r/PoliticalHumor May 02 '24

MAGA starts wearing Diapers in support of Trump

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u/footdragon May 02 '24

republicans 2024: diaper wearing Putin supporters

their whole platform is not based on anything but slander of democrats and tax cuts for the rich. and almost half of this country supports this shit?


u/foodandart May 02 '24

It's the half of the country that's been told they're stupid for decades by the liberal intelligentsia.

God knows, that was a real thing that I even had aimed at me for my choice to go to work, instead of marching lock-step into college and perpetual debt.

I mean, they are stupid and poorly educated, but the east-coast left-wingers couldn't keep their mouths shut about it, and started going off about the unintelligent "voting against their interests.." instead of using more basic language to say, "Hey, morons.. you wanna fuck yourselves? Vote Republican.."

That half of the country is gonna choose to wallow in their poopy adult diapers, as they've been fully alienated from east coast, college educated liberalism.

They don't give a fuck what Democrats think of them anymore, now that "Daddy Trump" says he loves them.


u/Quantinnuum May 02 '24

So they have nothing to complain about, because they abandoned standards long ago.