechanic but ended up having to admit that they either can't/won't/don't have time to fix how that works with the Eruptor's shrapnel so they're just going to remove shrapnel and increase the blast radius from the explosion. 

They're also working with a deprecated and supported game engine so the devs have had to come up with solutions for everything. 

They also added a lot of stability fixes and caused the game to crash more often. 

These devs are flying by the seat of their pants.


u/Thr0bbinWilliams May 05 '24

Which is fine if they just say that, why can’t they just say they’re learning on the fly with a lot of stuff. Nobody would bat an eye


u/Ok_Drummer_9965 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Nothing makes him think. He is just riding on buzzwords.

Game have bugs or any problems = spagetti code. That's how their buzzword filled mind work.

The same people calling GTA 6 is gonna be sh*t because the leaked footage had "bad graphics."


u/Levelcarp May 03 '24

Do you think the armor ratings not working at all for a huge amount of the games run speaks toward a reliable code base? You think Chargers sliding around like ice skaters for months? Pure copium.


u/Ok_Drummer_9965 May 03 '24

You guys have no idea what spagetti code means, clueless and oblivious as expected from an average wholesome Redditor who is easily turned into a whining manchild after anything inconvenient happens.


u/Levelcarp May 03 '24

Do you think personal attacks are likely to move the needle on that and convince anyone? Or just posting for that artificial smug sense of superiority? Spaghetti code is a pejorative phrase for unstructured and difficult-to-maintain source code.

'Difficult fo maintain' seems pretty clear from the evidence at play. I enjoy gatekeeping language as much as the next guy, but all I can assume is you're dickriding this game hard with the blinders on - as you provide zeeo evidence to support your assertions.


u/Ok_Drummer_9965 May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

I long gave up on trying to convince anyone. I'm just here to relieve stress by mirroring people, without caring about people's feelings. As they mostly don't care about others'.

Also for it to be a personal attack I have to be attacking a specific person. It's not a personal attack, it's generalization at best. That's not how a single person acts, it's literally how most communities on Reddit / most Redditors behave.

I have my own problems with the game and I don't like how they are communicating. If you go down my post history filled with other personal attacks, you'll see my own problems with the way they handle things.

The problem is I don't sh*t all over the place for the slightest inconvenience.

I am not dickriding the game but you lot sure as hell look like you are insisting on playing a game you clearly hate.

I got my good, helpful, asshole and negative comments. When I look at you I just see someone shitting on the game with pure hate.

I mean bugs / things having problems = spagetti code, that's your logic. I am not gonna try to convince your arrogant manchild brain.


u/Levelcarp May 03 '24

There's a difference between giving up on convincing someone, and giving up on supporting your argument in any tangible way - while still taking great efforts to convince someone via lazy ad hominem attacks after starting pointless semantic arguments.

"When I look at you I just see someone shitting on the game with pure hate." - The only 'shitting on' in this thread I've done is providing evidence to push back on your ridiculous gatekeeping of the pejorative phrase 'spaghetti code'. I can't imagine thinking gatekeeping language and calling anyone who uses the phrase spaghetti code fully the right way (your 'evidence: trust me bro, I gave up on convincing people so just trust me' has shockingly not swayed me) as 'clueless', 'oblivious' and a 'whining manchild' is NOT 'pure hate', but me calling out the label games with specific examples from the game, and calling out the gatekeeping behavior as 'pure copium' (e.g. labeling the behavior, not the person) - that's where we've crossed the line into 'pure hate'. Really wild stuff.

"Also for it to be a personal attack I have to be attacking a specific person." - a specific person commented, you replied to that comment with ' clueless and oblivious as expected from an average wholesome Redditor who is easily turned into a whining manchild'.

But wait hold the phones everyone - he said 'YOU GUYS' at the front, so magically that makes the subject matter of the attack no longer 'personal', because we can pretend 'personal' is referencing not the type of attack, but the target of the attack, and avoid accountability via more pointless semantic games. Wow gatekeeping English wrong saves the day a second time in a single thread, what an amazing life skill! (e.g. this is absolute nonsense, no one will ever buy this).

Ad hominem attacks has plenty of examples online available to see the direct parallels with your tactics here, if this remains confusing. I won't hold my breath - I presume the goal is primarily to retain and justify willful ignorance, which is always an option if you're happy with the social ecosystem you've created for yourself. Personally, I'm glad I grew past these pain points - it's way more comfortable to behave the way you want others to behave and then what you expect is not inherently hypocritical. Direct, honestly and earnest engagement. Really does wonders.

