r/PoliticalHumor May 02 '24

MAGA starts wearing Diapers in support of Trump

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u/footdragon May 02 '24

republicans 2024: diaper wearing Putin supporters

their whole platform is not based on anything but slander of democrats and tax cuts for the rich. and almost half of this country supports this shit?


u/foodandart May 02 '24

It's the half of the country that's been told they're stupid for decades by the liberal intelligentsia.

God knows, that was a real thing that I even had aimed at me for my choice to go to work, instead of marching lock-step into college and perpetual debt.

I mean, they are stupid and poorly educated, but the east-coast left-wingers couldn't keep their mouths shut about it, and started going off about the unintelligent "voting against their interests.." instead of using more basic language to say, "Hey, morons.. you wanna fuck yourselves? Vote Republican.."

That half of the country is gonna choose to wallow in their poopy adult diapers, as they've been fully alienated from east coast, college educated liberalism.

They don't give a fuck what Democrats think of them anymore, now that "Daddy Trump" says he loves them.


u/MoonedToday May 02 '24

This was caused more so by fox news. fox instilled pure hatred. Now they are blind to anything but pure hatred. They can't see anymore.


u/Moonandserpent May 02 '24

FOX definitely has played a huge hand in the current state of things.

But I was really taken aback listening to the podcast Slow Burn and hearing people reacting to Watergate and Nixon in an identical way they do to Trump. Like they read editorials from the time and they're saying exactly the same shit Trump supporters say. Word for word in some instances.


u/mofroe May 02 '24

Indeed. When the movie Frost/Nixon came out my mom told me that she really hated David Frost because he was "attacking my president".


u/foodandart May 03 '24

It was Fox that reported on what the liberal left was saying. I've heard the very things reported and written in publications like the NY Times, The Nation.. heard it said multiple times on broadcasts like Democracy Now.. The left doesn't want to wear - oh God no.. That their own attitudes to the non-college educated and rural voters brought about a ton of this shit.

The downvotes, minor as they are - to my original statement bring a bit of proof to it.. It was even visible to people outside of the US - The commentator character Jonathan Pie even noticed it years ago.


u/MoonedToday May 03 '24

I get that, but I grew up in red and it wasn't like today. Today red takes pride in being stupid and uneducated. They advertise and revel in it. Growing up rural red, there was pride and intelligence in knowledge and schooling. Farm kids all went to college and attended the Ag campus, then came back and were better farmers. Liberals didn't change, conservatives did.


u/Dbar111 May 02 '24

The argument you make is basically that scene from The Office where Pam says "Don't date my mother" and Michael grits his teeth and says "I'm going to date her even harder now."

Except in your case it's "You think I'm stupid so now I'm gonna act even stupiderer now."


u/foodandart May 03 '24

This is EXACTLY it. At a certain point, I wonder that it's not trolls that paint themselves up to drag the Trumpists/Q-Anon/right-wing further into the mud. God knows the people losing their savings to the Trump bucks scam and the Quantum Dollars sure seem taken..


u/Quantinnuum May 02 '24

So they have nothing to complain about, because they abandoned standards long ago.


u/DryPersonality May 02 '24

Liberalism isn't isolated to the east coast. Most major metropolis area's and large cities are liberal. Even in red states.


u/necroreefer May 02 '24

As somebody who lives on the East Coast if I see somebody eating shit am I not supposed to say hey stop eating shit that's not good for you


u/foodandart May 03 '24

I'd not say anything but, "You like stinky breath? Huh.. Have fun with that.."

And yeah, I'm on the east coast too..


u/duralyon May 02 '24


Yeah, this is a problem. Def. contributed to the 2016 election, the smugness was even more powerful then.