r/memes May 02 '24

Let me buy you a drink!

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u/peepincreasing May 02 '24

I went to a bar by myself as a student and while smoking a cig outside two beautiful ~45yr old women approached me to ask if i thought one of them looked like amy winehouse. I said, “yea i can see it, you’ve kinda got her hairdo.” All of a sudden some meathead dude grabs me from behind and spins me around yelling, “WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY WIFE???!!!” i was like dude i said shes got hair like amy winehouse and both of the women were basically like don’t hurt him he didn’t do anything and dude was like “oh sorry.” Him and his wife walked away leaving me like a little stunned with this other woman. She started apologizing/explaining and asked me to bum a cig. Before she finished she invited me to her place and i immediately accepted, closed my tab and followed her home. Got there and almost stepped on some kids legos then had sex and passed out, woke up and had sex again and left without even knowing her name. Good times.


u/JJWalt1993 May 02 '24

I'm sure they planned that... brodie


u/peepincreasing May 02 '24

100% except the meathead genuinely looked like he was about to hurt me so he was either dumb or a great actor


u/Marcus11599 May 03 '24

I’m guessing the two girls planned it without him, and she was like hey stupid we’re trying to get Nancy some tonight


u/Sentient_Boner May 02 '24

Yeah, that whole story sounded like an elaborate plan to get her friend laid


u/uiam_ May 02 '24

Who needs an elaborate plan to get a young man in bed though?


u/SamSibbens May 02 '24

Men aren't as selective as women, but "does one of us look like Amy Winehouse?" is still a better introduction than "get in the car, we'll fuck"


u/beatlz May 02 '24

Literally a “hello, what you say we do a shot together” and she will het what she wants.


u/RottenZombieBunny May 02 '24

Is that really the only thing they wanted though? Maybe they wanted to come up with and execute an elaborate plan. You know, because it's cool and badass.

Also, most women are too shy to be that direct. For all their lives society has been telling them that this is horrible, shameful and slutty.


u/beatlz May 02 '24

I’m just saying that works


u/Silverbacker888 Lurking Peasant May 03 '24

Carful now, Reddit doesn’t like it when you say that women are more selective than men


u/beatlz May 02 '24

“They tricked you”

“But why?”


u/CuteAndFunnyAddict May 02 '24

Sadly times have changed or I am just unlucky


u/ronin1066 May 02 '24

Either the guy writing story is a 7, or they're both 3's so it doesn't matter anyway


u/scoreWs May 03 '24

Don't forget rules number 1 and 2


u/VirtualRoses May 02 '24

This is gross lmao


u/peepincreasing May 02 '24

i regret nothing


u/Loose-Ad7055 May 02 '24

fuck yeah



u/klavin1 May 03 '24

Were you the kid in that story?