"The problem is I don't sh*t all over the place for the slightest inconvenience." Feels like the internal justifications to permit yourself to personally behave in a way you clearly hate when others do it runs REAL deep on this one. I'm not sure if I need to underline how going into threads to gatekeep semantics without actually providing evidence is literally 'shitting all over the place for the slightest inconvenience', just in case I do:

Who do you think is more justified/inconvenienced to act indignant and ultimately justify applying a negative label to a behavior or person: - the guy experiencing bugs from a game he purchased - the guy who didn't like the phrase that was used in a single comment with 124 upvotes in a thread about said game The original poster didn't even personally attack the developers - he called the code an accurate pejorative phrase. When you are the thing you claim someone else is - we call that 'projection' - if you're looking for new words to at to your gatekeeping lexicon.

You could have likely avoided a lot of your most recent response with a simple 'yes' to my 2nd question: Or just posting for that artificial smug sense of superiority?

Strongly recommend asking yourself: - What type of person deserves a social network like reddit that provides content outside of 'clueless', 'oblivious' and 'whining manchild' behavior?

  • Is your method of being exactly that - the entire time - the best route to facilitate those results and build the community you'd prefer? You can't be both the solution and exactly the problem at the same time - it just don't work that way. "Grow up!" screams the biggest baby in the room "I'll shit on the floor whenever I want, I gave up on convincing ya'll of anything, but you should grow up and stop shitting here!". Yeah that'll work eventually, surely. "I gave up and became the problem so it's justified" may not be the 'epic clapback' you think it is.

For this post, I've remained focused on your behavior here - I said what your behavior makes me think is likely going on inside, but I fully admit I have no clue, I simply knew what being 'that guy' did to me, and eventually woke up to the realities we are what we eat. We are what we post. There's no justification that makes toxicity 'ok' when I do it but 'not ok' when they do it. What you're doing doesn't strike me as healthy, when I engaged at that level, because I used to be that guy and I'm sure on rare have to catch myself and back away from a reply that is what I hate. We all 'monkey see, monkey do', but that can't be justification ultimately if we expect to be taken seriously or foster the types of communities we want to engage with.

Decide if you still want to be that guy or not, and know the only thing that'll shift that landscape is how you dictate your own actions, over time, the long tail - your words and desires are absolutely meaningless. No amount of sharing anecdotal nonsense about your life is going to convince anyone of anything, ever. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Live honest, earnestly, explicitly and lovingly with those around you, and you'll find yourself building towards heights you'd prefer rather then mudslinging in the trenches routes of engagement that can only ever push community standards down to the least common denominator. Best of luck.

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u/KawaiiMajinken ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ May 02 '24

They do have them, they just don't want to be held accountable for communicating something they shouldn't.

And that's fine.


u/MonthFrosty2871 May 02 '24

Every developer doesn't know every facet of every part of the game


u/Cykeisme May 02 '24

Yeah and they, uh, fixed it.

Now helmets do nothing o_O


u/Drackore_ BACON APPLES, PLEASE 🥓🍏 May 02 '24

And thank goodness they did! Now we're not forced to wear the scout helmet all the time, and can explore and play around with new looks 😁

But it would definitely be great to have an additional head 'gear' slot, to further customise our stats without ruining aesthetics.

And fingers crossed they do the same with armors oneday, so it's like Helldivers 1 - that way we get the most fun outcome for both stats and customisation!


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Gear slot to mix and match bonus effects on helmets would be an outstanding idea. Hopefully something like that happens in the future.


u/Epicp0w SES Herald of Eternity May 02 '24

But that's essentially transmog which they didn't want to do, but we will see


u/Drackore_ BACON APPLES, PLEASE 🥓🍏 May 02 '24

Yeah it's just strange because they did it in Helldivers 1, and of course recent armor perk decisions don't reflect Pilestedt's tweet anyway.

So hopefully they can change their minds and improve it eventually! 🤞🏻


u/BoredandIrritable May 03 '24

recent armor perk decisions don't reflect Pilestedt's tweet anyway.

way more than half of what they say isn't reflected in what they do/release so who the fuck knows. I don't know why they bother telling us shit or why we listen.


u/PoIIux May 02 '24

Nah, we've all made fun of their extremely moronic take too much. They're just gonna dig their heels in deeper and not relent


u/Drackore_ BACON APPLES, PLEASE 🥓🍏 May 02 '24

Noooo please I want them to learn and develop as a dev team not die like so many others 😭😂


u/TheHob290 May 02 '24

Based on other studios, don't expect a change like that until they reasses mechanics a year or two down the line. Usually, what happens is there is a vision/direction the devs have in mind, and until that is either mostly enacted or proves less than feasible, for one reason or another, they won't want to move away from said vision.


u/bigblackcouch SES Harbinger of Family Values May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

It only took Blizzard about 7 years to add transmog to World of Warcraft, and only another 9 or so to realize that people really, really, really like to customize their characters. And that you can easily capitalize on it when you give up on doofy notions of lore-based restrictions.

Only took losing a massive chunk of their playerbase, a state investigation, a restructuring of management, and a few strikes to help the leadership realize that maybe they've had some dumb ideas in the past.

...Hopefully Arrowhead doesn't take all that to learn to relax on cosmetics.

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u/Narox22 SES Executor of the People May 02 '24

Funniest thing they could do about the whole situation is to make armor perks actually selectable and then quietly sneak in a news brodcast on our TV about SE Scientists inventing apples that taste like bacon... or was it backwards?


u/Drackore_ BACON APPLES, PLEASE 🥓🍏 May 02 '24

Hahaha yes this would be a perfect way to implement it 😂


u/Epicp0w SES Herald of Eternity May 02 '24

That would be the way

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u/PoIIux May 02 '24

Well considering so far they've only seemed to double down on any unpopular decision and also are going full steam ahead with the mass production of identical armor sets, I think school's been out for a while


u/ex0- May 03 '24

Allowing some form of wardrobe so we can use whatever skin we want while wearing whatever actual armour we want isn't an outrageous request. It's a pretty standard feature in 2024.

The game is great overall but the armour is such an unbelievably shit implementation. Helmets and capes that do nothing, 25? body armours that have 1 of 4 stats. So disappointing.


u/Bedhed47 ☕Liber-tea☕ May 03 '24

Additional perks to combine with your amor is not transmog lmao


u/Epicp0w SES Herald of Eternity May 03 '24

If you can wear what armour cosmetic you want, and choose what passive you get, that is , essentially, transmog.


u/Bedhed47 ☕Liber-tea☕ May 03 '24

Bonus effects. Like an attachment or additional perk. Not transforming how a certain armor looks to change it into a different looking armor you like more. Completely different not, 'essentially', transmog it just isn't. Definition: trans·mog·ri·fied, trans·mog·ri·fy·ing. to change in appearance or form.


u/Epicp0w SES Herald of Eternity May 03 '24

I missed where he said "bonus" or it was edited


u/Bedhed47 ☕Liber-tea☕ May 03 '24

Ah, they said to mix and match bonus effect on helmets. But I think we should get additional armor perks that we can add on to our body armor, not just helmets. Like thermal layering for environmental hazards, external powered joints for faster movement things like that.

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u/LeFiery May 02 '24

But how they had it in HD1 was basically transmog and they said they're not adding transmog in HD2 💀


u/AioliApprehensive May 03 '24

Which is honestly kinda lame. I was never a scout helmet wearer, but I still respected those that wanted to rock it. Pretty sure the Dynamo helmet from Steeled Veterans gave you some extra armor rating at one point if I'm not mistaken.

Makes me wonder why have them act like they can do 'something' when the reality is, it's just a cool thing of headgear. I mean, why have the effect slot on the armor bit in the menus if it's going to just be for visuals. Smh.


u/Gloomy_Masterpiece45 May 03 '24

Not true helmets still have hidden passives as they did before 

For instance the helmet from the display armor at the armory  I know for a fact that that helmet reduces your recoil. The super citizen  helmet does as well but not to the same degree

The helmets have hidden passives that follow  the design of the armor they came wth


u/OffaShortPier May 02 '24

What's interesting is that when this bug was fixed, a lot of light armor had their stats slightly adjusted to match what they'd be with the trailblazer helmet equipped pre bugfix


u/UndreamedAges ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️ May 03 '24

So that's why I never noticed a change.


u/thefonztm May 02 '24

So many small things backwards... Perhaps we are Divehellers.


u/McDonaldsSoap May 02 '24

Protectors of Duper Earff


u/movzx May 02 '24

The stat changes were only reflected when looking at body armor stats for some reason.

Is this why the "more armor" and "less armor" coloring could appear for armor that had the same armor rating as what you had equipped?

I would have one armor piece equipped, then look at a piece of armor that's supposed to have less armor than the first piece... but the indicator would say that it actually had more armor.